Delayed Transfer - Chapter 241

Published at 23rd of April 2024 10:58:21 AM

Chapter 241

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Mark and the twins sat beside Nedertu at the front with Nedertu who was driving the cart. The whole circus was full of excitement and energy as if they were being freed from a long time imprisonment. The twins couldn’t keep still. More than likely in their mind they were going on a grand adventure.

Natasha was nowhere to be found. Mark kept looking around hoping to see the guard captain’s face one last time but his hope was dashed when they reached the gate. The snow was almost gone and he could see that the clothing that people wore was lighter.

Everyone was celebrating and not only people from the circus but the city people were in a celebratory mood as well. Hamil had a meeting with the leaders of the group in the circus which was basically discussing the places and routes they would take and Mark didn’t join them even though the caravan leader asked him to. Mark told Hamil that he didn’t care where they went since he didn’t know the places anyway and would just follow along.

Mark saw Hamil riding some sort of animal that he didn’t recognize and went towards their cart. It was some sort of bird and it looked like an ostrich from the dinosaur age to him.

“What happened oh glorious leader?” Mark joked.

“Somebody is chasing our glorious wizard,” Hamil joked back.

Mark looked back and saw Natasha chasing after the circus riding a horse. He cast Fly and flew towards the guard captain to meet her to the catcall of the people in the circus. When they were near each other, Natasha jumped from the horse. He flew down and hugged his beautiful guard captain.

“Of course, I will not allow you to leave without one last goodbye from me,” Natasha said.

Even though there was a tiny hope, it was extinguished by Natasha’s words. She would not leave with him but of course, he knew that it was just a very tiny hope.

“I know that you will not,” Mark replied.

“My powerful wizard lover. Goodbye. May your journey be filled with exciting adventure and boundless love,” Natasha whispered while hugging him.

“My beautiful captain, Goodbye. May your life be filled with heroism that will remain in the city’s archives and stories forever.” Mark whispered back to his beautiful golden-haired lover.

After their last kiss, Natasha rode her horse to the city without looking back and Mark went back to his cart. He saw that Milena joined them in the front of the cart and it was a good thing that it was large enough to fit all of them.

“That was the most romantic goodbye I have ever seen and I’ve seen a lot, some genuine and some not so,” Milena said.

“Truly, like one fit for a movie,” Nedertu added.

“Yes! I can see that scene in The Princess Bride,” Milena mentioned informing everyone that she had seen the movie. Not surprising since almost all the circus people had seen it.

“Natasha is not coming with us?” Isaac innocently asked.

“No. She’s a guard captain of the city. She had to stay to protect the city from enemies.” Mark answered the boy.

“Yes, I thanked her when you and she came to rescue us from those monsters who killed our parents. She’s now very powerful especially since you gave her a magic sword,” Aaron added and Mark just smiled.

Mark was about to tell the boys that Rendira would continue teaching them whenever they stopped somewhere long enough but he didn’t want to dampen the excitement in the boys’ eyes so he let it go.

The snow in the surroundings was melting but the air was still chilly so he gave everyone thick blankets to cover themselves.

“Mark, can we start learning magic? I want to learn how to fly,” Isaac said.

“You will start studying magic once you’re finished with your lessons with Rendira. But you can still fly without learning magic. Here let me show you.”

Mark then controlled the two boys with his Telekinesis and let them float beside the cart. Their scream gathered the attention of everyone in the circus and the other children looked at them with envy.

“Mark, can you lift us higher?!” Isaac shouted.

He lifted the twins higher and the boys kept screaming and laughing while the other people looked at them with indulgent faces.

“That looks fun. I wish I could join them,” Milena said.

“Do you want to?” Mark asked.

Milena gave a nervous laugh.

“I’m too old to do something like that.”

“There’s no age limit in enjoying oneself. That’s my motto.”

Mark then cast Fly at himself and joined the twins and he controlled Milena to join them.

When the twins saw that Mark and Milena joined them, their shouting and laughter increased. They roam around the entire caravan and Deo, Hamil’s son shouted at them that he wanted to join as well so Mark controlled the boy to join them which made him shriek in laughter.

Toby looked like he wanted to shout and ask to join them but the dignity of being an older brother prevented him.

After an hour of flying around, he brought Deo to his father’s cart to the boy’s disappointment but Mark told him that it was time for the twins to take a nap.

The twins shouted that they were not sleepy and wanted to keep playing but he controlled everyone to get back to the cart. Then he asked Milena to bring the twins inside the cart to rest.

“That was a good thing you did Mark. It made the boys very happy and forgot about Natasha not joining us anymore.” Nedertu said.

“That was the idea.”

“Every child in the circus is so jealous of the twins that I’m thinking that some of them might ask you to adopt them,” Nedertu said then he laughed.

When dusk arrived, the caravan stopped beside the road and everyone prepared themselves to camp. Nedertu took care of the cart and the Zzourta while the twins and Milena went outside the cart to join Mark.

Once everyone was settled down, Mark summoned the RV beside their cart and was glad that the campsite was large enough for the vehicle. Everyone was happy to enter the RV and Milena busied herself in preparing their dinner. She was going to cook dinner in the cart though since Mark placed all the kitchen equipment that she needed to cook there and all the ingredients she bought were placed inside the two refrigerators inside the cart.

The cart was cramped with furniture and equipment but they were not going to sleep there during the night anyway. Only Nedertu would sleep in the cart and according to the cat man, it was comfortable enough especially with a device that controlled the temperature which was the heater and air conditioner.

Please report us if you find any errors so we can fix it asap!