Published at 6th of February 2024 05:53:16 AM

Chapter 29: 29: He Deserved It

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Chapter 29: Chapter 29: He Deserved It

Translator: 549690339

“Since we’re all in this nursery and we haven’t missed any fees, we have the same rights as all the other children. Here, no one is more noble than anyone else.”

“If you want to dominate, go open your own nursery!” Cindy snapped.

“You keep saying that our Morgan attacked Arthur. Arthur was injured on the face, but our Morgan was injured too!” Cindy didn’t lift Morgan’s clothes but took out the X-ray taken at the hospital yesterday.

It wasn’t appropriate to strip her child in front of everyone, and Morgan deserved respect too.

She had kept the X-ray in her bag since leaving the hospital yesterday, knowing that it wouldn’t be long before she could use it. Embark on a journey to the beginning at n0v#lbin★

Whether it was today or tomorrow, Arthur’s family wouldn’t wait long.

So, she always carried it with her.

However, it seemed as if Cindy could read her thoughts, directly saying: “Teacher Linda, Morgan is a year younger than Arthur. How could he possibly not be injured in a fight? Do you really think he wasn’t hurt just because he endured it?”

Teacher Linda was at a loss for words.

How could Morgan not be injured without having an absolute advantage in the fight?

It was just because Teacher Linda valued Arthur more.

“What are you talking about! Watch your mouth!” Nelly Woods pointed at Cindy, “If he was hit, he deserved it! It was Morgan who started it! Are you saying that Arthur should let Morgan off just because he’s bigger than Morgan?”

“Children fighting is wrong. As a parent, instead of teaching your child not to fight, you’re actually defending him?” Nelly Woods sneered.

Cindy took a deep breath and said coldly: “Children fighting is wrong. When I found out about this yesterday, I told Morgan that no matter what, he shouldn’t fight. If the other party is wrong, he should tell me or the teacher. Someone will give him justice, but he shouldn’t take matters into his own hands.”

Nelly Woods’ eyelid twitched, feeling that she couldn’t let Cindy continue speaking.

But Cindy reacted faster, taking the initiative to say: “So, you’ve been accusing Morgan of starting it. I admit that starting the fight was wrong. But I also need to talk to you about why Morgan did it.”

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