Delayed Transfer - Chapter 205

Published at 23rd of April 2024 10:59:16 AM

Chapter 205

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Mark was planning to continue diving into his dungeon the next day while most of the circus people watched Star Wars Episode IV: A New Hope. He was planning the dive after his lessons with the elven sisters and before the show. He hoped to be done at the same time the theater showing was done.

He wanted to continue diving because his level was stuck at level seventy-eight, and he wanted it to move forward. He was hoping to get more skills that he could use. He also had a lot of skill points that he hadn’t used yet, and he didn’t know why he was afraid of using them since he would be able to reset his skills if he wanted. He needed to be careful since he could only reset it once a month but why did it make him afraid of spending it?

When morning arrived, he prepared breakfast for everyone including Rendira and he also prepared lunch that Nedertu could heat. He made sure that there was plenty of food then he woke up the twins and said his goodbyes. Of course, he told them to wait for their teacher and follow her instructions.

At the elven sister's house, Mark focused on learning how to read and write the common language.

“Are you going to the viewing of the new movie later?” Mark asked the sisters during one of their breaks.

“Of course. We wouldn’t miss it for the world since the kids who’d already seen it kept saying that it was the greatest show that they had ever since in their lives. As if they lived a long life already.” Everyone laughed.

“Mark, we would also like to purchase a television set and a speaker on top of the laptop. Is that possible?” Eilintraee asked.

“That wouldn’t be a problem but instead of paying me, can you help me with the twins instead? They wanted to be mages so can you find a tutor for them? Not now since they’re still learning their letters. Once they’re ready.”

“That wouldn’t be a problem. We would be with you in the caravan anyways, so we’ll talk about it again once the boys are ready.”

“What is the usual age for a kid to learn about magic?” Mark asked.

“It depends if you have the money and the connections. The younger they are the better of course and since you have both money and connection, the twins are lucky.”

Mark went back to learning the language with the help of the sisters and when he was done with his turn, he taught the sisters English. Solinae mentioned that he should be ready to learn the basics of magic by next week and that they should reach fifth-grade English by then as well. Basically, the sisters were already good enough to operate the laptop.

Mark returned to the RV after his lesson and he managed to arrive while the twins, Rendira and Nedertu were eating lunch, so he joined them.

“I will be gone the whole afternoon, so Nedertu please watch the twins and boys please listen to Nedertu okay? I should be back this evening by the time the movie ends.”

“Where are you going?” Isaac asked.

“I will be handling something on my realm.”

“You have your own realm!” Rendira gasped.

“Yes, but it’s a secret so please don’t share it with anybody.”

“If it’s a secret why do you babble it to everyone?” Rendira scolded.

Mark smiled abashedly and Nedertu laughed.

Rendira went home and the kids went outside to play while Nedertu followed them. Mark auto-equipped his dungeon items and then went to the twenty-third floor of his dungeon.

It’s been a while since he explored his dungeon and he had almost forgotten that the setting for the floor was the era when dinosaurs roamed the Earth, but the main difference was that these dinosaurs had magic powers.

He cast Space Shield and Bark Skin. He wished that the Mana Shield didn’t have a duration but it did so he would have to cast it on difficult encounters only but then the floor was low level compared to his own level, so he thought that he was fairly safe.

The floor was filled with flora and fauna that was unrecognizable to him since he was not an expert on the era when the dinosaurs were alive, but it brought a savageness to the environment that excited Mark. He felt like an explorer of an unknown land.

He cast the spell Fly, but he flew very low. He wanted to move forward as if he were walking this unknown land, but the difference was, that he was floating and avoided the inconvenience of dealing with the jungle floor.

The first group of enemies that he encountered was a huge number of what looked like a Velociraptor to him. There were a couple of huge ones amidst the group of thirteen dinosaurs though and he could see the huge ones, which he assumed as the elite monsters, had green saliva flowing out of their mouth and where the saliva hit, it smoked.

Mark cast Glacial Void to freeze the monsters and it did, but the elite ones were just slowed down but still, it was enough. He then cast Void Hurricane. A whirling void of energy came out from the other dimension and tried to rip the monsters to pieces. He then cast Void Meteor which summoned a huge rock that was glowing with void energy from that other dimension as well which killed the dinosaurs although the elite ones survived but a Void Chain Lightning ended them. The void energy that looked like lightning ripping them to shred.

After Mark waited for several seconds, five drops appeared but unfortunately, two of them were white items and the other one was a green item which he promptly destroyed using his skill to get crafting materials. Two of the items were a magic blue rarity. It was a knife and what looked like a whip.

He identified the two items, and the knife was called Knife of Venom which added ten to Agility with twenty physical damage and twenty-five durability. It had the skill Venom which would coat the knife in poison that would add forty poison damage to the knife plus five poison damage every second for four seconds. The duration of venom was quick though, only a minute but it had twenty charges and would earn one charge per ten minutes.

The second item was called the Whip of Darkness. It would add twenty Strengths to the user, and it had twenty damage and twenty-five durability. It had a passive skill called Darkness that had a forty percent chance of blinding the enemy for five seconds on hit.

Mark was glad to receive the items since he could sell them for Mana stones.

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