Delayed Transfer - Chapter 110

Published at 22nd of December 2023 11:31:55 AM

Chapter 110

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The next room that Mark arranged was the kitchen, he made sure that all the appliances like the oven, induction cooker, refrigerator, microwave, dishwashers, coffee maker and more were working properly. Most of the kitchen appliances were redundant since he had cooked food on his Inventory that he could replicate anytime, and his Material Inventory Restoration could clean, and repair things and his Inventory’s time was frozen, but he really would like a kitchen with full appliance set for aesthetic purposes.

Mark wondered why he bothered but he really liked the look of a complete functioning kitchen. He also decided to purchase some groceries that he could store in the villa’s kitchen like canned goods, rice, pasta, spices, and all sorts of things. He also discovered something wonderful. Apparently, when he went outside the dungeon, the dungeon time stopped. That meant that he could leave the generator running and everything would just be frozen in time once he left.

After completing the kitchen, Mark next target was the gaming room which was beside the master bedroom. He set up the customized computer with a large top of the line dual monitor. This desk top gaming computer cost a pretty penny according to Sam so he was sure that this set up could run even the most graphic extensive triple a game without any problem. The speakers for the computer were gorgeous and once he completed it, everything looked like a sci-fi spaceship bridge. The only things missing were decorations like action figures and posters. He was so excited to make sure that the room would conform to what he dreamt his gaming room could be.

Mark made another list of items that he would purchase personally like decoration thingamajigs. After doing the gaming room, he would need to wait for Sam and Enleed to complete the list of items they would need to purchase to fully equip his villa.

After he was done with the gaming room, he went outside the dungeon fully intending to shop for decorations. He would purchase the decorations that he could carry then put it on his car and when nobody was looking, put it on his inventory and continue doing it again. It was afternoon when he went outside to complete his project.

When he drove his car, Mark noticed that he was being followed. He called Agent Harper to check with her if its her men and she confirmed it. After that he just ignored those people. He thoroughly enjoyed himself shopping for decorations and thought he understood why people could be addicted to shopping. His inventory would also help a lot in making sure that he could purchase as many items as he could.

He also went inside an expensive watch boutique. Mark thought of purchasing a really expensive watch. The type that could be left to his descendants. When he went inside, the sales lady was very helpful, and he didn’t encounter any sort of discrimination like he usually sees on TikTok or read online.

While Mark was asking for the most expensive watches from the lady to show him, a group of masked people actually entered and tried to rob the place. He was flabbergasted. He knew that this type of robbery does happen since it’s California, but for it to happen while he was inside so random that he thought maybe he had that protagonist aura that attract trouble. He was not really afraid, and he knew he didn’t need to do anything since the people from the government were already there watching him. As expected, a team of highly trained government agents came after a few minutes and easily subdued the robbers.

The leader of the agents then went to Mark to ask if he was all right, and he confirmed to them that he wasn’t hurt. After several more minutes, when everything went back to normal, he continued looking at the watches, but he noticed that the lady was more respectful to him. Mark thought that maybe the lady thought he was someone important and laughed to himself. He purchased a couple of extremely expensive watches and the dopamine it gave him was like the experience of killing a dungeon boss.

Since the agents were closely watching him, Mark decided not to use his Inventory on this shopping spree and conscripted a couple of agents to assist him in carrying his things and transferring them to his car.

Mark bought so many things that he needed to call Antonio, that guy assigned by Donald to him for assistance in bringing his things home. When he arrived home, he brought all the things he purchased to the basement, then to his villa on the 11th floor. He also brought with him the things that Sam and Enleed had already purchased and put into the basement. After that he joyously decorated his gaming room making sure that everything was placed perfectly. He was so content on how the gaming room look that he stayed there for several minutes admiring the room. Mark then went to the bedroom to start decorating it. He then noticed that he needed to purchase a lot of essentials like pillows, bedsheets, and towels. He also needed to purchase a lot more clothes for different occasions so he could fill the walk-in closet that he built. He also forgot to purchase a lot of toiletries. Mark stopped for a bit and decided to make a comprehensive list so he could complete his shopping once and for all.

After completing his list, Mark went back to the gaming room to admire it, then booted up the computer to make sure that it was working properly. He transferred one of his favorite game from a hard drive to the computer which was a fully heavy graphically modded Skyrim and he enjoyed the game for a couple of hours.

Mark went outside the villa to enjoy the scenery after he was done playing Skyrim and noticed that Autumn season of the 11th floor look a lot like Riften in Skyrim. Walking outside to the spring brook really calmed his mind and the noise made by the forest was music to his ears. He really loved this place even more that the Oasis paradise on the 21st floor and he didn’t have any intention of sharing this one to his friends.

While enjoying the scenery, Mark thought of the fact that he no longer had privacy outside and more than likely, sooner or later something troublesome would come his way, either from the government or private agencies that learned of his skills. For the privacy, he really didn’t care anymore since he could have privacy in his dungeon and for the trouble some things that would come, when it came, he would deal with it. He only had ten more months to enjoy living on this planet and he would fully enjoy it.

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