Delayed Transfer - Chapter 162

Published at 5th of February 2024 01:20:07 PM

Chapter 162

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One of the Wyverns was wounded severely by Natasha and roared loudly after Mark released the two Wyverns from his telekinetic hold. The other one, who started moving was kept busy by the two mages and the rest of the guards. Mark released the wyverns to make sure that Natasha didn’t notice that he helped them since he didn’t want to step on her pride.

Mark checked the wounded guards and was glad they were healing well and about to rejoin the fight. He turned to check the battle and saw that the monsters were about to fly again since the mages failed to hold them. He held the Wyverns again using his telekinesis since it was the only spell subtle enough not to be noticeable in the heat of the battle.

Mark was glad that due to his Intelligence stat, his telekinesis became powerful enough not only to be used for utility but to assist in battle as well since it was able to hold such huge monsters without any problem.

Natasha saw that the Wyverns stopped trying to fly again so she doubled her efforts in slaying one of the monsters and with the help of her guards, she was finally successful in beheading one of the Wyverns.

When the other Wyvern saw its partner’s demise, it became enraged and was successful in spitting a venom to Natasha and a couple of guards near her.

Mark panicked and cast his Bed of Daisies skill on the guard captain. The result of the skill was immediately apparent since all of Natasha’s wounds began to heal rapidly. He also saw her, and the guards drank some potion bottle which he assumed was an antidote for the venom.

Mark was still livid that the monsters dared to hurt her girlfriend, so he stopped caring and cast Lightning Void, Void Slash, and Void Bolt until the second Wyvern died.

Natasha, the two mages, and the rest of the guards were amazed at the firepower that Mark had shown. They knew that Mark was a powerful wizard since he was able to take out things that surprised them but somehow, all the things that Mark did take out were for making their lives convenient so all of them thought that the foreign wizard was focused as a lifestyle mage instead of a battle mage but the way Mark destroyed the second Wyvern, which he only did when he perceived that Natasha was in-danger brought home the fact that he could have easily destroyed the two Wyverns without any trouble.

Mark saw that Natasha and the guards who were covered by the Wyvern's venom kept on drinking the antidote potion.

“Why are you still drinking that?”

“As long as we’re covered with muck, we would have to make sure that we’re not poisoned.”

Mark immediately summoned the RV and asked Natasha to take a bath immediately.

While Natasha and the guards were inside the RV making sure that they were clean, Mark went to the Wyvern's corpses and saw that Ardeen was digging something from the Wyvern's head using a large knife.

“What are you looking for?” Mark asked the mages.

Ardeen and Lossa looked at Mark weirdly.

“We’re taking the mage stone out,” Ardeen answered.

Mark then remembered Solinae mentioned that there were two ways to get a mage stone. Mining and from creatures who evolved into a Mana beast.

“You are very powerful Lord Mark. You were able to kill that Wyvern with just two or was it three spells? I didn’t exactly see how many, and which spells you used since it was so extraordinarily fast. We didn’t even hear you say any incantation.” Lossa said to Mark respectfully.

Ardeen stood up after he had gotten the Mana stones from the heads of the wyverns.

“Lossa and I thought that maybe you are as powerful as a fifth-circle mage.”

Mark just shrugged and then saw that Natasha came out from the RV fully bathed and wearing a different set of winter clothing.

“Is everyone all right? Do you need more healing?” Mark asked Natasha.

“Everyone is fully healed. I don’t know the spell you cast to heal us, but it did the job wonderfully.”

“I saw that! What spell is that? It looked like a druid spell.”

“It looked beautiful too, with those daisies growing rapidly and I can feel them healing us.” The guard captain added.

“I’m sorry that I intervened. It made me furious when I saw that monster spitting at you.”

Natasha laughed.

“You have been intervening from the start. You thought it wasn’t obvious that you held those monsters with some sort of spell? Everyone saw it.”

Mark saw the two mages and the guard’s nod.

“Anyway, are we done here? We should inform the villagers that their village is safe.”

Mark then told everyone since the battle was successfully carried out, they should celebrate first by having a small feast. He then summoned a large table and chairs and asked everyone to set it up.

Mark then replicated different types of food that the group could enjoy, and he didn’t hold back a bit since everyone already knew his capability.

He laid out several roast chicken, roast pork, grilled fish, rice, vegetable salad, some sushi for variety, pizzas, and tacos. For drinks he summoned some wines and beer and for dessert, some pastries.

Natasha had some inkling of what Mark was capable of, but the two mages and the guards were truly surprised at the feast that was laid out before them.

The group started to eat, not even minding the huge wyvern corpses beside them. The mages kept exclaiming that Mark’s food was one of the best that they’d tasted, and the guards nodded forcefully. Natasha ignored everyone and kept on eating, not even minding how she looked.

Mark kept on replicating different food and the group was slack-jawed on the variety and quantity of the food. He truly enjoyed showing off and this was one of the safest times he could do it.

Everyone couldn’t move after the feast, but the group forced themselves. Mark kept all the things, including the RV in his inventory and the two mages destroyed the two Wyvern corpses to prevent attracting scavengers.

Natasha mentioned that the Mana stone was proof enough for mission completion.

Please report us if you find any errors so we can fix it asap!