Delayed Transfer - Chapter 2

Published at 18th of October 2023 07:43:42 AM

Chapter 2

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     Mark stood up from the bed then looked at his smartphone to check the time and he was a bit glad that it was his rest day and did not need to go to work until tomorrow night . After consuming an ibuprofen then taking a shower, he prepared himself a meal and opened his laptop but suddenly a titanic mother load of a headache assaulted him causing him to fall to the floor writhing. He was fortunate that he was sitting down when it happened or it may have caused him some injury. After what seemed like a hundred years, the pain subsided and he stood up slowly then sat on the kitchen chair.

     Mark was dazed, staring at the interface in front of him. As a veteran otaku how can he be not aware of what he was seeing which was a staple of litrpg web novels that he had been consuming for most of his life. On the interface screen, he saw that the first line says System. In the second line, several tab were indicated which were Status, Skill Tree and Inventory. Every major tab and every line that looked important had a question mark inside a circle beside it. Mark touched the question mark beside System and it opened a pop-up window. “System. Given to the one hundred thirteen residents, randomly chosen, of realm 257548567 named earth by the local inhabitants that will transmigrate to different worlds in the multiverse one year from the System Integration. This occurred due to a very unique glitch in the System that happens every two hundred thirty eight billion years. Due to this glitch, the people affected will be given a system tailored to the individual. As stated, the randomly affected individual will be assigned to different worlds and due to the unlimited number of worlds, there is large chance that almost all will be individually transmigrated to different worlds. There is also a chance that more than one may transmigrate to a world. Individuals affected will also be given a unique System Boon. The worlds that the affected individual that will transmigrate to will range from the mundane to low to high science fiction world to a low to high fantasy world or multiple combination of the three. Mark was flabbergasted. He did not know what to think. To avoid drowning on it, he continued on perusing the page.

     Mark tried touching the question mark beside Status and it responded by opening a pop-up window with explanation. “Status. The page that shows the physical and magical statistics of the subject. Open the page directly by uttering or thinking [Status] with intent in viewing the page.”. He closed the window by looking at the x located at the upper left part and thought close. Mark studied the rest of the page.


Status | Skill Tree| Inventory|

Name: Mark Baker

Level: 1

HP: 60

MP: 200

Strength: 3

Vitality: 2

Agility: 2

Dexterity: 3

Intelligence: 8

Wisdom: 10

Available Skill Point: 1

Available Stat Point: 1

System Boon: System 50 Level Dungeon Door Assignment.

   Mark closed the page by thinking “System Close” and the whole interface page closed. He tried speaking to check if there was a voice A.I. that will respond but there was none. He did not know if Mark was glad or not for not having someone to converse with about the system which was another litrpg staple. “Guess there’s no system lady to talk to.” Mark thought. He opened the interface again by thinking “System Open.” Looking at the page, Mark clicked on the question mark beside the System Boon by directing his thought on it. It opened a pop-up window. “System Boon. A unique boon given to the one hundred and thirteen individual randomly chosen by the system. The subject unique boon will allow him to assign a door anywhere as a dungeon door to a fifty level dungeon wherein the first level of every ten level is a safe location. Every tenth level there will be a guardian that needed to be bypassed known to the subject as a boss to proceed to the next floor. Every creature that the subject destroyed will randomly produce a random reward that could be an item, general skill or skill point. The reward type will be based on the type of creature and difficulty.

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