Delayed Transfer - Chapter 93

Published at 24th of November 2023 01:02:02 PM

Chapter 93

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Mark arrived on Miguel and Sonia’s house, Sam and Melissa’s parents. Sam opened the door and escorted him to the living room where everybody was seated.

“What happened Mark? When we were driving, we heard a loud noise and then we saw some sort of tornado.” Armina asked.

Armina and Enleed were seated on the side on a chair from the dining room, Mark guessed, while Miguel, Sonia and Melissa were on the couch.

“I destroyed the bodies and the warehouse. Nobody will find anything there anymore.” Mark sat on a chair that Sam brought from somewhere.

“What is happening? Melissa and Sam explained to me what previously happened before when she got kidnapped by that thugs but they wouldn’t explain to us about the.. the trees and the fairies!” Miguel asked.

“We were waiting for you to explain to them about the magic.” Sam said. Mark told Sam to explain everything to his parents then he told Sam he would go to the bathroom first.

Mark went to the bathroom to wash his face and hands. He suddenly felt very dirty and he knew that not only him, but more than likely, all of them were suffering from some sort of mental trauma for killing the thugs especially Sam and Melissa since they were really close to Luis. He felt that it was his fault. When they rescued Melissa, he had the power to do something permanent to that Mexican gang but he hesitated on doing something drastic back them because he thought that what he did was enough to scare those guys and he had this moral averse on killing humans.

Mark knew he was a pussy. He already had the power but he was still a pussy. He blamed himself for a couple more minutes then stopped since he knew it wasn’t healthy. He had always been a goody two shoes. He remembered restarting his games in Skyrim several times because some of his favorite NPCs in Whiterun City were killed. He felt pity for the NPC so he restarted his game, that was how pathetic he was. He also remembered he was so careful in playing Diablo 1 when he was a kid because he found it too scary that time and until now he still couldn’t play or watch horror games or horror movies.

Mark knew he was a goody two shoes, scaredy cat but he never thought that he was a pussy as well. He knew he should learn not to be such a coward since the next world could be a world of might is right and being a coward would only lead to his demise. After picking himself up, he went outside to provide more explanation to Miguel and Sonia.

Mark sat on the chair provided by Sam and told everyone that Luis was in his Inventory. He also told everyone what he did on the warehouse in details so that they shouldn’t worry about some sort of evidence pointing at them. He also told Miguel that they should move near Sam.

“They’ve already agreed to move, Mark, so we will stay here and help them. They would stay at a hotel near our house first while we search for a house or them.”

“You don’t need to worry about that part. Donald Dren is a land baron and he has a huge real estate company that can help us” Mark immediately called Manuel, the assistant that Donald assigned to him, and asked him to find a house near his with a budget of around two million. Miguel and Sonia gasps when they heard the price.

“We don’t have that kind of money!” Miguel said.

“You don’t need to worry. Sam and Melissa has the money. They told you about what were doing and we’re earning a lot of money from that.”

“But it still a lot!”

“It’s just money. Let us do this for you Miguel. Luis will also be happy to know that you will be safe and in a good home.” Mark used Luis’s name to manipulate Miguel and Sonia. He knew it was wrong but he really did not want to take a long time convincing the couple.

Sonia suddenly cried while saying “poor Luis” and Melissa cried with her.

“We will hold the funeral on once you’re in your new home. Luis will be safe on my Inventory.”

Mark received a call from Manuel and said that they found a house complete with furniture for sale near his and ready for occupancy. The price was 1.8 million dollars. He told Manuel that they would like to move now and Manuel said that since it’s ready, all the paperwork will be finished by tomorrow and that they can move in now. Mark told Manuel to meet him at his home in three hours so he can guide them to Miguel and Sonia’s new home.

“Sonia, I have a huge storage ring that I’ve found. Lead me to all the things that you would like to keep but only the important ones. We don’t need to bring the furniture since the new house will have new ones.”

Sam, Melissa and their parents got busy packing and when everything was done, Mark put it all on his Inventory.

When they arrived home, Manuel was already waiting for them. Armina and Enleed stayed by the house while Mark, Sam, Melissa and their parents followed Manuel. He brought them to a two story villa about 10 minutes ride from Mark’s house. Miguel and Sonia couldn’t help but be amaze at the extravagant furniture inside the house and how beautiful the house was. Manuel asked Miguel and Sonia to sign some papers which they did and Mark transferred the funds to the account Manuel gave. Mark told Sam and Melissa that they could just transfer the funds to him once they receive the money from Donald from the sale of the three dungeon items.

Sam told Mark that they’ve already received the funds from Donald. Melissa told Mark and Sam that she would be staying with Miguel and Sonia. It was a good thing that the older couple were already retired. Sam told Mark that they wouldn’t be able to do a dungeon dive the next day since they would be busy with making sure that Miguel and Sonia were comfortable in their new home. He also said that he would open a bank account for their parents so they could transfer some funds for their day to day use.

Mark told Sam to contact him once they are ready for Luis’s body. Sam and Melissa stayed with his parents for now for family comfort and Mark went home to inform Armina that she would have the whole room to herself since Melissa would be staying with her parents.

When he arrived home, Mark saw that Enleed and Armina was in the living room waiting.

Please report us if you find any errors so we can fix it asap!