Delayed Transfer - Chapter 187

Published at 8th of March 2024 07:05:18 AM

Chapter 187

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Mark prepared the television and the speaker for their watching of Star Wars Episode I: The Phantom Menace after dinner and Natasha and Lossa went outside for a meeting with the soldiers. He also prepared snacks and drinks so they could have something to munch on during the viewing. When everything was prepared, he called the twins and waited for Natasha and Lossa to arrive.

In the meantime, he joined the twins in playing with their Lego Sets and was glad to see that the twins were enjoying their playtime and not thinking about Ardeen. He didn’t know how to handle grieving kids so the only thing that he could was to spoil them.

Natasha and Lossa arrived after several minutes. Natasha told Mark that the other guards were also watching the movies under the supervision of Mercurio, her vice-captain, and his aide. When everyone was ready, Mark started playing the movie and everyone focused on watching it. He was glad that he decided to play it since it distracted everyone from grieving.

Mark was happy to notice that the twins enjoyed watching the young Anakin Skywalker’s adventure since he was also a child, and they could relate to him. Halfway through the film, he paused the movie so everyone could take bathroom breaks and get the snacks and drinks that he prepared.

After the movie ended, Natasha and Lossa thanked Mark and said that they’d enjoyed the film.

“I need to meet up with my guards again before sleeping,” Natasha told Mark then she left. Lossa also said his goodbyes since he would need to join the meeting and he was also sleeping in the main bedroom of the other RV.

When they left, Mark told the twins to wash up and prepare for bed. He tucked the twins into the bed and told them to go to sleep.

“Mark, can we start learning magic once we get back?” Aaron asked.

“I don’t know. I don’t really have any idea what age children should start learning magic, but I will ask someone once we’re back, and if you’re at the age where you can start learning magic, I will hire someone.”

“I wish you could teach us your magic,” Isaac said.

“I wish I could too but unfortunately, my magic differs from this land. As you know, I’m also interested in learning magic so maybe we can learn together or something.”

The twins hugged Mark when they heard that.

“I really like Star Wars. Once we’re done watching all of them, can we start watching them again?” Isaac said.

“Sure, but there are a lot of Star Wars shows since aside from the movies, there’s also the television shows which are like movies but shorter but there are many more of them.”

“Can we also play the Star Wars game when we return?”

“Of course. Now go ahead and sleep. We still have a lot of traveling to do tomorrow.”

Mark dimmed the lights and sang a lullaby which surprised the twins.

“Mark your voice is pretty.” The boys said.

“I inherited it from my mother. She had a beautiful voice.”

“What was that song? It is so magical!”

“It’s called Welcome to Wonderland by one of my favorite singers. Tomorrow I’ll show you a video of the song so go ahead and sleep.”

“Can you sing it again for us?”

Mark sang the song softly until the twins were asleep. He was surprised to notice that Natasha was watching them. He rose slowly and went with Natasha to the living room.

“Your voice is beautiful, like a bard.”

“Thanks. In my homeland, we have what we call karaoke wherein we sing songs that we see on television. I’ll show you tomorrow. So, what was your meeting all about?”

“The usual, the route we will take and stuff but mostly, the soldiers just kept on talking about Star Wars. They really enjoy it so much that you could even start a cult.” Natasha laughed.

“I’m glad. I always feel happy whenever people enjoy stuff that I enjoy. That’s the main reason I share my stuff with others.”

“You are really generous Mark and sometimes I worry about you. I hope that nobody will take advantage of you but with your power, you will only be taken advantage of because you allowed them to.”

Mark laughed.

“You said the same thing as my friends from my homeland. They kept criticizing me about how generous I was to the point that people would begin depending on me for everything. What I told them was, that was one of the advantages of having power. To reward my friend and to destroy my enemies.”

“You’re really naïve but I like that about you.” Natasha then kissed Mark deeply.

“I wish we were alone,” Natasha said after their make-out session.

Mark invited Natasha outside and they walked a bit. After some distance, he summoned another RV and made it a paradise for this one night. Natasha was especially loving and vigorous as if she were trying to drown everything in their love-making. Before sunrise, Mark dismissed the RV, and they went back to the twins.

When sunrise arrived, Mark prepared breakfast for everyone, and after a while, the boys woke up. Lossa joined them and after breakfast, they started their journey back to the city.

Natasha asked everyone to stop in the afternoon and told them that they would stop early to rest for the day. The guards were excited, and Mark could hear them talking about watching Star Wars: Episode VI. Their guard captain allowed Mark to serve them good food instead of the ration that they’d brought and that cheered everyone.

After lunch, Mark showed the twins the video for Welcome to Wonderland by Aaron Seabra. He was really impressed by his best friend, Sam’s ability to download a lot of videos from YouTube and there were a lot of them. He did spend a ton of money but still, the fact that he didn’t need the internet to watch videos on YouTube was a great blessing.

The twins enjoyed the music video a lot and asked to replay it. While they were watching it, Natasha and Lossa joined them.

“That’s the song you were singing to the twins last night,” Natasha commented and after a while, she mentioned that she liked his voice better.

“Yes, I believe you,” Mark said to Natasha which made everyone laugh.

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