Drunken Immortal Gourd - Chapter 921

Published at 26th of October 2021 08:56:25 AM

Chapter 921: 921

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When they came back in Qingyang, someone had already reported the competition situation to several Yuan Ying friars. Inviting Yue Zhenjun looked at the friars on the field and couldn't hide his excitement. He said, "unexpectedly, I didn't expect that several of you broke through the limit and entered the seventh floor of the ancient cellar. Among them, there were two friars who built the foundation perfectly. It seems that I really underestimated the people in the world."

The cool Zhenjun next to him also said, "yes, the monk who finally won the first place in the second link is a perfect monk who built the foundation. It's incredible. Although he used some special means, it's also valuable to stick to the entrance of the eighth floor of the ancient cellar."

Qingyue Zhenjun said, "invite moon Taoist friends, your wine tasting has been held so many times. I'm afraid there has never been a situation where two foundation building friars enter the final link at the same time?"

Inviting the moon Zhenjun nodded and said, "yes, although there have been times when friars of foundation building won the place in previous wine tasting meetings, such people are rare. It's surprising that one wine tasting meeting can appear. This time, there were two. Yes, you're all very good."

Several Yuan Ying friars praised him again. Then they invited Yue Zhenjun and said: "Every wine tasting meeting in Jiuxian city has three links, and this time is no exception. Although the second link of this year has changed, the last link is unchanged. Wine tasting can't only taste the wine of our city Lord's residence. It's the way of wine to exchange what you need. So please take out the spirit wine you have prepared and have it evaluated by the six Yuan Ying friars present to determine the final ranking."

The twenty monks who passed the second session had a square table in front of each of them, with six small cups on it, which were used to pour wine for the six Yuanying friars to evaluate.

The evaluation method is very simple. Each of the six Yuanying friars has six brands, one a-brand, two b-brand and three c-brand. They finish 20 glasses of wine in turn, and then put the brand in their hands on the corresponding table according to their own judgment. Finally, the first one who gets the most a-brand is the first, followed by the second and third. If two of them have a-brand If the number of cards is the same, then compete with the b-card, and then compare with the c-card, you can always get a higher score.

The rules of the competition Qingyang had heard the wine music and knew what to do. When invited moon Zhenjun finished, he took out a wine jar from the receiving object Fu, opened the lid and filled all six small cups with spirit wine. Then he put the wine jar aside and waited for the judgment of friar Yuanying.

Twenty people operated at the same time and took out all the good wine they had collected for a long time. The aroma of the wine immediately dissipated, making many people greedy and eager to go up to replace those Yuan Ying friars. This is not the ordinary spirit wine entertained by the city Lord's residence, but the one carefully selected by everyone to please Yuan Ying friars. How can the level of spirit wine be poor?

Seeing that everyone's spirit wine had been poured, invited moon Zhenjun stood up from his own position and said, "you Taoist friends, the spirit wine has been set up. Who is going to come first?"

As soon as the voice of inviting the moon Zhenjun fell, Shi fuzhenjun stood up and said, "I'll come. Among the six of us, I'm the worst at drinking. I'm the first to come. It's a brick to attract jade."

Shi Fuzhen Jun said that without waiting for others to agree, he quickly walked to the first square table, picked up the small glass on the table and drank it up, then smashed his mouth, slightly spelled the taste of pinling wine, and soon walked to the second square table and picked up the glass again and drank it up.

Shifu Zhenjun's speed is very fast. It's just the Kung Fu of a cup of tea. He drank all the spirit wine. At such a fast speed, I don't know whether he tasted the wine or not.

After drinking all the 20 cups of spirit wine, Shi Fu Zhenjun said, "among the 20 jars of spirit wine, seven jars are higher than the Jindan level spirit wine, and can't reach the Yuanying level spirit wine. Eight jars are standard Yuanying level spirit wine, and five jars are slightly higher than the level of Yuanying spirit wine. Generally speaking, it's still very good. If you didn't invite the moon Zhenjun to say something first, I'd like to buy some jars back."

After hearing Shi Fu Zhenjun finish, Qingliang Zhenjun said, "unexpectedly, there are four jars that exceed the level of Yuanying spirit wine? Doesn't that mean that it's good for us Yuanying friars to take it? Invite moon Taoist friends, you can't swallow good things alone. Give me some of what you say this time."

Qing Yue Zhenjun also said, "yes, I know you invite Yue Zhenjun to have good wine, but Du Lele is not as good as Zhong Lele. We are old friends for many years. Don't hide good things."

Inviting the moon Zhenjun smiled and said, "I have something good for inviting the moon. When did I hide it from you? It's too early to say now. When the wine tasting is over, we'll discuss the distribution."

After saying that, invited moon Zhenjun looked at Shi Fu Zhenjun and said, "Taoist friend Shi Fu, how do you judge these twenty jars of spirit wine?"

Shifu Zhenjun pointed to his son Shi Ruyu and said: "It's true that the spirit wine in front of Shi Ruyu is Shi ruling wine, which has been hoarded by lingfu sect for more than 500 years. This wine is brewed with more than a dozen kinds of spirit valleys and the unique geocentric ten thousand year spirit milk of lingfu sect. The spirit wine itself has reached the level of Yuanying, and then hoarded for more than 500 years. The wine has a mellow taste and remarkable effect, so I think Shi ruling wine can be used To get a card. "

Shi ruling wine is the treasure of lingfu sect. It plays a great role in friars. It is not easy to sell it. Many friars here have heard of it. Now, with the introduction of Shi Fu Zhenjun, everyone is even more eager to take the cup in front of Shi Ruyu and have a taste.

Inviting the moon Zhenjun said directly: "Taoist friend Shi Fu, I asked you to exchange Shi ruling wine several times before. You refused in every way. I didn't expect to take it out for your son to attend the wine tasting this time. You guy even took out Shi ruling wine. It seems that you must have the first ambition for the wine tasting."

Shifu Zhenjun said with a smile, "it's not that I have to show off my lingfu sect's shiruling wine in front of everyone, but my son attended this wine party. He represents lingfu sect. My lingfu sect is also a force, and the things I take out can't be too shabby, can't they?"

"That's true." invite moon Zhenjun nodded.

Shifu Zhenjun put his armour plate on the table in front of Shi Ruyu, then came to the table holding the altar and said: "The spirit wine of this foundation building friar is very strange. It's completely unspeakable to drink. It's unspeakable. However, the effect of spirit wine on friar Yuanying is not small. People can't stop. They're not afraid to laugh at you. Anyway, I've seen such spirit wine for the first time in my life, so I'll give him one of whatever the b-card says."

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