Delayed Transfer - Chapter 155

Published at 31st of January 2024 11:29:52 AM

Chapter 155

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Mark told Hamil that if he kept the rent on the hall that they were using for their show, he could use it to set up something like a theater that would allow them to watch the film on a much bigger screen and the circus people would enjoy the shows much better.

“The show that we’d seen was the best that I have ever seen, and I don’t know the magic that let your people do something like that. My people would enjoy watching those shows but the hall isn’t cheap.”

“Can the hall fit all the people from the caravan that would like to watch the show?”

“The hall could fit up to three hundred people so yes, they will all fit. Why do you ask?”

“How about this, go ahead and decorate the hall to make sure that it could cater to people with money. I would allow you to sell up to one hundred and fifty seats to the people that you would like to sell it to. The rest of the seats would be for our people.” 

Hamil smiled when he heard that, and Mark realized that Hamil smiled not only for letting him use half of the seats to be purchased but by calling the circus caravan people “his” people.

“Isn’t your device a little small for all the people that could fit in the hall to see them, what do you call it? Movie? To be seen clearly?”

“I have something else that we would be able to use, and you would be surprised at how big it was. Is the hall being used right now? Let me set it up so you can see.”

Mark was thinking of setting up an optical projector on the hall and the projection screen which Sam purchased and kept in his inventory. It was high quality and large enough since they’d tested it before his transmigration. The good thing about the devices was that they could connect everything, the projection, and the speakers to a laptop and it was very easy to set up and dismantle. They would also need to set up the generator to power up the devices but should be doable.

Hamil led Mark to the hall and the caravan leader chased all the people out. He asked Hamil for someone to find Nedertu, his coach so he could help with the setup. When Nedertu arrived after a few minutes, Mark saw that the cat-man was sulking and when he asked what the problem was, his coach mentioned that he hadn’t eaten Mark’s food for several days.  Mark laughed and promised Nedertu that after setting up the theater, they would have a feast.

With the help of Hamil and Nedertu, Mark set up the projector, projector screen, speakers, laptop, the generator.  They ensured the generator was set up far away enough that it would not bother anyone.

Everything was done in a couple of hours and for testing purposes and to make some adjustments with the projector, Mark played the trailer of the movie, The Princess Bride.  It was a good thing that when Mark asked Sam to download the humongous number of shows, it included the trailers.

Even though Hamil and Nedertu had already seen the movie, they were still engaged by the trailer and said they couldn’t wait to watch the film again.  Mark informed the two that the video clip they’d seen was called a trailer and was used as an advertisement so people would want to watch the movie.

Mark made sure that the laptop that they were using for the hall had only six videos.  The movies they’d already seen, and they’re trailers.  Mark taught Hamil how to operate the laptop and how to pause the movie if he wanted to since he didn’t want to manage the laptop during the movie showing.

After everything was set up, Mark advised Hamil that he would only give the caravan leader three movies that would be shown on the weekend, and it would be the movies that they’d already seen.  The Princess Bride, The Importance of Being Ernest, Snow White, and the trailers for the three movies. 

Mark would let Hamil handle the advertising and the pricing and reiterated that he should sell only half of the seats and the rest was for their people.  He advised Hamil that he could also sell food before the film showing and as an added attraction, should make sure that the toilets were perfectly clean.

Hamil rolled his eyes at Mark as if silently saying that he shouldn’t teach Grandma how to suck eggs.  Mark then left the caravan leader to his devices and asked Nedertu to come with him so they could eat the food he’d promised his coach.

The weekend came and Hamil advised Mark that the film show would start at five in the afternoon and that he would show the three movies simultaneously as a grand opening gesture.  He was impressed by how fast Hamil worked since he saw that the theater was re-designed beautifully. 

Mark expected that Hamil would show flyers to the city, but he didn’t see anything like that.  The caravan leader told him that he showed the trailers to a few rich merchants and low noblemen who were his friends and informed them of the price and time of the movie showing this coming weekend.  A few hours after that, Hamil confirmed that even though the ticket price was sky-high, it was already sold out.

Mark invited Natasha for the film showing and the guard captain happily agreed to join him. When they arrived at the hall that was converted to a theater, Mark saw that several caravan people were acting as guards and were wearing some sort of uniform.  Mark and Natasha entered the theater and they saw that the section just inside the door was separated and was used to sell different types of food. 

They saw that there were candied fruits, pies, local street foods like grilled animals and the like, pastries, and some alcohol and juices.  Mark and Natasha could also see the signs leading to the bathroom and were impressed by the design of the theater.  Mark shouldn’t have been surprised. The caravan people had been in the show business for decades and were already experts in this type of business.

Mark and Natasha entered the inner section and saw that the seats were separated.  The first section consisted of one hundred and fifty seats, and they saw that the chairs looked grand and comfortable.  Mark assumed that they were for the paying customers and since most of them were noble, it was only given that Hamil would do everything he could to make the seats comfortable, fitting for noblemen’s dignity.


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