Chitose-kun wa Ramune Bin no Naka - Volume 1 - Chapter 3.2

Published at 10th of May 2024 06:02:50 AM

Chapter 3.2

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After greeting Yumiko, we left the Yamazaki house. I didn’t expect to be walking with this guy on the sweet and sour road of my youth instead of Yuuko and Yua, but there was nothing that could be done about it.

“Yesterday, I walked out of the room with that silly energy of shouting at the top of my lungs, but after a night of calming down, I felt that I really couldn’t do it.”

Kenta, who was beside me on the road, made a sad comment.

“You sent me the training plan for body exercises last night, ignoring the contents is like a death sentence so I’ll try my best, but ……”

Basically, from today until the final day, Kenta will have muscle training in the morning followed by a high-protein drink, and for lunch and dinner, tofu noodles with chicken fillets (chicken breasts are also acceptable) and vegetable soup drinks. And as for drinks, only water, tea, black coffee and unsweetened black tea are allowed.

Tofu noodles are available in supermarkets and are an easy way to lose weight. As the name suggests, they are noodles made from tofu, which gives you the feeling of being full from eating something like this, but because they are basically made up of protein and only 100 calories a meal, they are ideal for weight loss.

As for muscle training, I compiled a few “30 Day Slim Challenge” for newbies and came up with a training plan. If he was suddenly asked to train hard, it would only damage his body, so I came up with a plan that would allow Kenta, who’s not normally physically active, to achieve the full effect.

“I have calculated your height, weight and basal metabolism and you will lose weight if you follow my plan. Actually, you don’t have to think about it as losing weight, you can think about it as getting back to the shape you were in before you shut yourself in your room. Are you worried about communication skills?”

“I haven’t gone to school for three months. I don’t know what face I should make when I enter the classroom…”

“First of all, almost no one remembers that you were the one who didn’t go to school, and to put it bluntly, nobody else cares whether you’re there or not. I don’t know if it’s lucky or unlucky that there is a class change at this time, but even if you go to school, your truancy won’t be discussed.”

“I vaguely knew of this but it still hurts to actually hear it……”

“But maybe someone will hear the rumours. There may be a few classmates who were in the same class as you before. I don’t know much about a lot of people in our class. But don’t worry, we can make changes while practicing, and there will always be a solution. Today you can start by talking to the Chitose team of Yua, Yuuko, Asano Kaito, Mizushino Kazuki, Aomi Haru and Nanase Yuzuki.”

“There is no one’s name or appearance that I don’t know…as expected of God. These are some of the best people in our school year and I honestly don’t feel confident that I can talk to them comfortably.”

“You have it backwards, don’t you? These are the people I approve of, the real normies. No matter what you say or what you do, none of them will take the opportunity to attack you or act like they are bullying you. It’s like a trial game, you won’t die no matter how you play it, just relax.”

“…I feel like I’m trying to attack the last of the demons.”

“Slimes and Goblins are nothing once you get used to the last of the demons.”

I strolled leisurely and Kenta walked while panting a little.

“Also, it’s better not to talk about anime and light novels? They might think I’m sick.”

He was breathless and frightened, this is why two heads are better than one.

“I can’t stand it, are you an idiot? Why are you hiding your interests? Normies and otakus can be compatible, you know? Besides, if you don’t talk about this topic, are there any other topics you can talk about?”

“But……I am not confident in my ability to read the atmosphere and talk.”

“I hate the word “atmosphere”, you have to look at the atmosphere in everything you do, you have to be decent, if you don’t look at the atmosphere you are wrong.”

“But isn’t it necessary to know how to read the atmosphere in order to become a normie?”

Kenta looked a bit puzzled.

“Forget the word atmosphere for a moment, there are so many ways to interpret this word. As I said before, there are many different kinds of normies, such as those who look at the atmosphere and feel good about themselves and label everything with superficial words and think they understand it and stop thinking about it.”

I don’t know if society as a whole is like this, but in the conversations I heard at school, there were really a lot of these stop-thinking signs. And in most cases, there is a sense of denial and cynicism involved.

For example, the term “feeling good about themselves” was originally used to deride those who thought they were right but did not act, but recently even those who have clear goals and are serious about moving forward have been called “feeling good about themselves”.

I’m not sure that ridiculing is the right thing to do, but at least the latter means just plain jealousy. Using negative labels to ridicule others, to try to devalue those who are on the way forward, and to imply that they are the right ones for not doing anything, and to live their lives in a muddle. It’s a humble and uninteresting way to live.

I went on and on.

“For example, it is important and a virtue not to make thoughtless remarks to someone who is hurting. However, because they think that the right opinion is different from others, they do not say it out loud, and when what they like is different from the people around them, they hide it, and a group of people gather to beat the head off. …. This behavior is simply a big mistake. Everyone is unique and two, and this is the interesting part of personality, right? You have to speak up and insist on being right as long as you think it’s right, and shout out that you like it as long as it’s something you like.”

I stopped here and looked Kenta straight in the eyes.

“If you get the point wrong and keep looking at the atmosphere, one day you will become air.”

Although I say this, I also look at the atmosphere around me to express my views, just ask Kura-sen to do this, it is difficult to force people.

“Being considerate of others is not the same as living your own life. …… Is that what you mean?”

“That’s the general idea.”

“Can you tell me the exact technique?”

“Even if I tell you now, you’ll still panic and come back to me when you’re doing it anyway, and then I’ll have to explain it all over again.”

“You’re right.”

Please report us if you find any errors so we can fix it asap!