Exalted Emperor - Chapter 1021

Published at 1st of May 2024 06:57:27 AM

Chapter 1021

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This secret portal was originally hidden in the space in this hall. Even Jiangnan, Shaoxu and houtufang didn't realize that there was such a secret space here, but how powerful their attack power is?

Each of the three of them has reached the peak of the divine emperor. Just now, they used the fairy way, and the six fairy wheels in the rear earth boat are better than others. They condensed the ten fairy ways into an immortal light!

Jiangnan integrates all its main roads into Yuanshi Avenue. The attack power of the three people reaches the limit that the space of the hall can bear, which makes the portal have to be exposed!

Jiangnan coughed up blood and stood up. The wound on his chest was still bleeding. This was the Taoist wound caused by Shaoxu's immortal light, which was very difficult to erase.

Shaoxu also stood up. His head was still cracked, revealing a shocking wound that could not be healed. The Yuanshi Zhengdao sword in Jiangnan split his ten immortal Taoism, which also caused him a very serious Taoist wound,

Then the two halves of the body of Tu Fang tried to fall off from the wall of the hall. He was proud of being cut by the sword light in the south of the Yangtze River. The two halves of the body could not be closed together.

All three of them were badly hurt. Everyone's injury was different. It was strange.

The three people were awe inspiring, and the most ashamed was Houtu Fang. Just now he got the inheritance of the six immortal wheels of Houtu emperor. He was full of ambition. He only felt that the world was in his hands. He was arrogant and no longer regarded Jiangnan and Shaoxu.

What he didn't expect was that Jiangnan and Shaoxu didn't pay attention to him at all. This action immediately let him know the gap between Jiangnan and Shaoxu, and he just felt ashamed.

Shaoxu was also shocked in his heart. The sword in Jiangnan just cut six immortal wheels, split the flesh of Houtu Fang in half, cut his hands ten times, and even cut his immortal body head, breaking up the ten immortal ways in his eyebrows and breaking the immortal light!

Such great power is really terrible and really makes him palpitation!

The south of the Yangtze River was also awe inspiring. He admired Shaoxu's strength and said with a smile: "Shaoxu Taoist friends condense the top ten immortals into an immortal light, which is really admirable."

Shaoxu's eyes jumped straight. He was not afraid of Jiangnan, but his Taoist injury affected his facial expression. His voice was hoarse and said, "I've been thinking about how to crack the founder's Avenue. How can I not achieve it?"

Jiangnan smiled, looked at the front door and said with a smile, "do you still have the strength to enter this door?"

Shao Xu tried his best to suppress the wound in the middle of his eyebrows. Looking back at Tu Fang, he said: "if I enter this portal alone with Xuantian sect leader, he will certainly find an opportunity to kill me. But this portal is hidden in the immortal hall. There is probably a great opportunity. If it is won by Xuantian sect leader alone, it will only enhance his strength! I don't know if Hou Tu Fang still has the power of a war..."

Houtu Fang still couldn't close the two halves of the flesh. Seeing Shaoxu's eyes, he knew his meaning. The two halves of the flesh laughed together and said, "don't worry, Taoist friends, this injury won't defeat me!"

He no longer claimed to be me and lowered his attitude, but he knew that he could not compare with them. At present, he had to rely on Shaoxu's command to fight against Jiangnan.

He saw that his two flesh bodies moved separately. Each half of his flesh body had one and a half legs, but he also moved freely, but there was only one palm.

But it was not difficult for him. The back earth Fang drank the two halves of the flesh together. An arm grew from each breast and turned flexibly. Then an eye grew from the back of each half of the flesh, and the eyes rolled.

Shaoxu nodded gently, looked at Jiangnan and said with a smile, "please, sect leader."


Jiangnan stepped into this portal, and Shaoxu and Houtu Fang also stepped into it immediately.

The three of them just walked into the door. Suddenly, they each groaned, and the rolling Xianwei rolled them over and made them vomit blood!

The power of immortality is so strong that even if they are gods and emperors, they can't resist even if they refine their fairy way!

This immortal power is like a real immortal in the space in this portal. The towering power is above all the roads, and even their own refined immortal roads are subdued!

This is the real immortal power. The God Emperor and the devil emperor are really nothing in front of the immortal!

The three men looked up hard and suddenly lost their voice and exclaimed!

In front of them, a dark mountain is like a straight and round column, towering above the sky, and the ceiling of the space in the door is like a flagpole.

The flagpole is too high and too big. It covers an area of unknown breadth, height and distance. The flag is flying in the air and in unknown radius. The flag surface is painted and engraved with a complex Avenue, emitting an amazing throb.

This flagpole is not the same as the big flag. In front of them, tens of thousands of flagpoles stand and big flags fly, covering the vast space in the door!

More than 18000 flags and a complete TIANLIAN array are even more complete and powerful than the TIANLIAN array controlled by Shaoxu and Jiangnan!

In this large array, a demon fairy sits cross legged, filled with immortal power, and its breath is high, ancient, deep, vigorous and amazing!

There are four immortals here. The body of immortals is vast and the light of immortals around them is winding. They are worshipped and respected. They have proved the existence of immortals and are the most outstanding existence in hell!

They give people unimaginable dignity. Even arrogant figures such as Jiangnan and Shaoxu cannot help admiring these four immortals.

This is a person who has gained the Tao first and can only be respected.

However, these four earthshaking beings are dead.

They died in the heaven refining array and were refined into a fairy way. Their cultivation achievements, their original gods and their cultivation experience were even refined by others.

They have only one body left.

The rear earth boat suddenly trembled: "The karu demon immortal, didn't he fly to the fairyland more than 10 million years ago? How could he die here? I still remember that there is an ancient book in my later earth family, which records his flying immortal... And that, that is Tanmo demon immortal? Tanmo in the record is also a strange person with eight phases, but he has also flown immortal..."

Jiangnan sighed. Although he had expected that Du Tian would refine the devil immortal of hell to strengthen himself, he still sighed at the sight of this scene.

For tens of millions of years, countless intelligent people in hell have worked hard to pursue immortality. Only these people finally jumped out and became immortals. Unexpectedly, they still made wedding clothes for others!

"Emperor Lanling, you are really leading wolves into the house. It doesn't seem unreasonable for the god man to guard against that man..."

Shaoxu's face was uncertain. Jiangnan looked at him and said, "Taoist friend, you and my TIANLIAN array are from the same origin. You should know who has enough means and strength to arrange this TIANLIAN array to kill the devil in hell."

Shao Xu's face was gray and his voice was hoarse and said, "my master."

"Yes, it's the God of heaven."

Looking at the magnificent TIANLIAN array around Jiangnan, he whispered: "The emperor of Lanling reached an agreement with the God of Du Tian. The God of Du Tian let him live. He took the God of Du Tian to hell. The latter thing is a tragedy for the world of hell. Every demon immortal who has been preached and is about to fly will be invited by the God of Du Tian to the magic immortal hall to leave his own feelings and inheritance."

"These magic fairies are admirable people, and they are willing to leave their own feelings for future generations. After they leave their own way to inherit, they will also find six immortal wheels. Who can resist the six immortal wheels of the later earth emperor? They must have entered the six immortal world, realized the six Immortals of the later earth emperor, and it is not difficult to cross the six immortal world with the qualification of magic fairies. He said The last battle is the front hall, and the God Emperor is already waiting for them. "

What will happen later, needless to say, Shaoxu can guess.

A demon immortal was introduced here by his master, the God of heaven, and buried under the heaven refining array.

The God of heaven is unfathomable. He is a figure who has participated in the ancient immortal catastrophe, and even the creator of the TIANLIAN array!

His heaven refining array is called the first fierce array in the eight universes. Its power can even refine a cosmic heaven!

The demon immortal who just preached could not stop his TIANLIAN array. Even if he could stop it for a while, with the passage of time, the demon immortal would become weaker and weaker and eventually fall into the TIANLIAN array.

Their accomplishments, their fairies, and even their perception and inheritance have been absorbed by the God of heaven and become the nutrient of the God of heaven!

"Why did he do that?"

With tears in his eyes, Shaoxu said, "why did he do this? Why did he try to kill the demon fairy in my hell? Why didn't the emperor Lanling stop him? Why did he let him cut off the hope of my hell?"

"Because he is an ancient god of chaos."

Jiangnan whispered: "the ancient gods of chaos can't refine the fairy way, and the Du Tian God Emperor is obviously a rookie among the ancient gods of chaos. He wants to combine the advantages of the ancient gods of chaos and immortals, so he will refine the evil immortals of hell. As for senior brother Lanling?"

He shook his head and said, "elder martial brother Lanling lost to himself as early as he abolished the magic prison xuantai Sutra and changed it to the congenital eight scene Xuangong. At that time, he could escape for his life once, and naturally he could compromise for his life again and tolerate the God of heaven. His state of mind was defeated when he abolished the magic prison xuantai Sutra he cultivated."

Shaoxu was silent, and Houtu Fang was also silent. They were filled with boundless sadness, anger and desolation. They were sad and angry at the actions of the God Emperor and desolate at the end of these evil immortals.

"You have been accepted as a disciple by the God Emperor of Dutian. The heart of Dutian may not have the meaning of refining you and seizing your fairy way when you preach flying immortals."

Jiangnan sighed: "raise an immortal and swallow it up. The chess of the God Emperor is really exquisite."

Shaoxu stood there like a wood carving and clay sculpture, frustrated. This is the best time to kill him, because his heart was lifeless, his idol was broken, and the most magnificent and sacred existence in his heart collapsed without any defense.

Jiangnan didn't do it. He disdained to kill Shaoxu at this time.

After a long time, Shaoxu's eyes recovered a trace of vitality, which soon covered the whole wasteland like the green grass emerging from the dry earth after the rain!

"From now on, I will no longer be a disciple of Du Tianshen emperor! From now on, I will not live for him or fight for him! From now on, I will not put the hope of hell on anyone!"

When Shao Xu hunted in his clothes, he swept away the confusion in his eyes and became extremely firm. His energy and spirit also radiated like a new life. He said in a fierce voice: "from now on, I will fight for hell and all living beings in hell! I will become the great emperor of hell, command the emperors and rule the two universes of heaven and hell!"

Jiangnan laughed, patted him heavily on the shoulder and praised him: "Taoist friend, you have this fighting spirit. When I rule the new universe in the future, I can rest assured that you will govern hell for me!"

————Emperor Zun has a thousand chapters!

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