Published at 8th of May 2024 08:14:38 AM

Chapter 239: Chapter 239: Chapter 237: Bicycle Blood Case

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Chapter 239: Chapter 237: Bicycle Blood Case


Translator: 549690339

Warner resigns, NetDragon Supervisor -1.

Richard is infuriated and desperately angry at the air.

Xu Chun joins, Cloud Dream General +1.

Lincoln is in a good mood watching dancing in a bar.

He even went to the virtual world with Mavis before going to bed, recreating the night club one-to-one.

Seeing Maviss shiny eyes, he couldnt bear to refuse and even accompanied Mavis to dance wildly in the dance pool, playing for half a day.

At the night club, he didnt let loose, just walked around the dance floor a few times, feeling the atmosphere, and Camille Victoria rolled her eyes at him.

But with Mavis, Lincoln was very open, following the music and dancing wildly, not feeling embarrassed at all. When he was happy, he even picked up Mavis and spun her around.

Mainly because Mavis was also just jumping around, always laughing foolishly, it was easy for people to be happy with her.

Anyway, other than the two of them, everyone else was an NPC, so Lincoln was very open.

Eventually, Mavis, who was worried about his health due to staying up late, urged him to go offline like a little housewife and hurry to bed.

To let him catch up on his sleep, she didnt even wake him up in the morning.

It wasnt until the Sunday preliminary selection battle started that he woke up groggily.

Lying in bed, he felt like there were a lot of things to do:

Ling Tin had initially narrowed down three locations for the Experience Store and wanted him to take a look.

The prosthetic company had started recruiting a large number of employees, but they still only had assistive tools for visual and hearing impairments and not yet prosthetic limbs for those with physical disabilities.

The newly- unlocked Hibernation Warehouse and its bioelectric muscle stimulation technology havent been studied yet.

Speaking of which, the counter-attack technology he hadnt researched before seemed quite practical and might reduce the chance of accidentally getting smacked into hot searches?

Oh right, the night scene sensory data hadnt been made into a data package and shared in Cloud Dreams development tool library yet.

Was there anything else?

Lincoln shook his head, feeling very speechless.

When you have one important thing to do, its easy to come up with a thought: Get a grip, finish it in one go, and you can rest.

Instead, you might think, Theres so much to do, I cant finish it all at once, so forget it, let me lie down for a while longer.

Lincoln didnt forget to find excuses for himself: Mavis, how many days have I saved in my vacation piggy bank?

Six days!

Take one day out, I suddenly dont feel like moving. Okay! Does Master want to watch the competition with Mavis?

But Im so sleepy

Master can come sleep here! Mavis will sing a lullaby for you!

Lincoln thought about it, Alright, but I want to request a beautiful girl to clean my ears.

Okay, Mavis has prepared the tools!

Here it comes. Lincoln didnt even fully open his eyes, reaching out to open the bedside table drawer and put on the headband.

Then he reached out to feel for the start button but touched nothing the headband suddenly disappeared!

The next moment, he felt a soft little hand pressing on his face.

It turns out that Mavis couldnt wait and directly activated the headband for him.

Lincoln reached out to pat Mavis head, gently rubbing it. Mavis obediently tilted her head to cooperate with him.

Mavis, is there anything fun happening today?

Yes, Lance and Shuihua are participating in todays morning competition. I put them both in the same competition map! Mavis laughter carried a hint of malice. Whether they encounter each other or not depends on their fate-

Youre so mischievous. Lincoln couldnt help but laugh along, patting Mavis head lightly.

He had only found out about the situation between Lance and Shuihua through Camille Victoria, and was rather curious about how their relationship would develop.

If they do run into each other, remember to remind me. Lincoln couldnt resist some gossip.

Okay! Mavis will not forget Masters request!

Eating melons together was the new social norm.

Lincoln laid down his hand, adjusted his position, and planned to go back to sleep.

Mavis gently rubbed his ears and prepared a full set of tools for him, getting ready to give Lincoln a whole set of ear cleaning.

The tools were all directly copied from online videos Mavis had found, and she was eager to try them out on Lincoln.

After all, it was a virtual world, and there should be no harm for a beginner. Even if an eardrum was accidentally punctured, it could be healed instantly and wouldnt cause any damage.

To ensure complete safety, Mavis even secretly turned off the pain feedback signal for Lincoln.

The sofa was a bit small, so Mavis moved Lincolns head onto her lap, took out a peacock feather, and gently brushed it across his face.

Although Lincoln was still half-asleep, the tickling sensation felt incredibly comfortable.

They were peaceful and quiet here, but the Metropolis was about to go wild.

Lance and Shuihua werent the only ones participating in todays competitions.

Out of the 7 -day preliminary selection, today had the most players.

Players on the first day had figured out the route. The second day was Sunday, when there were the most players with free time, so there was a surge in registration.

On Saturday, 1.7 million players registered, and although a few players were absent and didnt compete, the actual number of participating players was still over 1.69 million.

But on Sunday, the number of registrations rose to a whopping 2.8 million!

This meant that at 9 a.m., 1.4 million players were fighting simultaneously across 140 mirrored maps!

Lances team consisted of five members from the Burned Boat Clubs first team, plus five selected players from the substitutes and second team, forming a full ten-person team.

This would also be the composition of the clubs team.

After all, in the past, the competition format was mostly 5v5 team competitions, so club players were naturally trained according to this rule.

Shuihuas team was completely randomly matched, with nine strangers as teammates. There was no cooperation; everyone was just there to have fun and participate.

Besides this map, the teams from the Super Tomato Organization, Warehouse Bird Organization, Hardcore Streaming Players, two other club teams, and Folk Great God Players had all joined their respective battlefields at the same time.

Having gained experience, very few initial battles occurred, and the majority revolved around the scramble for transportation vehicles.

Over 10 million viewers across various platforms even witnessed a large-scale melee incident over a bicycle:

Six squads fought tooth and nail for the bicycle, throwing away 38 lives in the process!

It wasnt until five of the squads could no longer maintain the fight, conceding defeat and leaving, that the battle finally ended.

And since everyone was so keen on kill-stealing, only four players remained in the winning squad

Not even half an hour into the competition, this absurd bloodshed caused by a bicycle quickly caused a sensation in the player circle, making everyone reconsider:

Are transportation vehicles a convenience or a trap?

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