Dense Fog - Chapter 1

Published at 1st of May 2024 07:10:06 AM

Chapter 1

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Dense Fog 1 - "Ding dong" notifications ringing from a group of WeChat groups

January 9, 2021

It was the height of summer. As night turned to day, a fog resembling flowing clouds covered the horizon, scattering glimmers of light. As the sun rose and the first rays of dawn pierced through each layer of clouds, the fog faded away quietly.

This northern city rarely saw fog, especially not in summer. Unfortunately, Lin Wu did not get to appreciate the rare and stunning scenery—at 7 AM, he was jolted awake. His body complained about being woken up at the crack of dawn, but in the summer when it dawned at five o'clock, the sun was already smiling brightly at him through his window.

The reason he woke up was the sounds of the nonstop chatter of new students downstairs checking in for the first time, the returning students dragging their clinking luggage down the hallway, a very punctual 7 o'clock broadcast that played "early morning music" for the entire school, and the phone next to his pillow constantly emitting "ding dong" notifications.

Today was August 31st and tomorrow would be the official start of the new term.

Lin Wu was in no rush to get out of bed. He laid on his top bunk, let out a drowsy-eyed yawn, and felt around for the phone next to his face.

The non-stop notifications came not just from one WeChat group, but a group of WeChat groups—all of the sort where Do Not Disturb was no match against the almighty @all.

[Environmental School Chat]

Mr. Li: Students in charge of new student orientation, as you introduce your school, faculty, and campus life to your juniors who just entered university, please try to spread positivity. If you want to talk about any negative feelings you might have, you're welcome to go see Teacher Chen in the faculty office. @all

Mr. Chen: [gentle smile like a spring breeze.jpg]

[Environmental Engineering Department Chat]

Residential Manager Gao: Meet in front of the environmental department building at 5 PM. We're taking attendance @all

[Env Eng Class 1 Chat]

Xu Zhenlong the world-shaker: Have you seen the news in our school chat yet? I'm dying hahahaha @all

Liu Mu the much-admired: He was definitely showing a first year girl around, talked on and on until he found true love zqsg 1

Shang Haitao who eats while walking: I'm noticing the sticker Old Chen sent:
Shang Haitao who eats while walking: [smiling gently like a spring breeze.jpg]

Pang Dongdong who rains down swiftly: Society is evolving too quickly, even Old Chen's learned how to speak in riddles smh

Zou Kai the thunderer: If you keep using these freaking unreadable af acronyms, I'll block all of you!

Deng Chacha "I'm the class monitor": af is also an acronym @Zou Kai the thunderer

Zou Kai the thunderer: ...

Lin Wu was fully awake now and cackling with laughter. Just as he was about to send something to complete the message chain as "Lin Wu the lovable", yet another message popped up in a fourth group chat.

[Shushan #2 Landlords Assembly]

Ongoing war: Whose blanket is downstairs? @all
Ongoing war: [picture]
Ongoing war: It's been hanging up on the door for a few days and it's already dry. If no one picks it up, it might as well become a door panel.

"Shushan Residence" was the official name that the school designated for the boys' dormitory area; girls stayed in the "Xuehai Residence". So, "Shushan #2" meant the male dorms' No. 2 building. Even though Building No. 2's residents would only stay there for four years, they still ambitiously changed the group name to "Landlords Assembly", indulging in the feeling of being land-owners a few years in advance.

"What's up? Using ya phone first thing in the morning, careful not to drop it on your face." The door to room 333 opened, and Xia Yang, one of Lin Wu's roommates, entered bringing in his suitcase and his distinctive Tianjin accent.

The blistering summer weather didn't leave a single trace on classmate Xia's body. From his face to his arms and legs, his skin was still fair and clear. His wavy hair was black last semester, but now it was dyed maroon, contrasting against his already good-looking facial features to make them appear even more delicate.

"Pretty early, isn't it?" Lin Wu sat up from his top bunk. "I thought you'd come in the afternoon."

The Tianjin native Xia Yang arrived in Shenyang yesterday. However, he had relatives over here who took care of him well, so every time Xia Yang returned, he would share a meal and stay over for a night before going back to school.

"Well, I missed ya guys." Upon entering the room, Xia Yang squatted down and opened his suitcase. He first took out several large pouches filled with who knew what local specialties and slapped them onto the table. His mouth never stopped moving while he continued to move things out: "I donno if the AC on yesterday's train was possessed or something, it was so freezing cold even my skull started tingling. I spoke to the train attendant three times—'Say big sis, let's turn up the temperature a bit, ok? We're on a train, not inside a freezer.' Guess what? Even the attendant couldn't do anything about it. She told me the train's air conditioning was just this stubborn, if I really couldn't stand it then I could take the curtains off and use them as a makeshift cover..."

Lin Wu didn't know if Xia Yang's skull was tingling because of the cold, but in any case, Xia Yang's skull must really be tingling, or else he wouldn't be chattering away like this.

Classmate Xia's special character trait was that as long as he kept quiet, he looked like an idol, but when he opened his mouth, he transformed into a crosstalk comedian. As soon as he spoke, any air of sophistication he might have had would be overpowered by his flowing Tianjin accent.

Lin Wu waited until Xia Yang had to catch his breath and quickly inserted, "I'm just wonderin. Everyone says if there's one Dongbei2 person in a dorm, you'll end up with a whole dorm full of Dongbei people. There are three of us from Dongbei, how could it be that we still haven't fixed your accent yet?"

Xia Yang raised his head. "Like this?" he said in an exaggerated Dongbei accent, giving Lin Wu a charming wink. "Not convinced?"

"...You can even mix and match accents, too awesome."

"Let me tell ya, this thing about my accent, I was originally real tempted. I really considered surrendering and going with your flow."

Xia Yang got up and generously handed out the snacks that he piled up on half of his desk, all Tianjin specialties, distributing a few packs of this and a few bags of that to each of the desks under the other two bunk beds. As for Lin Wu's share, he simply threw the snacks to his top bunk.

"But then I thought, switching from a Tianjin accent to a Dongbei accent is just a sidegrade?" he continued. "Instead of saying, 'Big sis, what's keepin' ya busy?' I'll be saying, 'Hey, girl, whatcha bin up to?'3 Put your hand to your honest chest muscles and swear to me, does this really make me sound any classier?"

Lin Wu firmly caught a pack of Eighteenth Street fried dough twists and a bag of ear-hole fried cake4. "Good point."

In a dorm with three Dongbei students and one Tianjin student, Xia Yang often overthought things like mannerisms.

"Where's Li Junchi?" Only when done distributing his local specialties did Xia Yang notice that Li Junchi's luggage was beside his bed, but the person himself was missing.

Lin Wu said, "Working."

Xia Yang glanced at his phone. "It's seven in the morning."

Lin Wu said, "He's helping a fourth year pick up a girl at the train station."

Li Junchi was number one in their room 333, or rather... it could be said, number one in the whole school's "work-study program". Last semester as a first year, he scouted out his surroundings and adapted to the new environment. By the next semester, he began to take on all manner of jobs on campus. As long as it was within the realm of human possibility and not illegal, he would accept any request. Once, he was gloriously entrusted by a student to hand deliver breakfast for the goddess in their heart for a record breaking consecutive three months. On campus, he was quite reputable in handling private affairs.

"They hired him to pick up their girlfriend at the station?" Hearing the details of this job, Xia Yang immediately puffed up his chest in indignation. "This kind of guy can still get a girlfriend?"

"It's not his girlfriend," Lin Wu said.

Xia Yang commented, "Then this job's not bad, he can make some money and get to know a girl."

Lin Wu said, "It's his little sister, so that senior paid an additional 100 yuan and banned Li Junchi from asking about her private life or contact information. Including but not limited to her department, major, grade, Weibo, WeChat, QQ, and gaming accounts."

Xia Yang: "..."

Lin Wu and Xia Yang were here, and Li Junchi was working. At present, room 333 was only missing Ren Feiyu from Harbin.

"When did he say he'd arrive?" Xia Yang washed his face and changed into a new t-shirt. The shirt was white, making him look especially neat.

"Yesterday, he said he'd be taking the high speed rail this morning, so I suppose he should be on the train by now." Lin Wu pulled up their four person group chat on his phone and scrolled through the chat history. "It's only two hours from Harbin to Shenyang, before noon, he'll definitely..."

He hadn't even found the message he was looking for when a new message popped up. Seriously, speaking of the devil...

Please bless me with a lucky koi: There's a huge rainstorm in Harbin, the train's stopped [cry][cry][cry] @Lin Wu @AAA Li Junchi @Young Master Xia

Lin Wu and Xia Yang looked at each other.

The former threw up his hands and said, "Of course."

The latter shrugged and said, "As it should be."

Since their first year, Ren Feiyu's trips to his hometown and back did not go smoothly a single time. Winter break was blizzards, summer break a rainstorm. His train ticket seemed to be a charm that could call the wind and summon the rain. It was so accurate it was frightening.

This was merely the tip of the iceberg when it came to Ren Feiyu's hopelessly unlucky constitution. His days on campus were just as rough, pitiful to the point that it hurt to look back on them.

Lin Wu: [Rain or shine your brothers always got your back.jpg]

AAA Li Junchi: Bro, this isn't the first time, you should be used to it.

Xia Yang: Trust me, start praying now, "May the rain continue". I guarantee you it'll stop pouring immediately.

Even Li Junchi who was in the middle of work popped up. Room 333 has always had such touching camaraderie.

Ren Feiyu evidently accepted their gesture of friendship.

Please bless me with a lucky koi: Mn, you guys don't need to worry about me.
Please bless me with a lucky koi: [After I cry for a month I'll be ok.jpg]

After consoling Ren Feiyu, Lin Wu hopped off his bed and went to brush his teeth and wash his face. When he finished, he returned to the room and tore open a pack of 18th Street fried dough twists to be his breakfast. He was about to suggest to Xia Yang that he could switch up the type of souvenirs he brought back from his hometown; always bringing one type was too predictable... For example, instead of food, he could also add in a few "Clay Figure Zhang"5 figurines, no?

But when he raised his eyes, Xia Yang who had just changed into a fresh t-shirt had somehow fallen asleep underneath the gently rotating electric fan. He slept like a kid who had stayed up multiple nights at the Internet cafe.

Lin Wu reckoned that the air conditioning at Xia Yang's relatives' house probably wasn't much better than that of the train. Hence, after freezing for two days straight, classmate Xia finally fell asleep soundly underneath the simple and familiar electric fan in their dorm room.

Classes would only start tomorrow, so there really wasn't anything to do today. Lin Wu gnawed on a fried dough twist with one hand, while scrolling his phone with the other hand. He scrolled to the end and with no more news left to read, he swiftly opened an app called "Shushan Abode".

This app was originally a small program written by a skilled senior who lived in Shushan a few years back. It was pretty much a stripped down anonymous forum that gave students a place to vent their frustrations. Later, more and more students signed up. The senior then graduated and transferred ownership of the app to the computer science students. Now, it could be considered a semi-official school forum, though users stayed anonymous and conversations stayed free and uncensored.

The forum only had two sections, with a clear division between them: "Everything Academic" and "Gossip".

The former would become extremely active during finals season and the preparation period for graduate school entrance exams. The latter section was red hot 365 days a year. It couldn't be helped; anything unrelated to studies could only be stuffed in there, from public displays of affection—"May you live a hundred happy years together"—to playboy scum and whether they deserved a kick in the nuts. In between was everything from frequent excerpts of Breaking news!! Campus Insider Tales, doubts about the school's fengshui, which dorm disturbed the spirit of the senior in a red dress, which classroom was haunted by the ghost of a failed student. Every day, the subforum would be flooded with fresh content; it was too easy to get hooked.

However, today the top post in the gossip section wasn't some dog blood drama, nor was it some incomprehensible gossip. Rather, it was a few scenic photos—

Topic: The fog this morning is so pretty!
Posted by: Samantha who loves morning runs
Content: [photo] [photo] [photo] [photo]...

After clicking on the post, you could swipe down to see a series of HD images.

The sky was faintly bright through the lingering mist. The morning sun had not yet come out of the clouds, but rays of light had begun to leak into the peripheries of the scene, reflecting traces of brilliant lights and vibrant colours into the fog that filled the atmosphere.

The author has something to say:
Classmate Lin Wu for now doesn't know whether he or the little wolf will be shou, the attacks of youthfulness are about to come one after another~ =w=

Translator's Note

Hi fluffy friends,

This chapter was retranslated on May 20, 2023. Enjoy!

Delta Doge (。・∀・)ノ゙

Additional Notes

Character Names & Pinyin

林雾 / Līn Wù: Has the same "wù" as the title, 大雾 / Dà Wù, meaning fog 夏扬 / Xià Yáng 李骏驰 / Lǐ Jùnchí 任飞宇 / Rén Fēiyǔ


真情实感 / zhēn qíng shí gǎn, slang to describe an emotionally touching or heartfelt situation, usually in the context of TV dramas ↩

东北 / Dōngběi: The Northeast part of China, referring to the three provinces of Liaoning, Jilin, and Heilongjiang. The university in the story is located in 沈阳 / Shěnyáng, the capital of Liaoning and the largest city in Dongbei with a total metropolitan population of 6.3 million. ↩

The Tianjin version is 姐姐忙嘛呢 / jiějiě máng ma ne, and the Dongbei version is 大妹子你干啥呢 / dà mèizi nǐ gàn shá ne. ↩

Some Tianjin local foods: 18th Street fried dough twists

Ear-hole fried cake

Clay Figure Zhang or 泥人張 / Nírén Zhāng is a Tianjin folk art. They are painted sculptures like this:

Please report us if you find any errors so we can fix it asap!