Chitose-kun wa Ramune Bin no Naka - Volume 1 - Chapter 2.9

Published at 10th of May 2024 06:00:47 AM

Chapter 2.9

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Knock, knock, knock.

I knocked on the door of Yamazaki’s room, since it was useless to pretend to be his mother.

I heard that he told his mother, “They’re not my friends, so don’t let them in the house,” but compared to her son, who was locked in his room, she seems determined to believe in warm-blooded friendships.

If I may say so, she probably wants to believe in the possibility that we can persuade Yamazaki.

She was a bit overwhelmed by the fact that the lake was far brighter than the sky, but she was able to use her innate communication skills to create an atmosphere like an aunt and niece who were already close to each other.

“I promised I’d come this week, too.”

There was no response from behind the door. No, the sudden silence was a reaction.

“I think it’s only useful to pretend you’re not at home if I don’t know if you’re in your room, and since I know you’ve never left your room, isn’t that pointless? If you don’t respond, I’ll play you my recent RAP version of the Heart Sutra that I’ve been obsessed with. How about it, yo, yo!”

After all, he was a student at Fujishi High School, so I’m sure he understood what I was saying right away. A disgusted tone came from the room.

“I told you not to come in, but here you are again…..”

“I’m a friend who cares about you, or at least that’s what your mother thinks.”

“It’s a good thing you’re good-looking. You’re more trusted by mother than her own son just because of that. So …… is Uchida here too?”

Ohhh, the name changed from Chitose’s meat slave to Uchida’s classmate. Uchida seems to have captured this guy’s heart. This week, he must have repeatedly recalled that short five-minute conversation.

Unfortunately, I won’t allow the stagnation.

“She didn’t come because of club activities.”

“…… I knew it. I was sure that it was the case of ‘I’ve come to help Chitose to score points in his heart, but as soon as I see that things are difficult, I give up.’”

Yamazaki’s tone of voice was impatient.

Such a simple response is really helpful.

“She’s not that kind of person, she’s always thinking about you, but she’s very busy. So, I brought another person here today.”

The person next to me, Yuuko, took a step closer to the door.

“Hello! I’m Yuuko Hiiragi from the same class. You don’t seem to go to school. What’s wrong?”


There was silence for ten to fifteen seconds.

“……Hiiragi, Hiiragi? Is it that Hiiragi? The number one sex slave of Chitose? What do you want to achieve by bringing this bitch to my house? You want to show off your harem?”

He had probably not even thought about the possibility that showing off doesn’t have even a micrometer of benefit to me. I don’t need to make a point of stepping on shady characters to confirm that I’m popular. Also, can you not use the words “meat slave”, “shit whore” or “harem” in your daily life, it’s too embarrassing, I thought to myself.

“…… Saku, what are the words “sex slave” and “bitch” supposed to mean?”

“By sex slave he means that your heart and body belong to me, and by bitch he means a slut.”

“I’m not sure I’m going to be able to let that slide. Sex slave is okay whatever but slut is going too far. I am his and his alone.”

…You’re accepting that.

Yamazaki immediately retorted.

“You can say that in front of Chitose but everyone’s been talking about it you know? That you are having an affair with Muzushino and Asano.”

“I’m not! Kazuki and Kaito are my good friends and I love them, but Saku is special even among them. And also, who is everyone? Tell me, I want to solve these misunderstandings.”

“Everyone means everyone. The rumor’s been going around the whole school year.”

“So who do you mean specifically? If there are too many people, you don’t need to point out everyone.”

“I don’t remember, I heard of it long ago. You were branded a bitch the moment those rumors took off. Also, your behavior provokes other people’s gossip. So, you should be the one to review your behavior, right?”

“Then, Yamazaki-san, are you a gloomy otaku and a pedophile who’s ready to go after little girls at any moment, just because you like light novels and anime?”

“And besides that, isn’t the relationship between people defined by talking to each other? So, open up the door and let us talk face to face, we came all the way here, so that’s the most basic courtesy you could show to us, right?”

The student named Yamazaki went silent. Yuuko’s outspoken speech sounded harsh, but the content was reasonable. Because he knew that the other party was right, he could not refute it easily.

If he can tell what’s right and wrong, there’s still room for improvement.

“Don’t impose your values onto me. I am not asking you to understand my situation. And it’s not like I am causing anyone trouble anyway, so just leave me alone!”

“No, no, no. You are causing trouble for your parents, last year’s teacher, this year’s teacher Kura, you caused trouble for Ucchi who came to visit last week, and you are causing trouble for me today. All of us are worried about you and thinking about what to do, or coming to you in person like this and taking their time. And most of all, you are causing a ton of trouble to this year’s class representative, Saku!”

Yuuko paused, and then said in a somewhat forceful tone,

“If you really don’t want anyone worrying about you and don’t want to cause trouble, then simply go to school, simply attend classes and simply graduate!”

Good, good, GO, GO!

I had completely entered spectator mode, maybe I should’ve taken the tea prepared by Yamazaki’s mother upstairs, it’s rare to upgrade from tea bags to tea leaves these days.

Yamazaki still did not give up arguing.

“You and Uchida are the same. You came here just to please Chitose, you don’t actually care about me. So in the end, it’s still all about Chitose.”

“What’s wrong with that? I was entrusted by my favorite Saku, so I promised to help him. And since he’s in trouble, I’d like to be his helper. I’ll try my best to please him as long as I can. If it wasn’t for Saku’s request, it would be none of my business if someone who’s name I don’t even know didn’t come to school.”

“I knew it. You people see us as stepping stones and only want to use us for your advancement. Your gentleness towards the shady characters is just showing off, and there’s a real purpose. That kind of gentleness makes our heart flutter, we are moved and begin to change, but then you kick us aside when you get your hands on the guy you actually like.”

“You’re a hard man to talk to. I mean, what’s wrong with that? When you’re in front of the person you like, it’s only natural that you want to show off your good qualities, right? And besides, when a girl gets a boyfriend, how can you let the other boys think that they have a chance!?”

Yuuko looked straight at the door, staring at Yamazaki, who was on the other side of the door.

“In that case don’t act in a way that can be misunderstood in the first place. Of course that kind of gentle attitude is certainly going to be misunderstood by people. And if you’re going to mock people by saying “I was just nice to him and he confessed..” then you might as well ignore people like us in the first place. You aren’t much better. You think Chitose is gentle with you, but he’s just as gentle with Uchida and the other girls!”

“The fact is that your inexperience, which just by a girl being nice to you, led you to misunderstanding, confessing and failing horribly, right? And besides, if you can only be nice to the person you like, how are you supposed to make friends?”


I’m starting to understand the ins and outs of this situation now. Considering that his friends in class didn’t know about what was going on, he probably tangled up in a love triangle outside of school. The one he fell in love with, a higher ranked girl in that group, probably got together with a similarly higher ranked guy.

Yuuko glanced at me, and then turned her gaze back at the door.

“Furthermore, I know that Saku is very popular and is gentle with everyone. He is not only gentle with girls, but with boys like you as well. I was attracted by his personality and tried to become his favorite person. If other girls become his girlfriend, of course I’ll be very sad and maybe I won’t want to go to school for a while. But that’s just because I wasn’t able to become the girl Saku likes. So, I don’t think there’s anything wrong with Saku for being gentle with me.”

“. . .”

Yamazaki had nothing to say.

Having said that, getting Yuuko to tag along really was the right decision.

When I left Yamazaki’s house last week, I had two options.

One was to continue wearing a mask of gentleness with Yua and visit again and again till Yamazaki opens up his heart. To be honest, the purpose of this is to make him fall in love with Yua and regain his enthusiasm for school. From the attitude just now, it can be seen that there is a 12 percent chance of success.

The other is more troublesome, which was to ask about the matter clearly and solve the fundamental problem, which is the so-called orthodox method.

The first method is simple and more effective, requiring little effort, but at best it will treat the symptoms but not the root cause. If he ends up confessing to Yua, he might not only repeat the same mistakes, but also end up in an even more miserable situation. And most importantly, it is not good to use Yua as bait.

So, I chose the second way.

However, for this approach to work, the stubborn family squatter had to be told the truth first. If Yua and I had spent time slowly, we might have been able to find out the truth, but in order to get a quick fix, I asked Yuuko to come over.

I thought that Yuuko, who is more straight forward would be able to take the initiative and succeed in getting him to tell the truth, or at least some parts or hints of it.

To be honest, I didn’t think things would go so smoothly.

“Yuuko, you’re getting a little hot-headed here. I understand your feelings. How about you go downstairs to calm yourself and let me persuade Yamazaki?”

As I said that, Yuuko winked. Her expression seemed to say “That’s it, right?”, so I responded with an awkward wink, and in the end she gave me a smile and wink full of charm.

Boom, boom, boom. Accompanied by brisk footsteps, Yuuko walked down the stairs. After I watched her go downstairs, I spoke to Yamazaki.

“I think I know what’s going on…I can probably help you.”

“Oh, the normie is willing to bestow some love advice to the pitiful misfit, is that it? I really hate that condescending attitude you have.”

“How stubborn can you be…” I quietly said to myself.

The reason you feel people are being condescending to you is because you’ve become condescending yourself.

“Anyway, can you open the door? This situation won’t fix the problem. Why don’t you come out and have an afternoon cup while watching the E-cup of Yuuko.”

“I will never open the door, fuck you.”

“No matter what happens, you won’t open the door?”

“Yeah, I am never going to open the door. So get the hell out of here, scumbag!”

…I can be angry, right?

I walked into the bedroom next to Yamazaki’s parents’ room and went to the balcony that connects to his room. The curtains of Yamazaki’s room were closed, and I tried to pull the window gently, but of course it was locked.

I became sure that I had to use this guy.

I pulled out a metal bat from the case I was carrying on my shoulder. The weight is nostalgic and the grip is very comfortable.

Unfortunately, the balcony is not wide enough to swing the bat at full power ……

Third batter, right fielder, Chitose #9.

Sorry to use you like this, my good friend.

With your arms straight out in front of your face and your bat tilted down, keep your eyes on the front of the bat so that you can connect with each other. This is my customary action in the batter’s box. After counting to three seconds, I relaxed my strength and swung the bat with a skillful movement –

Bang, bang, bang, bang, bang.

The window of Yamazaki’s room left an even lighter, more delicate and beautiful sound than expected, ending a weak and short life.

Although it was far less than the moment of hitting a hard ball, it was still a pleasant feeling.

I hope you will be reborn as a soda bottle in your next life after recycling the unfortunate glass window, and one day enjoy the lips of a beautiful girl like Yuuko.

“Waaaah, Waaaah, Waaaah, Waaaah, Waaaah!”


The room was filled with panicked cries of terror. It’s not surprising that Yamazaki reacted this way. I would have reacted the same way if someone had suddenly broken the window of my room.

I put my hand through the window, taking care not to get cut by the glass still in the frame, then unlocked the window and opened it, then pulled back the curtain, being careful not to step on the broken glass, put the bat on my shoulder and walked into the room.

“What? You got a problem in your brain!? It’s a crime to do that!”

Listening to the exaggerated loud voice, and exaggerated trembling voice, I said:

“Don’t you know? Laugh Maker will come in through the window, it’s a famous song from the past, I’ll play it for you some other time.”

(Translator’s note: The reference is to the lyrics of the song “Laugh Maker” by the Japanese rock band BUMP OF CHICKEN.)

“I don’t understand! What the hell is wrong with you? There’s something wrong with your head.”

“I’ve brought you a smile!”

I am the most handsome person in the galaxy at this moment.

Please report us if you find any errors so we can fix it asap!