Published at 17th of April 2024 10:28:58 AM

Chapter 193: 193: 193: That tone, it could simply annoy someone to death.

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Chapter 193 - 193: 193: That tone, it could simply annoy someone to death.

Translator: 549690339

Cindy Clarke looked over in surprise.

Others may be ignorant, but she knew.

That was Adrian Zhekova’s ringtone.

Immediately, Adrian Zhekova appeared at the door.

Everyone was shocked, especially Cindy.

Adrian Zhekova was not alone; he arrived with five judges and several main persons in charge of the major competition.

Since Adrian Zhekova showed up personally, they had to keep up with him, right?

Cindy stared blankly at Adrian, who she had been on the phone with, appearing suddenly in front of her, as if dreaming.

At this moment, Adrian stood in the doorway, one hand casually housed in his trouser pocket.

Obviously, he had just come from the company, still decked in his dapper suit, standing tall and upright.

For some reason, Cindy’s heart throbbed faster. Seeing Adrian here made her feel quite different, pleasantly surreal.

At first, she was nervous around Adrian, after all, he seemed so out of reach to her.

However, over time, the more they interacted, the more she treated him like an ordinary person.

Especially because he was the father of her child.

In her heart, Adrian’s positioning had unconsciously become more intimate.

Cindy: ‘

In her heart, she exclaimed that of course she knew he was here, wasn’t he standing right in front of her?

Cindy didn’t dare respond and flustered, she promptly hung up the phone.

She felt guilty and didn’t dare to look at Adrian again.

Everyone looked at Adrian in shock.

Who was he on the phone with, to sound so tender?

However, the contestants weren’t that surprised.

After all, they weren’t familiar with Adrian’s temperament.

But the senior management of the competition, and Michael Greene, Quire’s head chef, were all too familiar with Adrian’s temperament.

Especially Michael Greene, who knew Adrian’s temper inside out.

They had never, ever heard Adrian speak so patiently and gently to anyone.

Adrian’s tone just now could have cloyed a person to death.

At any rate, Michael Greene had goosebumps.

He stealthily let his gaze fall upon Cindy’s face.

When Adrian answered his phone earlier, Cindy was also holding her mobile phone.

When Cindy put her phone down, Adrian magically also hung up his phone..Read latest chapters at nov(e) Only

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