Delayed Transfer - Chapter 218

Published at 23rd of April 2024 10:58:53 AM

Chapter 218

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Mark went to the living room where Nedertu was waiting when the twins were asleep. He served the cat man coffee and asked him some questions.

“I never did ask you, but do you have a family?”

“I’m a bachelor and I’m enjoying my life too much to look for a wife. Someday, I will go home to look for one.”

“I see. It’s just that I have a question for you. I was telling a story to the kids and suddenly they cried. I got an inkling that it was related to their parents somehow.”

Mark repeated the story to Nedertu and asked for his opinion.

“I’m not sure why the twins were affected so much since the story you told was just a typical one. Maybe you should ask someone older like Rendira or the elves for a better perspective.”

“You are maybe right. I will ask them then. How many weeks before we leave the city, do you know?”

“We’ll leave once winter ends which is about two weeks from now.”

“We should start cleaning the cart since we’ll return to using it during our travels. It’s better to use it since the RV is an attention seeker and I would like for us to blend with the circus caravan better to avoid trouble.”

“I’ll have someone clean it a week before we depart,” Nedertu reassured Mark.

After their talk, Nedertu left. Mark still was not sleepy even though he had a full day of adventure, studying, and dungeon diving. He decided to roam the caravan compound even though it was nighttime. He was glad to see that the moon was bright lighting the way. He wandered around aimlessly until he found himself in a lively caravan of halflings. Mark saw Rodan and since everyone looked busy, he thought that there may be a problem.

“Rodan, did something happen?”

“Mark you’re here! Nothing troubling. My eldest son arrived from his adventures and his mother and aunts were preparing food for him. The kids were also pestering him about his adventures.”

“Congratulations! I’m glad that your son’s safe. As a gift, I’ll give you this roast pig.”

Mark replicated a whole roast pig from his inventory and honestly, that was not the most outrageous food that he’d been keeping there. Rodan and Rendira who just arrived eyes widened when they saw the roast pig on a huge platter. They saw that Mark was having trouble carrying the heavy platter, so they immediately assisted him.

“Thank you so much!” Rodan said while his eyes were glued to the pig.

“I’ll leave you then since this joyous occasion should be with family.”

“Nonsense! Please join us.” Rendira urged.

“I would like to roam for a bit more before I retire so I’ll leave you with your celebration.” Mark then left while waving his arms to Rodan and his family.

Mark walked a bit more but noticed that the caravan people were beginning to rest so it was becoming quiet. He returned to his RV to sleep.

The next day, Nedertu and Rendira arrived while he was preparing breakfast for everyone. While they were eating, the twin's tutor talked to Mark about something.

“Mark, Hamil mentioned that you’re looking for a permanent sitter for the kids and that sitter needed to be an expert cook am I right?”

“Yes, since Nedertu’s job was to be our cart’s coach, I would like to have someone focused on taking care of the twins and I don’t want to be the one preparing the food all the time.”

“I would like to talk to you about that. Can we do it later after the kids’ lessons?”

“Sure. I will need to go somewhere today but should be back later during lunchtime. I’ll talk to you then.”

“Are you going to your lessons, Mark?” Aaron asked.

“No. The elven sisters are going somewhere today and next week so I’ll be free from lessons, but I will be doing something else. I will still be back during lunchtime though.”

When the twin’s lessons started, Mark went to the first floor of the dungeon to begin identifying the items that he gathered from the twenty-fifth floor and the tenth-floor boss. He laid down all the items on the table when he arrived on the first floor of the dungeon. He began identifying all of the items and then he separated them based on job profession. He put all the items for mages together and did the same thing for light melee and heavy melee although the ones for heavy melee like heavy armor were still very scarce for some reason.

Mark separated all the items that had skills on them. There were a total of six and two of them were legendary purple items. He replaced all of his equipped items with those of higher stats and higher defense but no skills since he didn’t need the skill from the items and kept those with skills in a separate chest to be treated as rare treasure. He could sell those if he needed funds or distribute them to friends if they needed firepower.

Sadly, the two legendary purple items were both weapons. One of them was a dagger and the other one was a bow. That meant that they could only be treated as treasures to be sold or gifts to be given.

The good thing was all of his equipped items were new with higher stats and higher defense and he made sure that they were assigned to be auto-equipped anytime he needed.

Mark was thankful that one of his skills would allow him to repair and clean items that were stored in his inventory so whenever he finished an adventure, he could repair and clean his dungeon items immediately, meaning that whenever he used them, they would be clean and in full repair. He would do so as well to his regular clothes which dispense the need for him to wash and dry his clothes.

Nedertu did ask him how he made sure that the twin's clothes were cleaned, and he just told the cat man that he used magic.

Please report us if you find any errors so we can fix it asap!