Delayed Transfer - Chapter 126

Published at 2nd of January 2024 09:21:35 AM

Chapter 126

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Mark explained to old Bert, Ned, and Edmond the innkeeper that he was not afraid of low-level beasts or bandits since he did have a couple of spells that he could use to fight or escape if he needed to.   Ned was very excited and told him that he was the first wizard that he had seen.

Mark told Ned that he was a low-level apprentice wizard or mage, and his magic system could be vastly different from what the local wizards used.

After the group ate their lunch, Edmond led Mark to the inn’s second floor to show him his room. Mark saw that the room, although small, was clean and comfortable enough. He left his bag in the room for appearance’s sake and went outside to explore the village. Again, he was really thankful for the Comprehend Language spell that made his life easier in this new world.  At least for now.

Ned was waiting for him outside and based on his expression full of excitement, Mark knew that Ned had questions about being a mage for him.

“I see that you’ve got questions. I’ll answer as best as I can as long as you give me a tour of the village and answer some questions of my own, is that a deal?”

“Yes, yes! Can I become a mage like you? Will you teach me some spells? It would be great if I could be a mage adventurer!”

Mark didn’t answer Ned first and gestured that they should walk and start the tour. The young man led him to the market first where there were very few open stalls since it was in the afternoon and Ned said that it was usually busy early in the morning. Ned informed Mark that the village had about 200 households.  The young man led him to the small chapel manned by a priest. Ned said that Father Joseph was a local and he’s a priest of the goddess Andarte, the goddess of harvest.

Ned told Mark that they would go to Father Joseph if they were sick since the chapel was also the village’s clinic and Father Joseph knew some divine healing spells.

Mark got curious and planned to talk to Father Joseph at a later date. He decided to stay in the Village first to learn more about the people, culture, and the world in general before going out.

Mark then answered some of Ned’s questions about being a mage. He reiterated to the young man that the magic system that he knew was vastly different from what this land’s magic had and that was also one of the reasons he would like to speak to a wizard, to learn more about the difference in magic.

Ned then showed Mark where he could find the bakery, the mill, the nearest road to the river, the road to use to go to the city of Argent, and more and then they returned to the inn.

Mark sat on a table inside and he was then surrounded by Ned and his friends, a couple of guys Ned’s age and two girls, he assumed Ned’s age as well.

Mark then informed Ned that he didn’t know how to tell if anyone could wield magic since he was also an apprentice mage himself. He saw that Ned and his friends were disappointed and that gave Mark the idea that a mage was a highly sought-after profession.

Ned then asked if Mark could show them a spell. He shrugged and lifted the mug of ale using Telekinesis. Ned and his friends clapped, looking at him as if he was an entertainer. Mark saw that old Bert and Edmond were talking while drinking some ale at another table.  He was happy to note that he didn’t find any aversion, derision discrimination, or something from anyone in the village.

Mark then asked Ned who he should ask for lessons when it comes to speaking the language. Ned’s friends got confused and told him that he was already speaking the language. He then explained to them that he was using a spell called Comprehend Language to be able to speak the local language, but he would still need to learn it if he wanted to really talk and write it.

One of Ned’s friends suggested that he talk to Ms. Varley, the local spinster who was also their teacher when they were younger, or he could talk to the priest.

Mark then wondered if he added points to the Comprehend Language spell, would it give the ability to able to read and write the language? He knew that he would still need to learn the local language and since he would speak to the priest later, he would ask for better suggestions.

Old Bert went to their table and told Ned that it was time to go home since there were still a lot of chores that needed to be done. Ned slumped but followed the old man. The rest of his friends also went home since they too said they had a lot of chores to complete.

Edmond then mentioned to Mark that people in the village would be a lot busy these days in preparation for the coming winter.

Mark then asked the innkeeper what types of professions the villagers had. Edmond said that the village has typical villager professions like farmers, hunters, bakers, weavers, and the like. He then asked the innkeeper if the village and the surrounding area were safe since there was no wall. Edmond answered that it was safe. There were only normal beasts around and the more dangerous beasts and monsters could only be found deep inside the forest. If something dangerous came, the people in the village would band together and kill the monster or beast but those were rare, Edmond said.

Since it was still early in the afternoon, Mark decided to explore the surrounding area. He went to the road that led to the forest. Some children followed him first but when he arrived at the edge of the forest, the children went home.

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