Published at 1st of April 2022 08:36:58 PM

Chapter 546

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There was a sudden explosion behind them, and then several people quickly stood together to protect xiaoduomi behind them.

Jiang Xueqin doesn't want to think about it. She directly calls out the Guqin. Facing the shadow in the distance is a sound wave attack.

Li Yuqing kept taking out magic tools from her storage bag and throwing them away.

Tang Yuting was even more fierce. Suddenly, four terminator robots appeared in front of her, and each luster revealed a sense of advanced.

With the support of Li Yuqing, Tang Yuting got a lot of better materials and has upgraded the high-end terminator robot again. Two of the robots blew away where they didn't want to attack Jiang Xueqin.

"What's going on!"

The ghost was so heartbroken.

Just now, he was elated to lurk behind these people, confident that his hiding technology would not be found.

Who wants to suddenly touch the mechanism. Although the lethality is not strong, it directly exposes his location information!

Then a series of attacks came against him, and he didn't know what materials were in the early warning device, and his proud concealment method failed!

Just like an invisible person covered with phosphor, it is dazzling like a lighted bulb in the dark!

The most unacceptable thing for ghosts is the attack intensity of this wave.

Jiang Xueqin's attack is more inclined to keep him and interrupt his escape.

Although Li Yuqing's magic weapon has little power, it is extremely difficult to deal with. After such a while, he felt that his breath was decaying, just like some kind of highly toxic or some kind of negative superposition magic weapon.

This thing reveals a noble spirit. It is estimated that ordinary martial artists have never seen it before, but Li Yuqing threw out a pile!

The power of money is still so arrogant.

As for Tang Yuting, he was even more surprised.

The ghost has seen the defense ability of the terminator robot, which is comparable to the four strong ones.

But now the abilities of the two terminator robots are more terrible. The attack released is equivalent to the attack of the four strong! The most important thing is to bring killing moves!

The ghost never thought he would win such a powerful counterattack. Fortunately, he is a famous expert after all.

Although the two attacks were strong, they turned pale after hard eating.

Looking at the dark muzzle in the distance, the ghost looked gloomy.

"The people of Senluo hall!"

Li Yuqing saw the ghost clearly, and her heart couldn't help sinking slightly.

"Senluo hall?"

Jiang Xueqin raised her eyebrows and looked at Li Yuqing.

"When a special assassination organization was in Qianchong Valley, Liu took charge and shot him out!"

Fortunately, they are not far away from the cemetery. As long as they can withstand the ghost attack for a while, Liu Zhengyang will come to support them.

Tang Yuting understood it, and then directly photographed the terminator robot around her. The familiar light curtain emerged and blocked it outside.

The ghost's heart screamed bad. He just wanted to rush up to stop, and the black muzzle erupted a strong attack again.


A huge explosion came around the ghost. The ghost sneered: "I want to see how long you can hold on to this degree of attack!"

Without saying a word, Li Yuqing directly took out a demon pill and handed it to Tang Yuting. Its meaning is self-evident. The ghost can't succeed until the demon pill is exhausted!

Please report us if you find any errors so we can fix it asap!