Exalted Emperor - Chapter 977

Published at 1st of May 2024 06:58:22 AM

Chapter 977

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"My cultivation strength now, who dares to cure my crime?"

This is not empty talk, but based on their own strength. If they do not have enough strength, it is a joke, but if they have enough strength, it is a deterrent!

Yes, I collided with the Imperial Star array and beat the auxiliary king of Dharma. What can I do?

With my strength, I'll beat you. You can only stand it.

The words were heard by the strong men in hell and the heavens, and everyone was awed. Some were shocked, some feared, some sneered, and others despised them.

However, everyone knows that the Xuantian sect leader at this time is definitely one of the most difficult people in the world!

There are still many people who can keep pace with him, but apart from the immortal body Shaoxu and several reincarnated gods and demons, I'm afraid they are the great full gods and demons who half step into the realm of the emperor!

And those who surpass him are those who are high above the God Emperor, but even the God Emperor, it is not so easy to kill him!

The Dharma king of the Fu Dynasty kept his shape, spewed blood one after another, and was very angry, but he could do nothing. Once upon a time, Jiangnan was a trivial mole ant in front of him, vulnerable to one blow. He lived to this day only because of his mind and eyes. Now, Jiangnan has become an indomitable giant, and his giant is in front of Jiangnan, It seems a little small.

But he knew that with his own strength, he could not find revenge in Jiangnan in this life, because his potential had been drained, and the God King was his limit, and Jiangnan surpassed him in such a short time. Obviously, Jiangnan's potential had not been exhausted!

In the future, the gap between him and Jiangnan will only become larger and farther. Finally, in front of Jiangnan, he will become a trivial mole ant.

"If you want revenge, you can only use the power of Guangwu shenchao to erase this boy!"

The Dharma king of the auxiliary Dynasty wiped the blood from the corners of his mouth and flashed a fierce look in his eyes: "I have four God emperors in the Guangwu God Dynasty. The two CHILDES are also overlords with imperial capital and have the most powerful forces in the world of heaven. Even if other God emperors listen to the instructions of the East pole emperor, they actually depend on my face of the Guangwu God dynasty! It's easy for the Guangwu God Dynasty to kill this boy!"

In the holy city, Timo mountain, Yinghuo, Chenxing, Zhenxing, Yueyao and other gods are relieved. Their breath is withered. They are in low spirits and can't afford to be seriously injured. The forces under qiyaotian have been crippled. If Jiangnan didn't help them, they would all die here!

An emperor tree emerged from the divine wheel behind the south of the Yangtze River, filled with life and vitality, and poured into these severely damaged gods and demons to heal them.

"Sui Xing and Jin Yao are dead. There are only five Yao left in our seven Yao!"

Chen Xingjun smiled miserably, his white hair danced, and said with a laugh: "these two old bastards are lazy. They are still one step ahead of me. They are free now!"

He smiled and burst into tears. It was obvious that there was a deep feeling between Qiyao Tianqi and the old God.

Jiangnan was silent and urged the holy city to fly to the rear of the battlefield. In the battlefield, any attack is not long eyes. There are vertical and horizontal magic powers and powerful magic weapons everywhere. If you are not careful, you will be attacked.

In particular, the sacred city of Jiangnan is the goal of many people. Whether it is hell or heaven, many people want to eradicate him.


A magic bell struck, the dark magic bell vibrated with a bang, and the magic sound roared to the divine city. Jiangnan waved his sleeve and clapped his palm on the magic clock. A huge palm print suddenly appeared on the surface of the magic clock. He bumped back to the original road at a faster speed, shaking a demon statue into powder on the spot!

Another seven divine swords flew together, like seven sword mountains, just about to fall around the holy city. Before they fell, they saw a big circle drawn on the sleeve of Jiangnan. The seven divine swords flew up, crisscrossed and cut into an imperial array to cut up a divine statue under the command of the yuan Dharma king!

"Jiang Zichuan, you killed my beloved disciple, and now you kill one of my generals. I'm at odds with you!" Yuan Huida shouted with gnashing teeth.

Jiangnan turned a deaf ear to it and urged the divine city to fly to the rear, no matter hell or heaven, but if anyone dared to shoot him, he would counteract him with his way and kill him on the spot with the other party's means!

After a while, several ancient statues died miserably under their own magic powers or magic weapons. Finally, no one dared to fight the south of the Yangtze River in the battlefield and let him drive the divine city to the rear of the middle heaven.

The rear of the Zhongtian battle camp leads to the ancient holy mountain of the divine world. A vast divine court floats. It is composed of an unknown number of heavenly palaces. The heavenly palaces are scattered, the palaces are numerous, and the divine light rushes into the sky. There are eight divine courts in which the divine emperor lives to watch the array, and the emperor's power is filled with.

The magnificent divine court in the middle of each divine court is the Guangwu divine court, which is more vast!

Many gods and generals, with vast flesh and boundless magical powers, stand in the void, looming. Some have simple faces, some are firm, some are ferocious, some are kind-hearted, and some are immortal. Their flags float behind them, leading an endless army of gods and demons to suppress there.

In the center of the Guangwu God court, there is also the Guangwu former Emperor's body, which is an incomparably powerful treasure to prove the emperor. It is comparable to the ancient holy mountain. There are many gods, large and small, around the emperor's body. It can be described as an iron wall and unbreakable.

In the divine court, there are also various generals to guard and watch the battlefield situation one by one.

Although hell and the heavens almost destroyed the middle heaven world, so far they have not used all the God and devil armies, and the God and devil emperors have not fought.

If God and devil go to war, it will be a great disaster to destroy heaven and earth!

On the side of hell, there are many demon dynasties standing in the rear. In the center is a nose demon Dynasty, the Saro sword is hanging high, and many other demon dynasties are guarded by the demon emperor. There is also an incomparably powerful presence, garrison troops in the void and wait for the decisive battle.

In the middle of the numerous shrines, Jiangnan received the divine City, and the seven Yao gods such as Timo mountain master landed the divine soldiers.

Suddenly, a dignified voice sounded in the Guangwu God's court, shook the world and said in a deep voice: "come, take down the deserters, put them on the chopping platform and make an example!"

In the Guangwu God court, even if a golden armor God stepped out, the chain crashed and shook, and locked it to the seven Yao gods such as Timo mountain.

Once the chains were sacrificed, they turned into golden dragons, colluding and winding, but they were bounced back one after another before they were close to timoshan and others.

"Xuantian sect leader, you are presumptuous!"

The majestic voice sounded again. The emperor Tianfa King strode out of the Guangwu God court, stood under the gate of heaven, looked down at Jiangnan and others, and his eyes were cold: "You are Zuo Tiancheng of the eastern pole God Dynasty. I dare not offend you, but there are no human feelings in the battlefield, only testimonies! Now qiyaotian escapes from the battlefield and should kill nine families according to the law! The cult leader obstructs me from enforcing the law. What do you think of the testimonies established by our heavenly emperors and the law in our army?"

"There is no tiger in the mountain, and the monkey is called the king."

Jiangnan was dumb and said with a smile, "emperor Tian, you are not qualified to kill people of my faction."

Emperor Tianfa's face turned red and snorted coldly. He restrained himself and didn't attack. He turned around and bowed slightly, sneered and said, "in that case, please qualified people! Your Lord mother, Zuo Tiancheng is stubborn. Please give us a good order!"

In the Guangwu divine court, a pleasant but cold voice sounded and said, "Zuo Tiancheng, am I qualified enough?"

The south of the Yangtze River turned a blind eye to the emperor Tianfa king and a golden armour god man. They stepped up to the divine court with timoshan and others and entered the golden Luan Hall of the Guangwu divine court. In the golden Luan hall, there was a God Emperor and a God sitting at random, including the holy Emperor God Emperor, the wasteland ancestor God Emperor, the Tianfang God Emperor, the Bofu God Emperor, the Heishui Yuanjun woman emperor, and the women of the two palaces, except the Guangwu God Emperor.

Just now, it was the female emperor Weiyang who spoke.

The gods are divided into nine factions. The first to bear the brunt are many Taoist children under the Taoist King's family and several disciples of Tiandao's ancestor, led by Zhong Qianjun, then the disciples of xuanhuang school palace under the xuanhuang's ancestor's family, led by the well-known saints, followed by the strong dragons in the Dragon world, led by Donglong and Longjian.

There are also disciples of the creation sect, the Buddhas of the blissful world, the strongman of the Tianyi family, and the nine heaven mending gods and men, but the ancestors of heaven and earth and Ketian have not sent any disciples.

In addition, there are several congenital gods and Demons under the command of the God Emperor on the other side. Nine Taoists, including the hidden dragon, the will of heaven and Ying dragon, are all the flow of the God Emperor and the God Emperor. They are extremely eye-catching, which makes the God emperors of the heavens more respectful.

There is also the duoxun Buddha, who also has a seat in the Guangwu God court. Obviously, the Guangwu God court is also respectful to the existence of the Great Western Heaven.

Many ten days later, the Buddha was followed by dozens of gods and demons, and there were dozens of gods and Demons behind these strong people, with different accomplishments. There were gods, real gods and gods.

However, as soon as the south of the Yangtze River was swept away, we could see that these people are the most talented people with infinite potential. It should be duoxun Buddha who took advantage of the opportunity of the war to subdue these existence and convert to the Great Western Heaven Buddha world.

What surprised him was that the Buddha of duoxun subdued these beings without using three traps, but converted them with his own mana.

But what surprises Jiangnan most is the last faction. This faction is not the strong one in the world of the heavens. Its breath is extremely sacred, and it has to surpass the right path of the Xuanmen in the world of the heavens!

One of them is a magnificent God with a big axe in his arms, a big bamboo tube behind his back, a beautiful Buddha, a plain old man with a sword in his arms, and a tall and majestic man with open chest and breast.

The first is a beautiful man with extraordinary appearance. Sitting there, infinite time and space emerge behind him. One side of the golden billboard is flying. The power of the golden billboard is extremely deep, which even surpasses the extreme soldiers of the emperor's way in the south of the Yangtze River. The golden billboard is shining from time to time, showing a taboo and face.

"What the hell are they doing?" Jiangnan wondered.

Many ten days the Buddha was there, but he was very afraid of this beautiful man. They seemed to have a disagreement.

Jiangnan looked around, but she didn't look at the female emperor of Weiyang. The female emperor looked unhappy and said: "Xuantian sect leader, I respect that you are Zuo Tiancheng under the command of the East pole emperor. This will give you some face. Don't give your face. Guangwu divine court is not a place for you to be presumptuous. Hand over people to be executed as soon as possible, and I'll let bygones be bygones. You should know that your head is pressed by his majesty Guangwu's body. Even if you are a dragon, you should obey!"

Jiangnan looked up at the sky over the shenting. Guangwu God's previous incarnation was sitting in danger. Guangwu's previous incarnation proved the emperor. This incarnation is incomparably powerful, comparable to the extreme soldiers of the emperor.

"Weiyang Taoist friend, you should also know that Luo Tian is still pressing on it."

Jiangnan took back his eyes and said with a smile, "I want to take Qiyao day. Who dares to stop me?"

The female emperor of Changle sneered and said, "master Xuantian, don't be rampant. What can the East pole emperor do and dare to save you?"

Chen Xingjun was furious and said in a harsh voice, "shut up! If your son Changle had not forcibly slept with the beloved imperial concubine of the houtufang devil emperor, how could so many people die in the middle heaven world and fall into the field now?"

The female emperors of Changle and Weiyang changed their faces and scolded, "you have your share of roaring here, the thing that killed you? Come on, drag it out with me and kill it!"

"Who dares to touch my people?"

Jiangnan's face sank, and the tripod fell into the Guangwu divine court with a thud, which shook the divine court endlessly. He said faintly, "master Chenxing, just say what's going on?"

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