Delayed Transfer - Chapter 220

Published at 23rd of April 2024 10:58:50 AM

Chapter 220

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Mark watched the first few episodes of the anime Frieren: Beyond Journey’s End and he fell in love with it. He felt that the setting and place where the anime was taking place was the same as the world that he was living in right now. By episode four, the twins and Nedertu returned and stopped watching the anime on his laptop.

“Mark we’re hungry. I want pizza!” Isaac shouted.

“I want a hamburger,” Aaron added.

“I want both,” Nedertu joined in on the fun.

Mark replicated pizza, hamburgers, and sodas for their snacks but told the twins not to eat too much since there was still dinner later.

“So, what have you been doing this afternoon?” Mark asked the kids.

“We went and played with the other kids,” Isaac said while eating his pizza.

“We roamed around everywhere having adventures. We pretended that we were Jedi and that we were off saving the world. When we got outside, other kids joined us, and we let them!” Isaac said.

“You don’t need to worry Mark. I was following them the whole time,” Nedertu informed him while eating a lot of the food that Mark prepared.

“You did? But we never saw you,” Aaron added.

“That’s the idea. You don’t want an adult intruding on your journey to save the world don’t you?” Nedertu replied while smiling at the twins.

Mark laughed at the twins gaping at the cat man.

“What are you planning to do next?” Mark asked the twins.

“Of course, we’ll get back to saving the world with our friends!” Isaac said.

Mark gave Nedertu two bags of candies.

“Those are your food supplies while you save the world. One for each of you and your friends. You can get them from your supply depot manager which is Nedertu so be good so he will give you your supplies okay?”

The twins looked excited when they saw the bags of candies in Nedertu’s hands.

“Can we have a taste?”

“You just ate! You can get them later and it will be Nedertu’s decision when.”

When the kids went out, Mark decided to have an adventure of his own. He went and got one of the magic blue daggers from the first floor of the dungeon. He was planning to go to a magic shop in the merchant's quarter and have the item appraised by them then sell it. He wanted to experience how to sell a magic weapon and wanted to go through the whole process by himself.

Mark decided to dress shabbily to see if he was going to be taken advantage of or if the merchant would treat him fairly. When he checked himself in the mirror, he looked like one of those young people who just left their village for an adventure. He messed up his hair a bit for added effect. He then walked outside to begin his adventure for the day.

He strolled enjoying the view of the city. There were still a lot of people outside even though it was cold. It was truly fantastical since he saw a lot of different types of species. He saw elves walking elegantly doing some shopping. He saw some dwarves. He saw halflings which he thought were kids at first. He even saw a couple of people that looked like demons but from what he remembered playing games, they should be equivalent to Tieflings or something of that nature.

Walking in the city and taking time to view it as it was, not focusing on going somewhere was a treat. He saw some Lizardfolk and some people who looked like humanoid dragons. There were different types of species and Natasha told him that the city of Argent was not even that diverse when it came to its citizens and visitors. Not even that diverse and there were already a lot of different species. He couldn’t imagine what those cities considered as diverse would look like and he couldn’t wait to see them. He was really fortunate that he was able to join the circus.

When Mark reached the merchant’s quarters, he took his time browsing the different shops and he was glad to note that even though he was dressed shabbily, he wasn’t discriminated against by the shopkeepers. What he didn’t know was, that even though he thought that he was dressed shabbily, from the experienced eyes of the shopkeepers, he was too clean. He looked like a noble or at the very least a rich person’s son playing at being poor.

Mark saw a magic weapon shop and he entered it. He expected to be ignored because of the way he was dressed but when the shopkeeper saw him, he was treated well and was asked what his business was. He was really impressed by the behavior of the merchants in the city.

“I have this magic dagger that was given to me by my grandfather. I would like to sell it since I need some funds. It doesn’t have a skill or something like that, but it will increase your attack speed.” Mark told the salesperson who was a halfling man.

“Is it all right for us to appraise it?”

Mark agreed and the halfling brought the dagger to the back of the shop. He was expecting to encounter a problem like maybe someone denying that he brought the dagger to the store or something like that but after a few minutes, the halfling came back with the dagger.

“You are correct sir. The dagger would increase the attack speed of the person who is wielding it. We are prepared to offer twenty low Mana stones for it.”

Mark was taken aback. He was expecting to get at most ten Mana stones. He agreed, and then the halfling gave him the stones.

Mark happily went outside the store thinking that he was successful in his adventure of selling a magic item in the merchant’s quarter without any difficulty but when he got outside, he saw Natasha waiting for him.

“Why are you here?”

“Someone told me that they saw you playing or pretending as a poor person.”

“What do you mean playing?”

“Do you really think you looked like someone poor?” Natasha laughed.

“Hey! Don’t laugh. Why do they or you say that I was playing as a poor person?”

Natasha then told the reasons, that he was too clean, his skin looked too fair and unblemished, and his bearing was like a noble or at the very least a rich person. Mark felt embarrassed realizing that he failed at his disguise, but the embarrassment was fleeting since he wasn’t really serious.

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