Exalted Emperor - Chapter 1308

Published at 1st of May 2024 06:51:33 AM

Chapter 1308

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The Xianjun of Liangda palace had expected that this day would come sooner or later. Therefore, he was so keen to intervene in the affairs of the 63 prefectures of the fairy world, but he sought a way back for himself and expanded his power, so that when Xianjun became a vassal in the future, he would not have nothing.

Someone also mentioned the Xuantian immortal realm, which is higher than the eight immortal realms. There are more than 1000 innate gods in it, and many have achieved Sanxian!

A fairy King proposed that the region of Xuantian fairy kingdom is really vast and boundless, far exceeding Other Fairy States, and four or five times larger than the largest fairy state in the fairy world. Xuanzhou should be divided into three or even five, and the fairy kings of various states should be re selected and entrusted with important tasks.

Today, Xuanzhou is becoming more and more immortal and has become a sweet pastry in the eyes of many people. The Xuantian cult leader has appeared once and disappeared. Many rumors have emerged. Some say that Jiangnan is dead, and some say that Jiangnan knows it is unable to rule Xuanzhou, so it hides.

The re division of Xuanzhou has also been put on the agenda.

In Xuantian immortal region of Xuanzhou, Jiang Xue, Taoist king and Nanguo Xianweng gathered together to worship and refine the immortal region. They also autobiographically preached and taught those innate Yuan water gods. Xi Yingqing, the ancestor of Hutian, Luo Huayin and Zhong XiuXiu were in retreat, practicing the Salmonella avenue to sort out their understanding.

The Taoist king got the Salmonella Avenue in the underground palace, realized the great truth of prehistoric Salmonella, and made amazing achievements.

But Jiang Xue also opened up the Tao palace with her separated Tao fruit, and her strength has made remarkable progress.

As for Nanguo Xianweng, he is still the same. He is still a real immortal, as if he can't step out of the fairy king.

Xingguang, mingtu, Tongyou and others are understanding the Salmonella Avenue, trying to increase accumulation, trying to break through, opening up Daoguo Daogong and building into a fairy king. They are only one step away from the fairy king. At present, they still lack some accumulation and honing.

The goddess of ice lotus also returned to the Xuantian immortal region. The reason why she disappeared for some time was that she went to the unmanned restricted area. She hid many prehistoric collections in her restricted area, such as magic weapons, array diagrams, congenital immortal region, elixir and so on. This reincarnation, the virgin of ice lotus naturally wants to move out her old background.

At the request of Jiangnan, the big breasted girl accepted the prince of Nanming as a disciple and preached to the prince of Nanming. The prince of Nanming was also a demon family. At first, she didn't like the girl, but when she was taught by her, she immediately saw heaven and man, admired her and willingly called her a teacher.

Linglong daotong also came to listen to the lecture from time to time, and admired the big breasted girl very much. He said, "the women valued by the master are really intelligent and extraordinary."

He often goes to see the Ferris fairy king and occasionally listens to the lecture under the door of the virgin of ice lotus. His progress is also rapid. Especially in the attainments of the Taixi Dharma of the Dragon ancestor, he is even better than the blue. His strength is amazing!

On this day, suddenly, the Dragon fairy king of Haizhou came in a hurry to ask for a meeting. Jiang Xuedao Wang and others greeted him. Jiang Xue said with a smile, "what's the matter with the Dragon fairy elder martial sister?"

The Dragon girl didn't care to greet each other. She hurriedly said, "elder martial sister, quickly prepare the incense altar to burn incense and spread the futon. My mother is coming!"

Jiang Xue was surprised in her heart, and the Taoist king was also surprised and said, "why does the mysterious lady come to Xuanzhou?"

After all, Xuannv is an Immortal King. She has a high status and can't be ignored. Jiang Xue immediately went to prepare incense. The Taoist king immediately gathered all the people in the immortal domain to meet Xuannv.

But at this time, half the Taoist priest came down from the sky, hurried into the Xuantian immortal domain, and shouted, "elder martial sister Dongji, elder martial brother DaoWang, burn incense and spread Futon quickly. My master Qianyuan is coming!"

Jiang Xue, DaoWang and others haven't returned to their senses yet. Suddenly, Zhan Tian devil, wearing a lotus skirt and holding a lotus hammer, fell from the sky and shouted, "Dongji Taoist friends, please prepare incense. My master xuandu is coming soon!"

The people hurried to connect Zhan Tian demon to Xuantian immortal domain. Before they could ask, they suddenly saw a young fairy King flying in, holding a worship note and saying in a loud voice: "Taoist friends, I'm ordered by the teacher. My master Zixiao Xianjun is coming. This is a worship note!"

This young fairy king was born in the innate thunder sea immortal realm and became a fairy king. Old Taoist Zixiao recaptured the innate thunder sea immortal realm and took those innate gods back to his door. As for his original eldest disciple, Taoist zunyue, he was suppressed in the immortal realm by old Taoist Zixiao.

Jiang Xue e frowned slightly, opened the immortal domain and invited the young fairy king to enter. Before he had time to exchange greetings, he suddenly heard someone say in a loud voice: "all the immortal families in the Xuantian immortal domain, burn incense quickly for the record and welcome our natural master!"

Another fairy king came with a prayer post and said in a loud voice, "burn incense quickly and the master of our Mingtang will come!"

"Master Mingfan will come here. Please burn incense for the record!"

"Lord longluo Bodhi is coming. Meet him quickly!"

"Master Kunlun..."

"Lord Tianmen..."

"Mr. yuankong..."

"Master anqing..."


An emissary came to report the names of masters and shocked Jiang Xue, DaoWang, Xi Yingqing and others. I don't know why these immortal kings went out of Liangda palace and came to Xuanzhou!

"This is not a Taoist temple. Why are all these immortal kings coming?"

They hurried to clean up and took out futons. Just after laying them down, they saw a fairy light falling from the sky and falling on a futon. It turned into an ancient fairy king, but it was a round empty fairy king.

I saw the Immortal King's whole body shining like water, gently fluctuating, looked around and said in surprise: "haven't you Taoist friends arrived yet? I'm still anxious."

Before his voice fell, an incomparable majesty fell from the sky and fell on the futon on the side, but it was the Dragon Bodhi Immortal King. The Immortal King looked gloomy. He glanced at Jiang Xue, DaoWang and others, and said coldly: "Xuantian killed my son, and Xuantian Xianyu protected the son of Ferris. Sooner or later, you have to care!"

Yuankong Xianjun said with a smile, "brother longluo, don't be impatient. You'd better wait for other brothers to come and make a public comment."

A purple light came from the sky, shone on a futon, turned into Zixiao Taoist priest, smiled at Jiang Xue and others, and then sat down.

Then, the immortal lights bustled and landed. It was amazing that many immortal kings came. It was Mingfan, Mingtang, Kunlun, Tianmen, xua, Jingyue, nature, Taizhen, jade palace and many other ancient immortal kings. Three new immortal kings came, one was anqing Immortal King, one was Dongyun Immortal King, and the last was bingsoul Xuannv and Xuannv Niang.

Although Dongyun was robbed of Xianjun's opportunity by Jiangnan, I think he also had a unique opportunity in the place of origin. At the moment, he also proved Xianjun, but it was only after he left the place of origin that he became Xianjun.

Moreover, he proved that Xianjun was obviously a little weaker than anqing Xianjun this time. He should have missed the opportunity. It was better for him to be robbed by Jiangnan.

"Haven't the three Taoist friends xuandu, Qianyuan and Yujing arrived yet?" longluo Bodhi snorted coldly and asked.

Suddenly, there were flowers in the void, and the fairy flowers fell one after another. Yu Jingxian Jun floated down among the colorful petals and fell on the futon.

A golden stick fell from the sky and went straight to Yu Jingxian Jun's forehead. Yu Jingxian Jun smiled, bent his fingers and played three notes. He deflected the stick to one side and said with a smile: "junior brother Qianyuan, don't make trouble."

Qianyuan Xianjun fell down, put the stick behind his ass, and said with a smile, "I'm really sorry. I missed it. I'll hit it better next time."

The corner of Yu Jing Xian Jun's eyes trembled, and he thought in his heart, "does he mean to fight at my forehead next time, or at the futon?"

When the xuandu Immortal King came, the vision was not obvious, flat and light, and sat on the last Futon.

Taoist Linglong and Taoist clam were naughty and took a detour behind the Immortal King of Qianyuan. The Immortal King inserted the stick into a bag on his ass. they looked at each other and muttered, "I thought he was inserted in his ass..."

"You Taoist friends."

Seeing that everyone had arrived, Yu Jingxian said with a smile: "In recent years, the leader of Xuantian sect has not returned for a long time. He doesn't know whether he is dead or alive. Many fairy kings in the fairy world have complained. They have repeatedly told the two palaces that the territory of Xuanzhou is too big for a fairy king to control. Moreover, Xuantian doesn't know life and death. He still hangs Xuanzhou under his name. Some things are outrageous, so he asks the two palaces to re divide Xuanzhou. Some say it is divided into three states, Some say that it is appropriate to divide Xuanzhou into five states, while others say that it is appropriate to divide Xuanzhou into eight states. Today, I invite all Taoist friends to come and discuss this matter. "

The natural Immortal King looked at xuandu and Qianyuan and said with a smile, "senior brother xuandu and junior brother Qianyuan seem to have objections?"

Xuandu Xianjun shook his head and said, "No."

The Immortal King of Qianyuan blinked and said with a smile, "this Xuanzhou is promised to Xuantian by the Immortal King of our two palaces. Now we have to go back and divide it up. One is divided into five into ten. Isn't our Immortal King's words farting and smelly?"

Yuankong Xianjun laughed and said, "elder martial brother, it's bad. Xuantian doesn't know whether he lives or dies, and many talents have emerged in our fairy world. The number of fairy kings has now reached 200. There are 63 prefectures in the fairy world, and Xuanzhou is the largest. Even if Xuanzhou is divided into ten, it's not enough."

Mingfan Xianjun and others nodded one after another and said, "Xuanzhou is really too big. There are too few immortals here. There are only a few than 20 people. If you dig out the students of senior brother xuandu and junior brother Qianyuan, there are only a dozen people left. It's really unreasonable for more than a dozen people to occupy such a big boundary."

"In our opinion, Xuanzhou should be divided. Regardless of Xuanzhou, it is difficult to appease those new fairy kings!"

"That's right. Regardless of the life and death of the leader of Xuantian sect, Xuanzhou should be divided. Moreover, the innate gods in Xuanzhou should also be divided. Otherwise, gathering together is a waste of talents and is not the blessing of our fairy world."

The Dragon Bodhi Immortal King proposed: "these innate gods should worship under the immortal kings' door and be adjusted. Only in the future can they achieve great things, which is the blessing of my fairy world!"

Many immortal princes nodded one after another. Each of the innate gods had unique qualifications and had to receive them.

Jiang Xue, DaoWang, Nanguo and others were angry. These immortal kings came to the door. They thought something terrible had happened. Unexpectedly, they came to carve up Xuanzhou, and even planned to take away all the innate gods without leaving any of them!

The innate gods in the Xuantian immortal realm have worshipped under their doors, and these immortal kings want to take them all at once!

"Said for a long time, originally intended to divide our territory and rob our people!"

Taoist Tongyou was not angry and sneered, "you Xianjun, you have a lot of ideas! Do you know how to write shame?"

"Shut up!"

The fairy king of the East cloud lifted his eyes and swept away. The Taoist Tongyou was hit by a heavy hammer, bleeding from the corners of his mouth and his breath withered. Dongyun Xianjun said calmly, "when Xianjun talks, is there any place for you to interrupt? Taoist brothers, I'm the younger generation, the new Xianjun. People are light, but I also think Xuanzhou should be the part. It's up to you to decide, senior brothers."

The natural immortal gentleman coughed and said softly, "there are too few people in Xuantian sect, so we should be divided."

Jing Yue's female gentleman smiled and said, "I also thought I should be divided."

Mingtang Xianjun nodded and said, "when points."

"When points."

One Immortal King expressed his position one after another. Xuandu Immortal King did not express his opinion. Only Qianyuan said an improper division, and other immortal kings agreed to divide Xuanzhou.

Yu Jingxian smiled and said, "in that case, Xuanzhou will be divided into..."


The celestial world suddenly trembled violently, the earth shook, the stars swayed, the stars were disordered, the sun deviated, and the bright moon was pushed away for tens of billions of miles. All immortal kings were shocked and grew up one after another. They looked at the place where the vibration came. They were shocked and inexplicable!

I saw that in the place where the vibration came, countless immortal lights rose up into the sky. The immortal light immediately shone on the major states of the fairy world and the starry sky!


Wearing a big robe in the sky, it was like a curtain of heaven, which covered all the thousands of immortal lights. Then the curtain of heaven and countless immortal lights disappeared!

————Today's fourth watch! There are still 50 monthly tickets to 600! Six hundred tickets have the fifth watch! Real explosion!! As long as there are 600 tickets, even if the pig doesn't sleep, it will explode and rise up!!

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