Dense Fog - Chapter 16

Published at 1st of May 2024 07:11:31 AM

Chapter 16

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16. "What are you running for?"

The Fourth of July came and went as planned, and the school still hasn't been unsealed.

"Hey? Today is still the Mid-Autumn Festival?" Early in the morning, Junchi Li received an elderly emoji package from his mom - [Big Red Lantern Shining on National Day.jpg] + [Red Wine Cup Happy Mid-Autumn Festival.jpg].

"It's still true," Feiyu Ren swiped her phone, "The internet says National Day and Mid-Autumn Festival are on the same day, and it only happens once in a decade or so."

 Yang Xia sleepy eyes lying on the bed, people are not yet fully awake, seem to hear the two brothers chatting, in fact, did not pay attention to it.

But can't help but be reminded by someone hardcore--




The real mom sent three voices in a row.

 Yang Xia touched her cell phone in a daze and clicked play.

"Did baby wake up from her nap?"

"Did you get the mooncakes delivered to you?"

"Yesterday mom went to iron her hair, and guess what, this time the ironing was twice as good."

After the three broadcasts, Yang Xia also woke up completely.

--Don't be fooled by the first two; Mom's focus is only on the third.

"Mooncake received," Yang Xia struggled to sit up, first according to the process to return a padding, before the focus of the praise, "a times better selfie I appraise the appraisal."

 Wu Lin was lying on his bed, listening to Yang Xia's voice as if she were his mother's comedy, and almost burst out in joy several times.

But then his eyes returned to his cell phone, and the corners of that mouth of his faded again.

The phone was quiet and no one was sending him senior holiday emojis.

Only the line "Happy Holidays" that he volunteered to type in the input box.

Another click would send the message, but Wu Lin stared at the four words for a long time, and eventually deleted them again, word by word.

The day passes in a flash.

Although it was a double holiday, and although all the students stayed on campus, the school did not arrange any joyful recreational activities as in previous years for safety reasons.

And so it was cold and clear, and night fell.

Lights out at eleven o'clock, Wu Lin, lying back in his bunk, couldn't even remember what he had done that day, except for going to the cafeteria to eat, the rest of the day was spent in sleepiness and dozing.

So it was truly bedtime at this point, but he was more awake than anyone else.

Before ten minutes had passed, Junchi Li snored, Yang Xia grunted and spat, then breathed evenly, and Feiyu Ren, the man favored by the God of the Week, always fell asleep on the pillow and stayed awake even when thunder struck.

 Wu Lin closed her eyes enviously and tried to let herself go as well.

The matter of insomnia at night has been tormenting him for half a month now, and it's useless to regulate it. Wu Lin did not feel that his resistance to pressure is poor, but now a little bottom line, after all, the whole dormitory are mutated, but only he is so stressed that he can not sleep.

It's even worse tonight, not only can't sleep, I can't even lie down.

As soon as he closed his eyes, it was as if there were two large groups of people in a firefight in his head, crackling with sparks and stirring him up to toss and turn.

Finally unable to bear it any longer, Wu Lin opened his eyes and sat up.

Once his body was up, he was much more comfortable. But it wasn't enough. Wu Lin always felt a voice calling out to him, just outside in the night, distant and long, agitating every cell in his body.

All the darkness in the field of vision seemed to be shattered by the call into a soft, dim patch of light.

 Wu Lin gingerly got out of bed, fished for some clothes, and followed the voice.

Everything is starting to get disorienting and dreamy.

The night lightens up.

Through the moonlit corridors, down the deep and narrow staircases, and past the dormitory aunts' windows, Wu Lin, like a mischievous beast, has finally fallen into the embrace of the night.

The moment he breathed in the outside air, his entire being was comfortable.

 moon was silent, and the cool wind whirled through the darkness, through the treetops and over the low walls, sometimes whimpering softly, sometimes singing merrily.

 Wu Lin could not help but walk through the night wind, feeling an unprecedented urge, he wanted to run free, wanted to release, wanted to shout as hard as he could under the vast dome ......

"Stop right there you brats!"

...... got the short end of the stick.

 With a jolt, Wu Lin was completely awake from body to soul and found himself standing near the promenade outside the dormitory area.

It would take at least ten minutes to walk from the dormitory, but Wu Lin realized that he couldn't even remember what happened in those ten minutes, as if he had fallen into some kind of sleepwalking, pulled by the power of ecstasy, and had arrived here by magic.

He should obviously be in his dormitory right now getting a good night's sleep!

Here is a landscape recreation area, lush trees, long corridors back, both ancient style and ancient charm of seclusion, but also vibrant natural wildlife, weekdays, whether it is alone to study, pairs of love, group photo shoots in Chinese costumes, or cosplay scene, all to this place.

But the midnight promenade, Wu Lin saw it for the first time.

I didn't realize there were a few students lingering.

Of course the downfall was being caught by the logistics teacher on night duty.

...... Turns out it wasn't himself who was caught in flagrante delicto.

 Wu Lin breathed a sigh of relief and quietly ducked into the shadows of the trees in case he was caught in the crossfire.

The logistics teacher's attention was all on a few boys, "Why don't you sleep in the dormitory at night and run outside?"

The male students drooped and unsuccessfully slipped away, so they had to correct their attitude, "Teacher, we're not running around blindly, we're out to study, and even though it's vacation, we can't relax ......"

Logistics teacher: "Study?"

Boys: "Yeah, yeah, that one, memorize English!"

Logistics teacher: "You look like English to me!"

Boys: "Really memorizing words ......"

Logistics teacher: "Do I look like a word to you!"

Boys: "......"

 Wu Lin: "......"

What kind of defense pales in the face of such invincible syntax.

I was spacing out and sympathizing with the guys when there was suddenly some very soft rustling around.

Fine, messy, and seemingly scattered in many directions.

 Wu Lin thought it was the wind at first, but when the night winds briefly stopped, the subtle ringing remained.


 Wu Lin turned his head quickly, looked around at the sound, and froze in the next instant.

He blinked hard incredulously, cautiously confirming it again.

That's right, there are surprisingly people hiding in the shadows of the trees on all sides!

Or alone, or in groups of three or five, like him, using the shadows of the night as cover.

 Wu Lin, in a cursory glance around, at least 20 to 30, and then look into the distance, there are even more, and everywhere you look, there are shadows.

...... Exactly how many students are like him who can t sleep and come out to swim at night ah!

Slow down.

 Wu Lin Suddenly a flash of light, such a group of nocturnal travel ...... Is it nocturnal animal sex?

"Hurry back to the dormitory!" The logistics teacher didn't realize that there was still a large group of bears hiding around him who didn't let him worry, and only supervised the boys as they walked back.

The boys were reluctant to take two steps back.

The logistics teacher called this a teeth-gnashing: "If you guys go any slower, you can walk until dawn!"


A national firework arced brightly across the night sky without warning.

It's not from the campus, but it's so close it's like it's right in front of you.

Everyone froze, whether it was the logistics teacher, the boys who turned around, or in the shadows of the trees.

For a moment, all was silent.

Fireworks bloomed at the highest point of the night sky, "bang", and the sky was filled with color.

Then the second, third, and fourth ......

The corridors were lit up by the glaring fireworks, and the nocturnal wanderers were no longer able to hide.

 Wu Lin finally got a clear view of the crowd around him, and then realized that under a nearby tree, just a few steps away from him, stood a figure too tall to ignore.

As if sensing a sideways glance, the man suddenly turned his head to look over.

 Ye Wang.

Sights collided.

Another firework blossomed brilliantly.

 Wu Lin: "......"

There's no need to set the mood at a time like this, is there?


This is the last one.

The fireworks were easy and fleeting, and the night covered over again, obscuring everything.

But before the last light faded, Wu Lin heard Ye Wang say, "Hey."

The voice was neither high nor low, neither cold nor hot, like a perfunctory greeting to someone you know but don't know well at all.

...... does not.

 Wu Lin shook his head quickly, hallucinating that he hadn't heard anything.

Stealthily backing away in the darkness, retreating deeper into the shadows, Wu Lin makes a turn and withdraws decisively into the distance.

Don't ask why you're withdrawing, ask is love and peace.

After a breath, Wu Lin slipped a hundred meters or so along the periphery of the corridor before he felt a little more at ease, stopping in front of a small patch of bushes and gently adjusting his breathing.

But only a second later, he heard another, closer, "Hey."

The voice was practically plastered behind him!

 Wu Lin's breath caught in his throat and he instinctively turned around.

 Ye Wang stood there gracefully, not even realizing when he'd come over, just a step away from him.

 Wu Lin was so shocked that he blurted out, "Why are you walking like a ghost?"

 Ye Wang frowns, "What are you running for?"

 Wu Lin was stunned, his feverish head began to cool down, and pure innocence came online at a rapid pace, "Huh? I didn't run."

"You didn't run?" Ye Wang glanced a hundred meters away, "I just greeted you there."

"......" What to do if you can't pick up the words, of course you just skip them, "That, so you're saying hello to me."

 Ye Wang: "Or else."

 Wu Lin: "......"

What if I can't catch every word?

 Ye Wang really just wanted to say hello to Wu Lin, because the other party was at the school hospital last time, accompanying the drowning buddy the whole time, Ye Wang thought that he was quite kind to his friend, and it was a positive impression, not too deep, not too shallow.

He turned his head and saw Wu Lin when the fireworks were released from the sky, and his first impression was that it was quite a coincidence.

So he said hello naturally.

 If Wu Lin hadn't run, we would have just nodded to each other and that would have been the end of it.

But then again.

 Ye Wang didn't even know Wu Lin's name, but it was rare for him to memorize his face after just one encounter.

Especially those eyes.

 Wu Lin's eyes are very pretty, extremely bright when he is witty, like a small animal, and when he is quiet like this, like a forest covered with mist.

More importantly, Ye Wang always feels like he's seen it somewhere.

Please report us if you find any errors so we can fix it asap!