Published at 6th of February 2024 05:53:08 AM

Chapter 35: 35: As Real As The Fabricated

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Chapter 35: Chapter 35: As Real As The Fabricated

Translator: 549690339

Adrian Zhekova coldly said: “With children like Arthur Woods who have no manners and bully others, I don’t feel reassured leaving Morgan in your


Not to mention, there’s a biased Headmaster as well.

Adrian Zhekova’s eyes squinted slightly.

Nelly Woods was completely blocked.

When Cindy Clarke said that Arthur Woods had no manners, Nelly could curse and yell without any reservations.

But now that Adrian Zhekova said this, she dared not to refute a single word.

Nelly Woods was so suffocated that she resembled a quail, her lips unwillingly pursing together and the corners of her mouth unconsciously drooping downwards. Examine the origin of this data, deeply intertwined with n0v[lbin★

But what’s the use of not admitting it?

She didn’t dare say anything and could only shrink back.

The Headmaster was in a difficult situation.

The annual sponsorship fee from the Woods Family was not given for nothing.

It was to protect Arthur Woods when something happened.

Nothing had happened before, this was the first time they encountered such a situation.

As a result, the first time it happened, they failed to protect him, making it somewhat hard to justify.

Cindy was stunned when she heard this.

This man’s lies sounded just like the truth.

And what...

The hell is “Cindy”?

Cindy couldn’t help but feel her face flushing.

Knowing that he was making it up, being called like that by him made her feel even more awkward.

Morgan also opened his mouth wide, forgetting to continue crying.

Adrian Zhekova actually took advantage of their Cindy during a time like this!

Upon hearing this, the Headmaster’s heart was even more tumultuous.

What did Adrian Zhekova mean by this?

Could it be that he and Cindy Clarke were lovers?

Otherwise, why would he call her so intimately!

Unexpectedly, Cindy was quite capable!

Even with a child, she was able to hook uD with Adrian Zhekova!

The Headmaster couldn’t help but look at Cindy Clarke with admiration.

Nelly Woods felt like both she and Arthur Woods were in trouble today.

At this time, Adrian Zhekova said: “If Morgan really leaves, your Nursery shouldn’t expect to receive a single cent of sponsorship money from the Woods family.”

Nelly Woods wasn’t convinced and pouted.. Even if her family was willing to sponsor, how could Adrian Zhekova stop them?

Please report us if you find any errors so we can fix it asap!