Published at 19th of January 2024 01:09:31 PM

Chapter 480: 478The Gaze from the God of Curses

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Chapter 480 478-The Gaze from the God of Curses

In the middle room on the second floor of the inn, the man in black remained in deep concentration, his eyes tightly shut.

It seemed as if he was engaged in fervent prayer to some formidable deity.

Outside, the snowstorm raged on, growing more intense with each passing moment.

The man in black's countenance twisted into a grotesque expression, reflecting the immense pain he was enduring.The source of this content can be connected to n0v3lb!n★

Yet, he showed no signs of giving up on his mission.

After a while, the man in black abruptly opened his eyes, revealing that they were now completely bloodshot.

Both of his eyes had undergone a startling transformation, turning into Cursed Eyes.

"I have finally attained the divine gaze of the mighty God of Curses! I now possess power that rivals that of a deity's messenger!" The man in black's heart swelled with elation.

Indeed, he had just prayed to the God of Curses, beseeching for the deity's formidable power.

In the midst of his battle with Ethan, the man in black's ability to employ the power of curses was not solely attributed to the God of Curses.

The source of his capability lay in a potent and formidable cursed weapon that he possessed.

However, as the battle with Ethan unfolded, it became glaringly evident that this cursed weapon was insufficient to overcome Ethan's prowess.

To secure a force capable of prevailing over Ethan, he found himself compelled to beseech the God of Curses for a bestowment of even greater power.

Initially, he had been reluctant to take this course of action.

He was acutely aware that the God of Curses was a deity of immense might but also one characterized by relentless cruelty.

Seeking the divine intervention of the God of Curses would undoubtedly exact a harrowing toll.

Yet, following his confrontation with Ethan, he concluded that there were no alternative avenues available to him.

Moreover, during the skirmish with Ethan, he had taken note of a remarkably potent weapon in Ethan's possession.

The man in black harbored a fervent desire to obtain this very weapon.

Consequently, it meant he had no intention of fleeing the scene once the snowstorm subsided.

Having obtained the scrutiny of the God of Curses, the man in black now possessed an incredibly formidable Power of Curses.

He felt that he could even defeat Ethan directly in the real world.

However, the man in black remained exceedingly cautious.

He decided to once again engage Ethan in the realm of dreams.

If he could defeat Ethan in the dream world, only then would he proceed with his next steps.

"This time, I will make you understand just how powerful I truly am! I won't repeat the mistakes I made before. I am determined to swiftly defeat you!"

With these words, the man in black closed his eyes.

He rapidly harnessed the Power of Curses to immerse himself in the dream world.

After hearing it all, Prophet Magus appeared skeptical.

"You did mention information about the Shadow Clan's people, and what you've told me aligns somewhat with what I know. However, that doesn't make me automatically believe everything you're saying. The fact that the God of Curses can utilize the Godfall of the Shadow Clan into the real world is hard to swallow. "

"If the great deities could truly do this, then they would have done so long ago. We wouldn't need to grapple with these troublesome matters; we could just pray to these deities directly. After all, they would already be able to descend into the real world."

Faced with Prophet Magus's disbelief, Ethan felt quite helpless.

He had already shared all the information he knew, and there was little more he could say.

What he had conveyed was entirely true.

He had indeed engaged in a direct confrontation with the God of Curses within the Shadow Clan's territory and had successfully defeated him.

As Ethan described his past actions, Shadow Elf provided some additional assistance, offering details that Ethan had not mentioned.

However, even Shadow Elf's contributions failed to convince Prophet Magus.

In the end, both Ethan and Shadow Elf chose to give up.

There was no need to continue wasting their time on someone who remained unconvinced.

"Regardless, we can now cooperate! Let's quickly search for any traces of the black-cloaked figure. Previously, we didn't enter the dreams of other inn guests, but this time, we can explore their dreams thoroughly. Perhaps in their dreams, we can find clues related to the black-cloaked person."

"Moreover, with enough speed, we might even have the chance to enter the black-cloaked person's dream directly. In his dream, we can certainly make him pay the price."

Prophet Magus didn't want to dwell on whether Ethan's words were true or false.

Even if Ethan was exaggerating, it wouldn't affect their cooperation.

Therefore, Prophet Magus chose to focus his attention on finding the black-cloaked individual.

However, at that moment, Ethan suddenly made a hushing gesture.

Prophet Magus understood that Ethan must have a good reason for this.

So, Prophet Magus fell silent and carefully observed the surroundings.

While Prophet Magus's spiritual sensitivity wasn't as high as Ethan's, Ethan's signal prompted him to notice something unusual.

He could sense that in someone's dream, the black-cloaked figure was approaching his room.

It seemed that the black-cloaked person intended to explore the dream world to gather information related to him.

"For now, refrain from taking any other actions. Shadow Elf and I will temporarily conceal ourselves. We will watch from the shadows. If he intends to launch an attack on you, we will provide assistance promptly," Ethan whispered to Prophet Magus in a hushed tone.

Ethan saw this as a potentially excellent opportunity.

If the black-cloaked person decided to attack Prophet Magus, it would give them a chance to defeat him completely.

Prophet Magus didn't oppose Ethan's plan because he believed it was the fastest way to succeed at the moment.

He nodded in agreement and then retreated to his original position.

He needed to make the black-cloaked person believe that he hadn't noticed their presence.

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