Delayed Transfer - Chapter 263

Published at 16th of May 2024 12:59:56 PM

Chapter 263

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Mark knew that he would need to plan his schedule accordingly. Rendira told him that she was willing to tutor the twins during their travels so he advised her that he would continue hiring her to do so. He would also need to inform everyone of a fixed schedule of when he would disappear to his dungeon.

Based on their travels, the cart would begin their journey at around eight or nine in the morning and would stop to camp at around six in the evening. That meant that he could tell the twins, Milena and Nedertu that he would be gone every day around nine or ten in the morning and would be back around five in the afternoon but he would need to attend to a most pressing matter which was a way for the others to communicate with him even when he was deep in his dungeon during emergencies.

Mark would need to talk to the elven sister or Hamil first if they know of a spell or a mage tool that would allow the others to talk to him even if he was in his dungeon during emergencies.

During lunchtime, he told the others in the cart that he would need to talk to someone so he got out of the cart and went to the sister’s cart. When he arrived there, he saw that Mentorra was the one who was driving and Mark told her that he would talk to one of them.

“Hop on. There’s a door beside me that you can use to enter the cart. I already told Solinae so they’re expecting you inside.” Mentorra told him but Mark didn’t see her talking to the others in any way so it was probably some sort of a spell.

When Mark arrived inside the cart, Solinae and Eilintraee were already waiting for him.

“How can we help you, Mark?” Solinae asked.

“I need to leave and go to my realm every day for my magical studies but I will need a way for somebody outside to be able to contact me in case of an emergency. Do you have a spell or a magic item that I can purchase?”

Solinae looked at Eilintraee.

“We have something like that and it’s very precious to us but we haven’t tried if it would work if the other person were in another dimension but it should,” Solinae said.

“The item that we have is something that was given to us by our mother. It’s called the Tears of Amathur,” Eilintraee said.

Solinae brought out a small container that looked like a jewelry box and when she opened it, Mark saw a pair of blue diamond earrings that looked like a teardrop.

“To use it, one person would keep one and the other would bring the other half of the pair with them then in case they need to inform the other person of an emergency they would just put a drop of blood on the earring and the other half of the pair of earrings would turn to red,” Solinae said.

“We can let you borrow it and once we reach a city you can find an item like it. Its magical effect is actually common. It’s precious to us because it’s a keepsake,” Eilintraee said.

“I have a favor to ask you then. Since I would like to continue my studies in my dimension during our travel, I will leave around nine in the morning and will return around five in the afternoon. I would stay in the circus full time once we reach a stopping point like a village or a city. I’m worried that while I’m gone, something will happen that will require my aid so I would like to keep one pair of the earrings and you can inform me if I need to come back immediately.”

“We can do that since it will be helpful to us as well.”

Eilintraee then gave half of the pair of earrings called the Tears of Amathur to Mark. Solinae also provided a silver chain that he could use as a bracelet to attach the earring so he could always see it and notice if the blue earring would turn red.

“Thank you. I can study without any worry. I just thought that I would need to get stronger just in case.”

“We understand. Do you need the second circle spell books?” Solinae asked.

“Not for now since I would need to concentrate on my magic system first and would go back to studying yours once I’ve stabilized my situation. I just felt that I’m on the cusp of a breakthrough that’s why I need to do this right now.”

Mark said his goodbyes to the sisters and then went to Hamil’s cart next.

“Mark! How may I help you?” Hamil asked when he joined the caravan leader on his cart.

“During our travels, I will be going to my realm for my magical studies. I will be gone from around nine until five in the afternoon and join my family for dinner and rest. The sisters have a way of contacting me in case of emergency.”

“What about during our stops?”

“During our stop in a village or cities, I will not go to my realm and stay in the circus.”

“That’s good to know and thank you for informing me. It’s also good that we could reach you if we needed.”

After talking with Hamil, Mark went to Rendira to inform her that he would like for her to continue tutoring the twins even during their travels and Rendira said that she would come to their cart after breakfast once they began their travels starting the next day.

Mark went back to their cart and he felt a bit tired going from cart to cart while everything was moving it was a good thing that the carts were moving slowly enough or else he would have needed to cast his spell Flight to fly between carriages.

“Mark you’re back! Where did you go?” Isaac asked when they saw Mark joining them.

“I went to the sisters to ask for something. I also needed to inform Hamil and Rendira about something as well. Listen, kids, starting tomorrow, I will need to go to my realm to study magic and I will be gone every day starting nine or ten in the morning and will be back around four or five in the afternoon. Rendira will also arrive here in our cart every day to continue tutoring you in the morning as well so basically that meant that we would be busy and not just idle around.

“Mark you can study but why do we have to study as well?!” Isaac whined.

“If you want to be mages and learn how to build spaceships you will need to learn how to get used to studying.”

The twins nodded their understanding but they did pout which made Mark smile since the kids pouting looked really cute. Mark informed them that the sisters had a way to send a message to him during an emergency so they did not need to worry. He then asked Milena and Nedertu if their food supply and funds were still satisfactory and Milena assured him that everything was still good to go. Nedertu also informed him that there should not be any issues and besides, they would still see him every night until morning.

Please report us if you find any errors so we can fix it asap!