Published at 8th of November 2021 11:31:17 AM

Chapter 1270: 1270

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That's how you keep walking for five days.There were at last more than a dozen women with them.

"Now, demon king, it's time to say goodbye.We're going south like this.Demon Kings, you're going to the Cave of Kagekio.

"Ah, there are two more things that bother me.One is gold. Is that enough?

I suppose you're going to stop by another village.You said you were still buying women.

"You're poking me where it hurts.If you say so, will you accommodate me? Depends on the woman from another country?

I'll lend it to you. Usually it's a toilet compound.Depending on the conditions, it may be cheaper.

"Seriously! Say it! Tell me the terms!

"Hey, that's easy.I just want you to do me a favor.Of course, I do contract magic.In that case, I'll lend you about 10 million naras.No interest, no indefinite reminder.

"Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa! I'm not going to imitate you like a rope!

That's what I think.

"It's no big deal.The second thing I was worried about earlier is you... are you related to Echigoya?

Flat Alec. Sparkling women.And the tattoo stopped moving.

"Why... okay..."

"You know what I mean, but you were trying to hide it? You said you wouldn't be able to do business in Owada for the time being.Now would be a good time for a mon other than Ethiopian.And a woman. How many women have fled Ethiopia right now in Ouagadougou? And you didn't take anyone with you.Why is that? Those women know who you are.That's why nobody followed you... right?

"Ah, ah. That's right....."

"By the way, you didn't mind if I noticed, did you? I almost missed the Deep Purple.You knew I was sweet, right? Instead, if you hide it completely, you won't know what you'll see when they find out.I smelled it so that I noticed it.

"Well... it's a delicate thing to say that we're related to each other, to be precise.At this time, I'd like to cut the edge off.Who likes to get along with such outsiders..... "

Oh, you weren't involved.What an insight I have.

"Almost got it. Promise.You will meet a lot of women from now on.If there is a person from the Kingdom of Roland among them who was unjustly sold, I want you to buy it first.And gather them in Ouada.However, if the person wants it.The location is the OWADA Chamber of Commerce or Seacamber.I don't know when, but we'll circle the hizzle and go back to Ouadda.Then I will pay according to the Roland people you gathered in Ouada.Double the amount you spent collecting it.And to be honest about the amount.Well, keep a record.That's all I promised.All you have to do is make this promise and you'll get 10 million naras.What do you think? That's crazy, right?

"Too much to talk about... Besides, if I make that promise, I don't have to do a rotten job anymore... saving a sold woman, a real job..."

Oh, you think the lady's a rotten job.But you hate it for the money?

"You can think of ten million as a payment.I also need to feed the people I helped to some extent.I don't know if it will be enough, but it will be double how much I spend anyway.It's worth collecting the King's people, even if he owes you money without going bankrupt.

"All right... I'll do it... fuuu.This is contract magic... I can't turn back anymore... okay.Let's do it. I'll save the unjustly sold King Roland people from one end!

"Please, I'm not good at this.By the way, you can use this.Take it. "

"Hmm? Skin... and fangs? Yeah, that's great. What kind of fangs are those?

Fufufu, what a surprise.

"The skin is Evil Python Road and the fangs are Crimson Dragons.Of course I took him down.Now make a dagger.That's a hell of a piece of shit, huh?

"Haaaaa!? A dragon!? Are you crazy!? I thought it would be hundreds of millions of naras! No, there's no cost for processing!

"Can you take care of him that much?Pretty powerful, huh? Most of his defenses will penetrate.Deep Purple will be easy for the Blue Purple Clan (Violetta).

"Ah... I'm sure it is..."

I don't want him to die.You may invest this much.Evil Python Road is almost worthless compared to a dragon waistcoat.

"If you want to sell, you can sell.Leave the use to me. It would be fine if you could gather as many as you want.I begged you.

"Oh, wow! Let me handle this! Because I can meet the expectations of the Devil King! What the fuck!

The women are pokahn, but it doesn't matter.This will make him move seriously.It seems that a considerable number of King Roland's people were sold as slaves.If the rumor of buying at double the price spreads, I think it will gather well.It's true that I want to help you, but I don't want to bother you.It would be more effective to use a guy like a tiger.I want you to do well.

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