Exalted Emperor - Chapter 665

Published at 1st of May 2024 07:05:27 AM

Chapter 665

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In the hall of the God of war, Jiangnan Jingyong advanced bravely and reached the eighth level all the way. Timo mountain reached this level. As a result, it failed to go further and was stranded.

At this level, there are already congenital demons practicing shenzun level skills. They are proficient in Hongmeng Avenue and are many times stronger than when shenzun was a teenager!

Hongmeng Avenue is more profound and difficult to understand than Tiandao. It is extremely advanced. It is the mother of all kinds of Tao. It can be said that it is comparable to Xiandao. Although the first seven passes in the south of the Yangtze River write down the chaotic runes on the bones of these congenital gods and Demons and fight with these congenital gods and demons, they don't have much understanding of Hongmeng Avenue.

"This avenue born in chaos is extremely abstruse for him, and these chaotic runes contain Hongmeng Avenue. If you can study it carefully, you may be able to understand some abstruse opinions!"

Jiangnan's eyes flickered and his mind moved. The four avatars came out and blocked the attack of the congenital demons opposite for him. They said, "I'm in a hurry. This war temple is a rare opportunity for me. I don't have to work hard to get through the 18 levels, but I should stop and think about these chaotic runes."

"Moreover, these innate gods and demons are also excellent targets for fighting. They are suitable for improving my avatar. Maybe I can take this opportunity to make my four avatars of Taiyin sun Moro ChiYan become gods and demons in one fell swoop!"

When he got out of the war circle, the four incarnations immediately besieged the innate demon and killed it upside down, while Jiangnan sat down and studied these chaotic runes carefully.

The four incarnations of Taiyin, sun, Moro and ChiYan can't compare with the young god in the same realm, but the congenital gods and demons in the God of war hall have always been the same as the realm of Jiangnan. They are the triple peaks of Tiangong, but his four incarnations are already the eight peaks of Tiangong. Together, the four incarnations can naturally be blocked.

This battle is very beneficial to Jiangnan. Instead of intervening, he let the avatars fight, that is, to develop all the mysteries of Zixiao heavenly palace and promote the four avatars to gods and demons!

The duel between avatars can not completely evolve all the mysteries of Zixiao heavenly palace, because it lacks enough pressure. However, the innate gods and demons in the war temple can make the four avatars have enough pressure!

The four incarnations fought frantically with the innate God and devil, and the world fell apart. However, the God of war hall was not destroyed. I don't know who refined this treasure. It is extremely strong when used on Hongmeng Avenue.

More and more mysteries of Zixiao heavenly palace have been developed by the four incarnations, and the Tao patterns of the four incarnations are also evolving. They are transformed into Tao rules, making him closer and closer to the perfection of Zixiao heavenly palace!

Every moment, he has many new ideas about Zixiao heavenly palace, which enrich his inside knowledge.

His noumenon is immersed in the study of those chaotic runes. There is Hongmeng Avenue in the chaotic runes. What he adopts is the method of inverse push, which reverses the chaotic Hongmeng with the dark yellow of heaven and earth, so as to deduce the mystery in the runes.

This requires extremely huge information and the ability to deduce terror.

Fortunately, Jiangnan has a deep understanding of the way of heaven. Every time he crosses the robbery, he will fight against the virtual shadow of the nine Supreme treasures of the way of heaven. He also personally observes and studies the golden and jade plate of the way for six months, and he also spent a fake robbery in the desperate situation of Luotian, allowing him to accumulate incomparably powerful knowledge.

The deduction ability is his strong point. The magic prison xuantaijing is a skill that is good at deduction. But this time, it still costs him a lot of effort to reverse the origin.

He started with the simplest chaotic rune. A rune made him spend months to understand the mystery and the structure of chaotic runes, but he was still very unfamiliar with the Hongmeng Avenue.

"Now, you can try the effect of this Rune..."

Jiangnan dived into the mind, mobilized the whole body's mana, condensed the Hongmeng purple Qi in the flesh, and began to condense this Rune in his own body. Hongmeng's purple Qi was refined into the flesh by him, which was extremely difficult to mobilize and control. He was careful and mixed with purple Qi, but he failed several times.

After a long time, a rune finally appeared on the surface of his bone!

A perfect chaotic Rune!

This chaotic Rune has just been completed. Jiangnan suddenly felt that an extremely complex and profound message came out of the rune and integrated into his mind!

Hongmeng Avenue!

This is the Hongmeng Avenue hidden in the rune!

The heart of Jiangnan was shocked, and all kinds of information came one after another, which made him appear magnificent pictures in a trance. When the heaven and earth were not opened and Hongmeng was not opened, there was no world, no universe, only chaos!

Ancient gods and Demons live in chaos and have infinite power. They don't know the time, have no concept of time, and only fight!

"Congenital gods and demons are indeed a race!"

Jiangnan was shocked and said, "it seems that those congenital gods and Demons carrying the world of heaven are indeed creatures made by the emperor imitating the real congenital gods and demons!"

Therefore, it is said that the emperor created the congenital gods and demons. Jiangnan originally thought so, but now it has overturned this view.

Before the founding of the world, the emperor must have had intersection and research with these congenital gods and demons, so he can create congenital gods and demons.

"These innate gods and Demons born in chaos are inherited by runes. The runes record Hongmeng Avenue. If they get the chaotic runes, they will inherit their Avenue, so that the inheritance can not be extinguished and passed down from generation to generation!"

Jiangnan's eyes flickered. The real congenital gods and demons were almost the same as immortals. In a sense, congenital gods and demons were immortals, because they also jumped out of the way of heaven, were not in the five elements, and time stopped passing on them. They had no concept of time and were not old and immortal.

But they are different from the real immortals. The real immortals are good at creation, can open up Hongmeng, create the world and evolve all things, while the innate gods and demons are good at destroying, destroying the world and bringing all things back to chaos!

With this Rune as the foundation, the deduction speed of Jiangnan was greatly accelerated. More than ten days later, he deduced the second Rune perfectly and branded the second Rune on his bones.

Then the third, the fourth, the fifth

The battle between the four avatars and the innate gods and demons at the eighth level of the God of war hall continues. A fierce battle lasted for half a year. Gradually, all the Tao patterns of the four avatars have evolved into Tao rules, and the divine power is becoming stronger and stronger. They have risen to the peak of the eighth level of the heavenly palace!


All of a sudden, the essence of Jiangnan's body surged into the four incarnations!

That is the blood in the golden body of the Dead God Emperor. It was refined by the south of the Yangtze River. One brain injected the vast breath of the sea into the four incarnations to break through his four incarnations and become gods and demons with the great opportunity of the Dead God Emperor!

Huang Jing shaozun and others got the great opportunity of the imperial mausoleum on the other side, and Jiangnan also got the great opportunity of the dead imperial mausoleum. Huang Jing and others used it to improve themselves and make themselves gods and demons, but he used this opportunity to achieve his four incarnations!

Such a vast and profound essence was integrated into the four avatars in an instant, which immediately made the cultivation of the four avatars stronger and stronger. The eight heavenly palaces were connected, infinite divine lights emerged, and the voice of gods and Demons was vast and filled the God of war hall!

The divine power is overwhelming, and the gorgeous Tao is intertwined in the air, connecting the eight heavenly palaces into one, forming a vast heaven!

Melo demon God avatar breakthrough!

Sun god avatar breakthrough!

Taiyin avatar breakthrough!

Red flame demon incarnation breakthrough!

When the four avatars broke through, a variety of profound insights poured into the mind of Jiangnan. When the four avatars broke through and became gods and demons, their understanding was different, even quite different!

This is because the realm of gods and demons is really huge. The four incarnations in Jiangnan don't go through the road, so the results are very different!

However, these understandings and understandings are very important to Jiangnan, because the roads taken by the four incarnations are all included in his road. Taking the incarnation one step ahead is equivalent to exploring the way for him!

It took a long time for Jiangnan to sort out the understanding of the divine and magical realm brought by the breakthrough of the four avatars. At this time, his four avatars have killed the innate God and devil guarding the eighth pass of the war temple.

A Hongqiao was paved and sent to the foot of Jiangnan.

Jiangnan wrote down the chaotic Rune on the skeleton of this congenital God and devil, climbed onto Hongqiao and looked carefully. He saw that Hongqiao didn't know where it came from, but he was sure that this Hongqiao did not come from the war temple, but extended from far away time and space, through many empty spaces and across many unknown spaces!

Every step he took on Hongqiao, he was afraid that he would cross hundreds of millions of miles, even hundreds of millions of miles. One step would cross countless stars, galaxies and even the world!

The war temple is equivalent to a post station standing in a unique time and space!

The God of war Hall of beimoti family is the first post station. The second post station is no longer in the middle heaven world. The God of war hall behind is afraid that it is not even in the universe of the heavens, but floating in an unpredictable place!

"Master Ti said that the war god temple has 18 floors and 18 levels. Now it seems that the war god temple does not have 18 floors, but should be 18 war god temples, which are distributed in the vast land. If one is opened, it will be transmitted to the next war god temple. Who built the war god temple? And for what reason, the 18 war god temples are arranged in the void..."

In the ninth pass, Jiangnan still let his four incarnations take action. The Hongmeng avenue of innate demon cultivation in the ninth pass is stronger, but his four incarnations have become gods and demons, and their strength has soared, but they can also cope with it.

Jiangnan still deduces those chaotic runes, deduces them one by one, and imprints them on himself. With the completion of each rune, the runes are inspired, and more Hongmeng Avenue opinions flow into his mind, which makes his vision soar.

At the tenth pass, the four incarnations of Jiangnan have been struggling to deal with the congenital demons guarding the tenth pass. Jiangnan's heart moved slightly and let his incarnation of Xingguang emperor go out of the pass.

The power of Xingguang emperor is powerful. Although it is the four realms of the heavenly palace, it is still better than the four incarnations. It can easily get through this level.

His five incarnations were unstoppable. When he reached the 13th level, he finally encountered obstacles. Jiangnan let his last incarnation, Senluo devil, pass through, and the 13th level was easily broken.

"The fourteenth pass should be the innate demon to cultivate emperor level Hongmeng Avenue. Sima Shengdi was eliminated at this pass and failed to continue..."

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