Delayed Transfer - Chapter 164

Published at 5th of February 2024 01:20:05 PM

Chapter 164

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Morning arrived and everyone was preparing to leave Pine Creek village. At first, Mark thought of staying and helping the villagers rebuild their village but after what he heard last night about their superstitious hard-headedness, blaming little children for their misfortune, he lost that desire to help besides the village chief said that they didn’t actually need help since they would be able to rebuild their own homes without any problems.

The village chief arrived early with the two children in tow. According to Hubbard, the children were identical twins but the boys, although looked the same, had different coloring. One of the boys was blonde with blue eyes and the other had dark hair with purple eyes. They were wide-eyed, probably still in shock of losing their parents and being rejected by the people from their village. They were holding each other tightly as if afraid of losing the other one. Their countenance almost made Mark cry.

Mark thought that the children were strong. Even though they’d receive the shock of their lives, they were still responsive, but Mark could feel the desperation in their response. It was as if the children were afraid that if they did not respond fast enough they would be discarded, and he couldn’t blame them since their people did discard them already.

Mark asked Natasha to let him handle the children and Natasha asked him why and he whispered that he felt sorry for the children. Natasha shrugged and just said to ensure they were well taken care of. Mark went to the children.

“Hello, my name is Mark and I’m a mage. What’s your name?” Mark saw both of the boys’ eyes sparked with interest when they heard that he was a mage.

“I’m Isaac and I’m the older brother.”

“My name is Aaron and I’m the younger brother.”

Mark was surprised at how eloquent the six-year-old twins were.

“Nice to meet both of you. I will be your caretaker until we reach the city so follow me, I will make sure that the both of you are safe. I’m sorry about what happened to your parents, but you don’t need to worry, I will make sure that you will be all right.” Mark promised the children even though Natasha mentioned earlier that he shouldn’t be making promises to the children, but he didn’t care. He’s an orphan too so he somewhat knew how they felt.

Mark knew himself. He was generous to a fault to his friends, and he was a bit of a pushover. He was selfish and cared too much about his comfort. He was only generous because he had the wealth to be generous. He knew that he couldn’t take care of the children personally, but he was wealthy enough to make sure that they would be taken care of.

“Are you the one who killed the monsters?” Isaac asked.

“I killed one of them and the rest of the group killed the other,” Mark admitted.

“Thank you for avenging our parents. When the Wyverns reached our house, our parents asked us to take care of each other before they threw us from the window.”

“Yes and we were thinking of killing the monsters when we’re older, but you killed them already.”

“Well, there are other monsters in the world who need to be killed to make sure that little boys like you will grow up without any problem.”

“When we grow up we want to be wizards so we can use magic to kill monsters,” Isaac said while his brother, Aaron was nodding in agreement.

“Will you teach us?” Aaron, the one with dark hair and purple eyes asked earnestly.

“My magic is different, and I don’t know if you can learn it, but I will make sure that you will be given the opportunity if you can learn, okay?”

“Thank you, Lord Mark.”

“Please call me Mark.”

“The village chief said we should call all wizards, Lord.”

“Well, you should follow his advice but I’m sure that we will be friends and friends call each other by their name so call me Mark okay?”

“Okay, Mark.” The boys said together.

“Have you eaten yet?” The boys shook their heads indicating that they hadn’t eaten yet and Mark actually heard their tummy rumbled.

Mark summoned a table and chairs and served the kids a traditional chocolate breakfast from his mother’s homeland called “Champorado” which consisted of soupy sticky rice filled with cocoa and fresh milk. It was his favorite comfort food. He also served glasses of milk and orange juice.

The twins crammed the food down and Mark wondered again at children’s resiliency. They just lost their parents, but the boys were trying hard to survive for the sake of each other and because they promised their parents.

After breakfast, Mark made sure that the twins were bundled properly. Natasha then asked two of the guards to carry the boys, but Mark declined and said to the guard captain that he was planning to use a spell to carry the children.

When everyone was ready to leave, the villagers gathered before their heroes to wave goodbye to them. Mark cast his Space Floating Disc on the ground, summoned a soft couch and warm blankets on top of the disc then asked the twins to sit on the couch beside him. He then commanded the disc to float. He made sure that the twins were bundled with the warm blankets.

Mark and the twins looked warm and comfortable sitting on the couch on top of the Space Floating Disc. Ardeen and Lossa were flabbergasted at his spell and Natasha just laughed. The villagers looked at him and the children with dropped jaws.

Natasha commanded the group to leave, and Mark’s Space Floating Disc flew behind the group. He was glad that the children were enjoying this mode of travel. He heard them laughing when they passed the trees and Mark commanded the disc to fly to its maximum height.

The twin’s laughter grew, and Mark was happy to see them still able to enjoy the moment. He knew for a fact that there would be nights when the twins would cry themselves to sleep since their parents left them but at this moment, they were just kids enjoying life.

Please report us if you find any errors so we can fix it asap!