Delayed Transfer - Chapter 130

Published at 2nd of January 2024 09:21:31 AM

Chapter 130

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Mark was invited by Hamil, the entertainment caravan leader to the side of the big caravan house that the leader owned, where a huge tent was installed. Inside the tent, there was a thick carpet on the ground and a huge table and chair on the side that served the caravan leader as the office space.

“This is the space where I conduct my business, basically all the planning that we did and at night, my family will lay down the bed and this is where we sleep as well.”  Hamil pointed at the table and chairs and invited Mark to sit.

Mark studied the inside of the tent. It was full of colors one could expect on a gypsy caravan. The carpet looked like one of those Persian ones and it was so thick that his feet felt like they sank a few inches. He saw some chest on one side where he assumed that some of Hamil’s belongings were kept. The table had a lamp with candles inside and there were papers scattered around. When Mark was seated, Hamil began interviewing him.

“Totin told me that you consider yourself a mage. Can I ask what you can do? Just the general things that you are willing to share of course.”

“’ I’m a low-level mage and a merchant caravan guard for my people who came from far away. I know some basic offensive, defensive, and utility spells so I can help in dangerous situations. For utility spell, I know Telekinesis, basically a way to move things with my mind.”  Mark demonstrated by lifting the lamp a few inches from the table with his mind.

“I got separated from my people and had no way of knowing where they were. I was hoping to go to a city where I can find a high-level wizard who can assist me but honestly, I really don’t mind not being able to find my old caravan. I’m just an orphan who joined the caravan to travel the world and I was separated from them due to a spell, probably cast by an enemy and I don’t want to join a magical fight that I don’t know the reason why there is one.”

Hamil looked at Mark for a bit and he saw that the caravan leader was deep in thought.

“By your statement, you’re really not in a hurry to go anywhere, am I right?”

“Yes. I don’t have a schedule to follow. Honestly, at this moment, I’m lost and don’t know what to do.”

“You also have funded since based on your behavior, you’re not afraid of going hungry anytime soon, and based on what you did, giving out that delicious food as if it were nothing, demonstrated your wealth. So basically, that meant you’re out here for adventure. I’m willing to let you join us as a probationary member for a couple of months. You don’t have to pay us and of course, I will not pay you at first not until I know how you can contribute to the team.”

“I understand. I’m happy to be a part of your team. You don’t have to worry about any trouble that I may bring since, as I’ve said, I’m an orphan and have no great attachment to the caravan I was guarding, and they don’t have any attachment to me. If I disappear, it’s just one less person they would pay. I was searching for a way back since I don’t know what to do but when I saw your caravan, it inspired me to just travel the and I think joining an entertainment caravan will be traveling the world in style.”  Mark laughed and Hamil joined him.

“Of course, there will be rules. You have to help defend the caravan from bandits or monsters and on rare occasions villagers with nefarious intentions and avoid causing trouble.  Aside from that, our main rule is to live your life as happy as you can while earning money along the way.”

Hamil stood up and invited Mark to follow him. The caravan leader said that he would introduce him around so he could watch the show without paying for any ticket. The caravan leader led Mark back to the mini theater where they met Lorendo the magician. Hamil introduced Mark to the magician showman and said that he would be part of the team on probation and welcome him to the family. The magician then said that he remembered Mark, the one who sold the most delicious bread, and shook his hand.

The caravan leader then brought Mark to a family of halfing’s caravan consisting of four brothers and their wives and their many children. Hamil said that they work mostly as acrobats and more. The halfings surrounded Mark, shaking his hands. Mark gave candies that he duplicated to the halfling children since due to their size, he found them very cute.

Mark was then led to another caravan that had three beautiful elven women. He saw that the women could contend with the most beautiful actresses that he had seen. They were ethereal and he could see the elven grace and poise in their movement. Hamil told him that the elven women were archers and mages and worked for the caravan as actors. They would also sometimes pose as fortune-telling witches or whatever they fancy doing in a village that they arrived to.

When the caravan leader told the elven women that Mark was a mage as well, they greeted him with more enthusiasm saying that he would be an asset in defending the caravan.

Mark was then led by Hamil to a group of people busy preparing the theater. There were seven of them and all of them were humans. Four were girls and three were men. They were doing some carpentry work and costume design, and a couple were working on what looked like the script of the play. The people greeted Hamil and Mark and continued what they were doing.

Hamil then led Mark to another caravan with two dwarf men and their wives and children. He was informed that they were the blacksmith and all-around handymen of the caravan. They also sold ironworks and even weapons. Mark greeted the dwarves and he was really amazed inside to meet people who belonged to fantasy books.  He almost looked around for a camera to check if anybody was filming the fantastic people and setting.

Mark then asked the Caravan Leader where he would stay during the travel. Hamil then said that he could stay with him and his family, but Mark expressed an interest in owning his caravan.

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