Published at 19th of January 2024 01:10:26 PM

Chapter 441: 439An Expected Disagreement

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Chapter 441 439-An Expected Disagreement

Ethan retracted the Primordial Light back into his palm, and the Shadow Elf lifted the seal on him.

Shadow Moon Lake returned to its original state, with Ethan now standing alongside the Shadow Elf on the lake's shore.

The Shadow Elf had also reverted to its initial form, a black orb floating in the air.

"You seem to be hesitating a bit. Are you not planning to proceed with the action we agreed upon?" The Shadow Elf noticed Ethan's slight hesitation, clearly not wanting him to renege on their plan.

Although if Ethan did change his mind, the Shadow Elf realized it had no way to compel him.

Ethan slowly shook his head; he was not one to go back on his word.

But a concerning thought had just struck him. n(-0velBIn

What if Sherry had always been fully aware of this situation?

What if she believed there was nothing wrong with transferring the Power of Shadow from the Shadow Elves to the Shadow tribe's people?

As the High Priest of the Shadow tribe, Sherry would undoubtedly take the tribe's side.

This realization made Ethan ponder the possibility of a fierce argument arising between him and Sherry in the future.

"Since you have no regrets, why stand here idly? Let's get moving. I will show you all the things the Shadow tribe has done in the past," urged the Shadow Elf.

Under the persistent prompting of the Shadow Elf, Ethan finally decided to proceed with their initial plan.

Ethan once again summoned the power of the Primordial Light, while the Shadow Elf called upon the formidable Power of Shadow from the depths of Shadow Moon Lake.

As the power of the Primordial Light met with the Power of Shadow, an ethereal gateway materialized in front of Ethan and the Shadow Elf.

"This is the passage through the History Mist, allowing us to traverse time and return to the past! If you have any regrets, now is still the time to stop," the Shadow Elf reminded Ethan once more.

Although the Shadow Elf greatly hoped Ethan would align with its perspective, it was acutely aware that it was in no position to oppose Ethan.

Ethan took a deep breath and, without hesitation, stepped into the ethereal gateway.

The Shadow Elf followed closely behind, entering the portal as well.

Thus, Ethan and the Shadow Elf successfully traversed through the History Mist.

The first scene they witnessed was the rebellion within the Shadow tribe incited by Dart, an event that had occurred just two days prior.

"Dart is someone I'm quite familiar with," Ethan commented.

Ethan and the Shadow Elf then left the History Mist, returning to the shores of Shadow Moon Lake.

The Shadow Elf didn't utter any further words, diving back into the depths of Shadow Moon Lake.

Ethan stood by the shore of Shadow Moon Lake for a while, seemingly deep in thought about how to approach Sherry with his persuasion.

After some time, he finally decided to head towards the territory of the Shadow tribe.

In the heart of the Shadow tribe's land, within the dwelling of the High Priest, Sherry was frowning at a piece of parchment in her hands.

This was no ordinary parchment; it was a prophetic scroll capable of foreseeing the future.

On it, Sherry saw an image of herself arguing with Ethan, which left her greatly puzzled.

In her mind, it seemed impossible that she and Ethan could ever have a disagreement.

As she pondered over these matters, Ethan walked in.

Sherry appeared surprised to see him, as she had not expected him to resolve the threat of Shadow Moon Lake so swiftly.

"You're back so soon. Have you successfully dealt with the anomalies at Shadow Moon Lake?" she inquired.

In response to Sherry's question, Ethan neither nodded nor shook his head.

He simply stared at her intently, as if trying to convey something deeper through his gaze.

"What's the matter? Why do you seem so strange? Did you discover a greater threat at Shadow Moon Lake?" Sherry asked with evident concern.

Ethan shook his head again, aware of how unusual his behavior must seem.

Deciding not to waste any more time, he prepared to divulge everything he had learned, ready to share the revelations that might change the course of their relationship and the future of the Shadow tribe.

After Ethan relayed the information he had learned from the Shadow Elf, Sherry's expression turned visibly grim.

"You actually believe what the Shadow Elf said?! Don't you know that all these Shadow Elves have gone mad?!"

Sherry's tone was sharp, laced with anger that seemed to mask something she didn't want Ethan to know.

"Of course, I didn't just take the Shadow Elf's word for it. I used the power of Primordial Light to travel through the History Mist. There, I saw for myself how your people, the Shadow tribe, indeed captured these Shadow Elves and forcibly extracted their Power of Shadow," Ethan laid out everything he knew.

Sherry appeared shocked upon hearing Ethan's words, realizing an argument was now inevitable.

"It's true, as you said, our people of the Shadow tribe do use the Power of Shadow in that manner."

"But what's the big deal about it? Do you really want to become an enemy of the Shadow tribe for the sake of those Shadow Elves? Ethan, have you forgotten our past journeys together? Have you forgotten the memories of our battles side by side?"

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