Delayed Transfer - Chapter 105

Published at 8th of December 2023 05:35:44 AM

Chapter 105

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The next day at around eight in the morning, Mark received a call from Agent Harper that they would be coming in at around ten so he called David, Donald’s brother and now his lawyer that they had a couple of hours before the agents come in and David said that he would be there in about 30 minutes. The rest of the gang prepared themselves as well in case the government decided to question them as well.

When David arrived, Mark and the gang already had some scripts prepared in case of questions although they really didn’t know what the agents would ask them if they did question them. With David’s help, the gang formulated possible answers to possible questions so they would have the same story they could tell.

At exactly ten in the morning, the agent knocked on Mark’s door and he let them in. The rest of the gang stayed in their room. In the living room, Mark and David prepared themselves on answering the questions of Agent Harper but this time the agents brought a couple more people which she introduced as her senior agent and the other one was a scientist or a doctor, Mark really didn’t catch the details of the introduction since he was focused on thinking of what to say.

Agent Harper then proceeded to question Mark about his abilities. Mark candidly told the agents that as a sorcerer, not only did he have the skill to cure, but he also had Telekinesis and the ability to imbue magic to materials.

Mark first answered their questions about the details on how the spell to cure cancer worked. He told them a story about the activation of his abilities, basically his awakening as a sorcerer was very recent which was the cause of his rapid weight loss. He also told them that since he was a newly awakened sorcerer, his most powerful spell was the one that could cure cancer but not only could cure cancer, but it could also cure all kinds of diseases.

The senior agent and the scientist were amazed based on their expression and Mark was a bit surprised that they couldn’t even compare to the agent’s ability to control their expressions.

Mark expounded on the fact that the ability to cure could only be done once every two weeks and the frequency could only grow in time as he matures as a sorcerer, and it could be cast to an area forty feet by forty feet meaning that all people inside would be cured.

David then told them that Mark was willing to do what the government would ask him to do if he could keep his freedom and not affect his daily life or the lives of his friends.

Agent Harper then asked about his time on England and since Robert did not mention that what he did was confidential and since a lot of people knew about his son having ALS, he was candid on telling them that he used his ability to cure Robert Scott’s son of the said disease for money. The main reason that Mark told them this detail was to offer the fact that he really wanted to be honest to the government to prevent them from freezing his account or something like that.

David also told them that Donald Dren and Robert Scott would provide security details to Mark so nobody could harm him, and they would also cooperate with the government if they wanted to include some men to that as well.

Agent Harper then asked if Mark’s skill was available and if he was willing to demonstrate his abilities. Mark said that his ability was not used yet, and he was willing to do the demonstration.

David then talks to the agents about the payment that Mark would receive per person he would cure, which was set to a certain amount per person based on the result of their negotiation and he also tells them a single session could only fit about fifty people. He also told the agents that as per Mark’s request, some of the spot be given to financially challenged people.

Mark then told the agents that when people received the spell, all illness in their bodies would be cured which meant that the body would be brought to its peak health in that age range so anyone would be really healthy once they received the spell.

Agent Harper then asked Mark and David for a few minutes reprieve so they could talk and use their phone. Mark agreed and asked if they wanted to have some drinks or snacks but the people from the government declined. Mark and David then went to the kitchen to give the agents some privacy.

“Are you really sure about this Mark?”

“I don’t really want the government or anybody else for that matter to try to capture me for study. I watched a lot of TV shows about the government capturing people because of their powers or something like that and I really have no idea what the truth about the government would do to a case like mine.”

“What would you do if they prove to be hostile?”  David asked.

“To be honest with you, I have the means to disappear and never be found and I do have the power to defend myself, but I really like to live a normal life or as normal as I can given the circumstances. I really hope that my friends will not be affected too much and I’m willing to sell a few days a month of myself to the government if needed.”

Mark thought about the fact that he asked for money to cast the spell, but he really wouldn’t like the government to think that they could ask him to do something without a price. To be honest, he was planning to use the money to get as many items as possible before he was transmigrated, and the rest would be given to his friends once he was gone.

After a few minutes, the agents invited Mark and David to the living room to speak to them again. Agent Harper asked if Mark was willing to do the “spell” today and he said he was. The agents then said that around five in the afternoon, they would be back to take him somewhere to demonstrate the spell and Mark agreed as long as he could bring David and his security details with him and as long as the location was still within the city. He also asked that his identity be not revealed to people who really didn’t need to know who he was since he could cast the spell through a privacy partition.

Mark then left David with the agents with the list of his requests that he had given David earlier so the lawyer could negotiate on his behalf.

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