Published at 13th of September 2023 05:12:42 AM

Chapter 37

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IllyasArt Hello! This is my latest novel! Unlike my other novels, this one isn't finished yet. The first volume is finished, though. And you can buy it on Amazon here. If you would be so kind, you can also get the first volume(and anything else I've made.) on my Patreon for donating $10 or over that, here. If you wish for updates, the $10 and over tiers will give you access to chapters when I actually finish them. (Maybe one a day? Idk, as I will be mainly working on other novels as well. But, there will at least be one new chapter every few days.)

Chapter 37: The Kingdom of Tuseoun.

*Celia’s POV*

After a few hours of riding in the carriage, we made it to Tuseoun. If the front gate was anything to go by, this place was going to be amazing! I dabbled in architecture, and the walls of this kingdom are the best that I have ever seen.

I can easily recognize the building technique as one from my time. So, either knowledge from thousands of years ago was passed down, or other reincarnater’s had affected the development in this new fantasy age. Oddly, I feel that Yona’s kingdom had better buildings… Maybe I am just remembering wrong?

Areina: “Celia, do not worry about the entry fee. As nobles, we do not have to pay it. And they won’t think to ask you for payment.” She said with a warm tone.

Celia: “That’s good, considering that I don’t have any money... Celestium, I mean.” I say with a giggle.

Sana: “No Celestium? Even with that magical pouch?” She asked with a raised eyebrow.

Celia: “The pouch was a gift. The person that gave it to me, gave me my weapons, and even paid for the teleportation array.” I explain.

Areina: “Then, you truly had no intention of taking that man’s deal?” She asked.

Celia: “Absolutely not. He was a fool, and I was just distracting him so your knights could deal with the carriage without being attacked.” I reply.

Sana: “Celia… you said that you lived in a forest, yes? Might I ask what the name of it is?” She asked with a nervous tone.

Celia: “Apparently, it doesn’t have a name. Though, it is the forest in between Leretia and Evaclearian.” I reply.

Sana: “…”

Oh? Why is she stock still? Is it that shocking that I lived in that forest for a little bit? Ah, right… I said that I lived in it most of my life. Can’t go back on that lie now…

Sana: “How… how long did you live in that forest?” She asked with a grim tone.

Celia: “It is hard to say… I woke up in that forest, but all I remembered was my name, and my age. Ah, I woke up there when I was 6.” I explain.

Ah… and now it is Areina turn to be shocked. I’m sorry! Technically, I am telling SOME truth, just with a little bit of lies sprinkled in. I am not keen on letting people know that I can use a System, and that I am a reincarnater.

I couldn’t help it with Yona, since she must have been watching me ever since I “saved” her from those Primal Goblins. As for Amelie, that was just bad luck on my part. Or just because of my own stupidity, by sleeping in a random persons house uninvited…

The two seemed to be lost in thought, and didn’t speak at all while we entered Tuseoun. The city was vibrant, and absolutely beautiful. From the window of the carriage, I could see a sprawling city, inhabited by very happy looking people of various races.

Areina: “Celia, we will be at the Guild very soon.” She said.

Celia: “Cool. Do I have to go wait in a line, or something?” I ask.

Areina: “No. My family is very powerful. As such, we can just get a private room.” She replied.

Areina still seemed to be lost in thought… A few minutes later, we arrived at an interesting building. It did not look like a generic fantasy guild building at all. Frankly, it fucking sparkled! Did they build this place out of magical bricks, or something!?

I have not explored this kingdom at all, but I would willingly make a bet that this building is the most regal, and expensive one in this entire city! When I realized that the two women were looking at me with a curious gaze, I was really confused…

Celia: “What?” I ask with a head tilt.

Sana: “It’s just that, you’re truly acting your age…” She said with a sigh.

Cool, it seems my cover is still working. But I am actually older than 16… I don’t think that I should feel complimented by that comment. Not cool! Well, at least my soul is older…

With a pout, I exited the carriage with the two women. After walking inside, I was even more impressed. There were different sections of this building. One was a very nice looking and smelling restaurant. The other two sections were for help desks, and then a large board full of papers. My best guess is that those are quest that the Guild put up.

Areina flagged down an employee, and then we were guided to a private room. Good lord… even this private room was amazing. Well, I guess that is to be expected, considering that Areina’s family is apparently powerful.

I was left in the room while those two went somewhere else. So I just stood in the room waiting for them to come back. And they came back around ten minutes later.

Sana gestured to me to sit down on a nice looking couch. In front of the couch was another that looked exactly the same. Rather than sit with me, they both stood behind the couch that I was sitting on. Right before I asked them about this, the door to the room opened up.

A woman, wearing what could only be a priest’s dress, showed up. Her face was visible from her habit, but most of her body was covered. Shame… I like hot nuns. Well, I guess that it’s a good thing that she isn’t dressed in a hot outfit, considering that she is clearly an old woman.

Old Priest: “So, this is the child?” She asked with a curious tone.

Areina: “That is correct.” She said with a bow.

The fuck? Why is Areina bowing to a priest? Fuck… did I get scammed or something?

Old Priest: “My name is Kirva, young lady. There is no need to be afraid of me.” She said with a laugh after sitting down on the couch in front of me.

Celia: “Then why did Sana and Areina bow to you? Aren’t they powerful nobles?” I ask with a raised eyebrow.

Kirva: “People know to respect me.” She said with a shrug.

Celia: “Why’s that?” I ask.

Kirva: “Lies cannot be used on me, as I can see through them. Anger me, and I might just force you to reveal your deepest darkest secrets.” She answered.

Celia: “So, did I get conned?” I ask with a sigh.

Kirva: “Conned?” She said with a confused expression.

Celia: “Scammed. Areina said that I was just going to get an ID. She didn’t mention anything about me being interrogated.” I reply with an annoyed tone.

Kirva: “I see…” She said with an expression that I could not place.

Now then, how should I deal with this situation? I could run, but that would be bad. If I stay here, and answer this woman questions, everything would be revealed…

Running it is then! Getting up from my seat quickly, I make a heel turn and run towards the door. Once I opened up the door, a very strong person completely blocked my path…

Please report us if you find any errors so we can fix it asap!