Delayed Transfer - Chapter 166

Published at 5th of February 2024 01:19:59 PM

Chapter 166

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Mark thought of his decision to let the twins stay with him. He knew that it would be a tremendous responsibility, but he couldn’t think of just letting the boys go to the orphanage. Even though he was promised that they would be treated well, he knew for a fact that the boys wouldn’t receive the love they would need to heal from the trauma. He knew that he was being foolish since all the children in the orphanage were in the same situation, but he did encounter the twins and his emotions were illogical.

Mark thought of the boys becoming hooked on Mangas and Animes and thought that that would be fun. He would teach them English while he was learning the local language.

After a while, Natasha joined Mark and the twins on the bed to sleep and he was glad that the bed was huge enough to fit all of them comfortably. In the middle of the night, Mark felt some constriction and when he woke up, saw that the twins were hugging him in their sleep which solidified his decision. He would keep them and whatever challenges may come, he would deal with it.

In the morning, Mark slowly went out of bed to not wake up the twins and Natasha to prepare their breakfast. He replicated a huge amount of fried rice, bacon, omelets, and fried longanisa which was a traditional sausage from his mother’s homeland, and pots of coffee and a pitcher of fresh milk.

Mark then told the guards, and the mages first that breakfast was ready. He then went to the bedroom to wake up the boys and Natasha and when they smelled the food, they all went to the kitchen to eat.

“I would really miss your food when we’re back,” Lossa said while eating and the others nodded.

“You should open a restaurant.” One of the guards said and Mark just laughed while feeding the twins who kept saying “yummy.”

After breakfast, the group started their journey back to the city. Mark and the twins were sitting on a comfortable couch in his Space Floating Disc but this time, the disc was bigger and there was one more couch since Natasha and the mages joined them. He was glad that the spell was adjustable, and he just needed to add MP to increase its size. The only thing he couldn’t adjust was its flight height and that was why it was a “floating” and not “flying” disc.

Mark cast his Floating Sunflower spell to make sure that he could keep up with the MP expenditure.

In the midst of travel, the group saw a disturbance in the distance. They stopped since everyone saw that the disturbance was moving towards them. Natasha promptly assigned one of the scouts to investigate and after a few minutes, the scout came back with dire news. He reported that an Earth Dragon was running towards them and would encounter it in a couple of minutes. The twins heard the news and hugged Mark’s legs tightly.

“You don’t need to worry. Didn’t I promise you that nothing can hurt you while you’re with me?” Mark assured the boys.

“We should run, Mark. The Earth Dragon would be very difficult to deal with,” Ardeen advised Mark with a worried face.

“It’s too late. It's here.” Natasha said.

Mark asked the rest of the guards to stand behind the Space Floating Disc and told the rest to not move from their position. He didn’t hold back since he wanted to make sure that the twins and Natasha were protected.

Mark cast Forest Sanctuary and a garden-like setting grew fast, surrounding them. Magical creatures appeared laughingly, surrounding them. The sprites and fairies floated amongst the flowers. The dryads appeared in the trees and the unicorn appeared behind the bushes. Natasha, the mages, and the guards gaped at what they saw.

The Earth Dragon appeared, and Mark saw that it looked like a dragon without wings, and it was huge. Mark saw it brace itself for its breath attack and he actually saw flames gather in its mouth.

Natasha, the mages, and the guards flinched but Mark stood resolute. The earth dragon attacked them with its fire breath, but the attack actually stopped when it reached the Forest Sanctuary.

The mages gasped when they saw it.

“I thought we were dead,” Lossa commented.

“Oh, ye of little faith,” Mark said jokingly.

Mark lifted his hands and cast Glacial Void and a huge icy energy from the void appeared and flew towards the dragon to freeze it and it did slow it down. Then he cast Void Tsunami to push it back. A tsunami-like void energy was summoned by Mark’s command and crashed towards the dragon, like waves of the ocean crashing towards rocky cliffs. He then cast Void Chain Lightning which summoned an energy from the void that looked like tribulation lighting that flew with extraordinary speed towards the dragon. After that, he cast Void Hurricane which promptly summoned a void energy that surrounded the beast with the ferociousness of a hurricane. Since his spells only had a second casting delay, he summoned a Floating Sunflower to stack with Forest Sanctuary for MP regeneration then repeatedly cast his control and attack spells on the dragon until it died.

The group stared at Mark when they saw him cast powerful spells one after the other. The dragon didn’t even manage to get near them and was only able to release one breath attack before it died.

“Lord Mark, you are a legendary archmage!” Lossa said then he bowed.

Natasha, Ardeen, and the rest of the guards bowed as well while the twins kept on clinging to his legs.

At first, Mark stood tall, put his hands on his hips, and smiled proudly when he heard Lossa complimenting him but when he saw everyone bowing, even Natasha, he got flustered.

“What are you doing?! Don’t bow to me, I’m not yet a legendary archmage!”

Mark kept repeating it until everyone stopped bowing.

“All that bowing weird me out!” Everyone laughed including the twins when they heard it.

“Are you really just twenty-six years old?” Natasha asked.

“Yes, I’m just a vigorous young man. I’ll show you once we have the privacy to do so.” Natasha rolled her eyes and the rest of the group laughed again.

“You may not be a legendary Archmage, but you are as powerful,” Ardeen said.

Mark thought for a bit.

“Based on your description of what a Legendary Archmage is capable of, I’m nowhere near to being one yet.”

“That may be so, but as young as you are, it’s inevitable that you will reach that level,” Lossa added.

Mark saw Natasha looking at him, blushing, and thought that power was really one of the best aphrodisiacs.

Mark let the Forest Sanctuary expire and the twins exclaimed disappointingly that the unicorn and pretty tree ladies disappeared. He commanded the Space Floating Disc to go near the dragon's corpse to check it out and up close, it was truly terrifying.

Mark asked Natasha if the dragon’s corpse was valuable and she said that it was, tremendously so, but it was too big for them to carry.

Mark stored the dragon’s corpse in his inventory and told everyone that he was going to sell it in the city. The group gaped at Mark again when they saw the corpse disappear.

While they were traveling, Mark checked his stats and was happy to see that he still had sixty-nine skill points which assured him that he could increase his power whenever he wanted. He thought that it decreased by three points with the Space Shelter, but he forgot that he already had that skill since he put points on it which required him to, to get his Invisibility skill.

Mark reviewed the first page of his Interface again.


Status | Skill Tree| Inventory|

Name: Mark Baker

Level: 78

HP: 660

MP: 1400

Strength: 20

Vitality: 20

Agility: 20

Dexterity: 30

Intelligence: 60

12x spell effect multiplier

Wisdom: 60

MP Regen: 30 MP/ 5 Mins

Available Skill Point: 69

Available Stat Point: 3

System Boon:  System 50 Level Dungeon Door Assignment.

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