Published at 8th of May 2024 08:14:43 AM

Chapter 237: Chapter 237: Chapter 235: Pure and Handsome Young Man

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Chapter 237: Chapter 235: Pure and Handsome Young Man


Translator: 549690339

After asking Camille Victoria about the source of the news, Lincoln realized that he was trending again.

A passerby had taken a photo of him entering the night club and posted it online, which quickly made it to the hot searches.

The direction of public opinion was also strange.

Just from the netizens comments, Lincoln thought it wasnt him who had come to the bar, but their favorite idol had gone into the sea! Its over, a man with money is going to turn bad!

Boss Lin has fallen!

Heartbreaking! A poor scholar slips and falls into the extravagant lifestyle of the metropolis, becoming intoxicated by wealth and pleasure! Morals have declined, peoples hearts have become untrustworthy!

Nonsense! Whats untrustworthy about peoples hearts? Isnt it ancient enough for rich people to go to brothels and entertainment venues to listen to music?!

Lincoln was puzzled, was this actually defending him?

This was clearly wishing for his death!

Didnt I just come to a bar? How come its like I got caught soliciting prostitution?!

A bunch of media outlets, having nothing better to do, forwarded the story.

It wasnt just accounts in the gaming field sharing it, but also many social news and entertainment gossip accounts.

The most outrageous part was that even entrepreneurship, business, investment, and finance-related accounts were freaking sharing it!

Wheres your professionalism? Wheres your serious tone?!

It seemed that ever since Game Base published the article Offer salutes for the birth of the king to congratulate Mirage Console for reaching 10 million units in market share, becoming the new king of the gaming industry, these media outlets had started to focus on him.

Lincoln couldnt help but wonder, why didnt they report when he released new games, and now they were forwarding gossip with all their might?

Couldnt they do something serious?

Mavis, is someone intentionally trying to smear me? Lincoln typed the question to Mavis on his mobile phone.

BuzzNo! If there is, Mavis will alert Master!

Alright, Lincoln nodded, the power of his blacklist was still there.

But it was a pity that he couldnt catch more people to put on the blacklist.

Lincoln shook his head and sent a text message back to Camille Victoria: Im not here for fun. Fred and the others need more realistic night scene sensory data, so Im here to gather material. If I hadnt been discovered, I could have disguised you and brought you along to watch the excitement, but now that its on the hot searches, you must not come. It will be a big deal, and your fans will tear me apart.

Lincoln had no doubt about this, the power of the Princesss mom fans was truly terrifying.

They were not mindless fans; on the contrary, their largest proportion tended to be older, mature and rational individuals who usually had their own lives and careers and wouldnt interfere with her life.

Even if they met the Princess by chance in their daily lives, they would be so excited that they would voluntarily stay a meter or two away.

But if someone angered them, things would get extremely serious!

Taking Little Princess to the night clubwas definitely one of those situations!

Of course, this wasnt to say that the Princess didnt have mindless fans.

She had quite a few, and even compared to celebrities, their numbers were impressive.

However, such sizable mindless fans had a relatively low overall proportion among the Princesss fan base, which demonstrated just how horrifying the base of rational fans was!

Lincoln knew he couldnt afford to mess with them.

Fortunately, the Princess herself was obedient and not rebellious, and she readily agreed.

However, during the second half of the night club visit, Lincoln saw Xu Qiuyun taking out her phone frequently, typing incessantly.

When he asked her who she was chatting with, she just gave a meaningful smile and said, Guess?

Cut the crap.

Lincoln opened the Spiritual Rhinoceros account and started editing a post.

With no choice, he couldnt just sit idly by and let his reputation be tarnished, right?

Edit, post

I wanted to give you all a surprise, but instead, this is how you see me. Im so disappointed!

Since you dont like bars, fine, as you wish.

There will be no bars in the new game!

Xu Qiuyun thought Lincoln was going to seriously write a statement, explaining that he had come there on official business when she saw him open the Spiritual Rhinoceros interface

But when she saw the content he posted, she was also stunned. What did he mean?

Are you planning to give in, or are you threatening the players?

That depends on their performance.

Alright, so are you leaving now? Xu Qiuyun reminded him, Although this place limits the number of people allowed in, there might still be people

sneaking in to watch you.

I cant. After today, if I want to go to a night club again, Ill be even more watched. I have to fully experience it today! Lincoln adamantly refused to leave and instead looked at Xu Qiuyun: Does your golden membership card offer any discounts for reserved seats?

Xu Qiuyun rolled her eyes, not having any self-awareness about her wealth, huh?

Havent you ever thought that the time you spend trying to save with discounts, your automatically increasing fortune would probably surpass the amount you save by multiples!

I know, Lincoln nodded, But when I try to save money with discounts, my automatically increasing wealth doesnt stop either, right?

Lincoln looked seriously at Xu Qiuyun, Why not save money when you can?

His words made so much sense that Xu Qiuyun couldnt argue. She simply took out the card and handed it to Lincoln.

Just as Lincoln had settled down in the reserved seat with the help of the unique membership card, his phone lit up again. This time, the caller was Xu Chun.

Lincoln got up without hesitation and went to find a quiet place to answer the phone.

Online, Lincoln had put his phone away after posting on Spiritual Rhinoceros and didnt bother with it anymore.

But upon seeing his post, the players, on the other hand, werent so calm!

What do you mean? New game?!

I thought so! The bars in Assassins Alliance were all clean bars for listening to music and drinking. They lacked any fun atmosphere because nobody had gone to the actual place to gather materials!

Stop arguing! Didnt you see Lincolns words? New games content is being deleted?!

If you say that, I can only say that you dont understand game development. Development plans are set, and theres no such thing as not making whats planned. No game company is so childish to play around. Lincoln is just scaring you guys with some angry words!

You upstairs, you might know a lot about game development, but you dont know Lincoln at all! I bet my two years worth of pocket money that he would do something like this!

Enough talking! Who was just smearing our genius game developer? Come out and apologize!

@Lincoln, no! We want night clubs! We want health care! We want customs stores! We want beautiful girls to clean our ears! Go gather materials quickly! Ill testify that youre doing it for work. In my eyes, youll always be a pure and innocent beautiful boy!

Agreed, pure and innocent beautiful boy!

Lets not talk about the delirious players for now. Normal players also started looking for posts that slandered, speculated, and led the conversation, frantically apologizing in the comment section.

Even those who didnt comment but merely shared the story to watch the action and fan the flames were invaded in their comment sections, full of voices demanding apologies.

Its just that the words they used were a bit strange

Hurry up and apologize to the pure and innocent beautiful boy!

Please report us if you find any errors so we can fix it asap!