Published at 12th of February 2024 07:34:06 AM

Chapter 79: 79: Great Potential to be a Big Bad wolf

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Chapter 79: Chapter 79: Great Potential to be a Big Bad wolf

Translator: 549690339

Old Madam Zhekova suddenly uttered, “Oh! Why did you come back at noon?”

Adrian Zhekova looked surprised, “Eh? Did I come back at a bad time? What is going on here today?”

Old Madam Zhekova silently watched him put on an act.

They had invited Cindy Clarke to prepare lunch today, but Adrian Zhekova returned at noon.

If anyone claimed that Adrian Zhekova wasn’t trying to see Cindy Clarke, who would believe them!

“You must be hungry coming here at this time, right? Sit down quickly and let’s eat together,” Old Madam Zhekova hurried to say.

“Isn’t that inappropriate? You all gathered here so rarely, and I would be out of place here,” Adrian Zhekova pretended to decline.

Upon hearing this, Old Madam Zhekova said, “Alright, then you should get back to work quickly. Don’t waste our time here in our gathering.”

Adrian Zhekova: ‘ .

“I haven’t eaten yet, and I’m a bit hungry. If you insist on inviting me, then I’ll stay,” Adrian Zhekova immediately said. Old Madam Zhekova sneered.

Just a little more acting, eh!

Butler Howara Drougnt a cnmr ana new taD1eware ror Aanan LneKova.

Adrian Zhekova looked at the dishes on the table and laughed, “Aunt Evans’ cooking skills have really improved. These dishes have become more and more exquisite.”

Old Madam Zhekova: ‘

Her grandson certainly had potential in being a big-tailed wolf.

Seeing that Aunt Evans had already gone to the other side, Cindy Clarke had no choice but to go to Old Madam Zhekova’s side herself.

She placed the hawthorn jelly in front of Old Madam Zhekova and the three other Old Madams, saying, “This is the dessert after the meal, hawthorn jelly, which helps digestion and stimulates the appetite.”

Cindy Clarke wanted to say goodbye, but when she looked up, she was stunned to see the person sitting across from her.

Cindy Clarke: “...”

Adrian Zhekova???

What’s going on!

Why is he here!

Cindy Clarke had completely forgotten what she was going to say, staring at him with her mouth open and wide-eyed shock.

Adrian Zhekova raised his eyebrows slightly at Cindy Clarke.

Cindy Clarke’s mind was a mess right now.

She thought about the plaque hanging at the entrance, with the large words “Zhekova Residence” written on it.

Earlier, when she was at the door, she thought it was quite a coincidence that this family also had the surname Zhekova.

She ended up meeting Adrian Zhekova here.

So, Adrian Zhekova was... the one in this house...

Cindy Clarke’s mind was in chaos, but now was not the time to think about so much.

She took a deep breath and asked Old Madam Zhekova, “Old Madam, do these

dishes suit your taste and that ot the other ladies( Is there anything that needs improvement?”

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