Published at 9th of November 2022 01:11:47 PM

Chapter 84

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What is a demon?

To understand the nature of a demon, one must first understand the concept of souls.

Every living entity, be it a person, a goblin or a slime, has a soul.

Within the confines of our living world, there is no way to see such an ethereal thing. However, if one were to follow this entity into the spirit world after its passing, you would see its true form.

Reports of those who have returned from the dead confirm that a soul is a strange, string-woven construct that vaguely resembles a child’s doll, made out of thick yarn threads of prismatic colors.

These threads, like real threads, can fray with time and misuse.

Most often, this ‘doll’, the soul, does not persist in the after-life long enough to come undone as the cycle of rebirth returns it to the world after a process of mending and healing in the restorative waters of the well of souls. However, in some cases, this mending process of the soul goes wrong.

When these threads fray, they catch and become tangled, like curly-hair that is never brushed. The person-like shape of the soul becomes a jumbled mess as the arms come undone and get caught in the legs, and the head gets caught in the shoulder, and eventually it all degrades into a knotted mess.

Once this degradation process is complete, the state of demon-hood is fully achieved.

We know little of demons, but we know of this process, and we know the following:

- Demonic magic is highly unusual in its make-up, often diverging far from the natural elements available to a caster. It often embodies an abstract concept manifested into magic.

- Once they escape the spirit world and return to ours, they have particular hatred and anger in their souls, leading them to either become either severe threats to society or recluses that live in somber shadows, there is little in between.

- A demon’s exterior is changed, their skin taking on an easily identifiable exotic hue, most often red.

In our future studies, we hope to hand-recreate the full demonification process on noted test-subjects, to be listed in the following compendium.


~ Holy Church Magical Research Institute



~ [White] ~
Uthra, Male, Worker {5}
Location: The Tower, Forge


White sits down in the forge, resting on a rafter as the sound of work rings out around him.


Gray, working the forge as always, turns to look his way. “What’s wrong?” asks the uthra. “No work today?”


White stares at his hands, before looking over at Gray. “Six-thousand.”


“Huh?” asks Gray, looking his way. “Six what?”


“Six-thousand kilograms,” says White. “Of gold.” The uthra looks back down at his hands. “Every day, I rise from my nest to dive into this hole, where I then dig out more clumps of gold and ore.” He shakes his head. “I bring these to you, and you melt them into bars.”


“Sounds right so far,” remarks Gray.


“And then…” White lifts his gaze. “They go to the stockpile.”




“All six-thousand kilograms. That’s just the gold. We also have iron, steel, and cobalt.”


“Don’t forget the orichalcum and all the jewels and all of the other metal. What’s your point?” asks Gray. “I told you, if you’re sick of mining, just go ask Isaiah for a new job. It’s not a problem,” explains the uthra. “You know how it is. I’m sure there’s something else for you to do.”


White shakes his head. “No,” replies the uthra. “If Isaiah wanted me to do something else, it would tell me as much.”


Gray groans. “We had this talk months ago already,” says the uthra. He shakes his head and dusts himself off. “That’s it. Come on. I’m taking you to Isaiah myself,” says the uthra, yanking White by the wrist and flying off out of the forge.



~ [Beige] ~
Uthra, Female, Worker {4}
Location: The Tower, Catacombs


Beige floats through the underground catacombs of the graveyard that she has been tasked by Black to keep up to maintained standards.


The air is damp and cold. Bones line the walls, nested in their final places of rest. Darkness flows through every niche, as if it were water. Looming emptiness calls all around her, beckoning her to join it in the total void of nothingness.


The uthra holds her hands clenched at her chest as she flies around, her lips pursed, her eyes wide as she fearfully hovers through the darkness.


She hates it down here. It’s scary.


Nervously, she looks to the left, down a tunnel that she passes, and then towards the right, down another, staring right into a face.


“- RAAAGH!” snarls a horrific maw from the shadows before herself.


Beige screams in terror, spinning around and flying away straight into a wall, striking her head against it.


The uthra gracelessly tumbles around, flopping over into a pile of bones and clutching her throbbing forehead with heavy wetness in her eyes as she looks behind herself.


— At Magenta, who looks around the corner, laughing.


The uthra purses her lips, pointing at Magenta. “Y-you jerk!” she yells, rubbing her sore head.


“You were so scared, Bei-Bei,” says Magenta playfully. “I got you good!”


Beige points at her. “I- I’m gonna tell Isaiah!”


Magenta blinks, lowering the skull she’s holding. “Huh? Wait,” says the uthra, lifting her hands. “You can’t bug Isaiah. It’s super busy.”


“I- Isaiah says it always has time for us!” yells Beige as she gets up and dusts herself off. She rises into the air and shoots off down the tunnel.


“Wait! Hold on!” yells Magenta after her, flying off in pursuit. “You’re gonna get me in trouble! Beeeige!”


The two uthra race down the catacombs.



~ [Orange] ~
Uthra, Female, Worker {5}
Location: The Tower Grounds, Riverside


Orange is on her hands and knees, walking on all fours on the grass as she softly rams her head into the monk’s side.


The woman, who was meditating down by the river, looks at her. “Yes?” asks the monk, opening her eyes and turning her head to look at Orange.


Orange blinks, craning her neck to look up at her and the two of them stare for a while.


“Why aren’t bats birds?” asks the uthra.


“Pardon?” The monk looks at her.


“You know, bats,” says Orange. She rises up, sitting on her knees, and lifts her hands, holding them together and flapping them as if they were a set of wings. “They’re bird-shaped, right?” she asks.


“I suppose they are,” remarks the monk.


“But why aren’t they birds then?” asks Orange. She spins around, sitting with her back facing the monk, and then flops over, her head landing on her leg as she stares up at the red-haired human. “Who decided that bats aren’t birds? I think they’re birds.” The uthra shakes her head.


“Perhaps because they do not lay eggs,” replies the monk, turning her head straight back and closing her eyes again.


Orange stares at her face for a time. “Do you think Isaiah could make bats that lay eggs?” she asks.


The monk nods, not opening her eyes. “It is possible,” she replies.


The uthra purses her lips and blows air up at the monk’s face until she’s out of breath. Then she takes a long inhalation and does it again. The monk opens her eyes.


“How do you wash your hair?” asks Orange.


“Vigorously,” replies the monk.


“Oh, huh…” Orange lays there, leaving her head on the monk’s lap, but she, still lying on her back, rolls her body from side to side as far as it can go. “So if you could lay eggs, would you still be a human?”


The monk does her best to maintain a straight posture. “A good question. It would be best to ask Isaiah,” she replies. Orange gasps, realizing that she’s right. But then she stops. “Wait…”


“Yes?” asks the monk.


“Are uthra birds?” asks Orange, her eyes going wide. “Do we lay eggs?” The monk, without opening her eyes, lifts an eyebrow. “I mean, Isaiah laid eggs, and it made us, right?” asks Orange. “So… no… wait, am I bat?” She looks down at her wings.


“It would be best to ask Isaiah,” repeats the monk.


“I don’t want to have eggs,” replies Orange. “My nest is already really full with just me in it, you know?”


“I am confident that you won’t do so without great effort,” replies the monk. “But again, it would be best to ask Isaiah.”


Orange nods. “But if I had eggs, would you help me take care of them?” she asks. “I’d ask the others, but I don’t think they like me.”


The monk seems to give up on her meditation and opens her eyes, looking at Orange. “I am sure that they do and that they would,” replies the monk. “Go ask Isaiah.”


Orange frowns. “So, no?” she asks, her face starting to turn sad. She wobbles. “Aren’t we friends?”


“We are and I would.”


Orange’s face lights up. “Would we still be friends if I was a bat?” she asks excitedly.


“Communication would be difficult,” replies the monk.


Orange stares back at her for a while. “What if I was a fish?”


“I would stop by the river to visit you now and then,” says the monk.


The uthra tilts her head. “…Would you eat me if I was a fish?”


The monk stares at Orange for a time. “Fish lay eggs, you know,” she replies.


Orange stares, her face becoming distraught. She sits upright. “Wait… Are fish birds then?” asks the uthra, rubbing her head in confusion. “Why do fish lay eggs?”


“Lots of things lay eggs that aren’t birds,” explains the monk.


“Then why don’t bats get to be birds?” asks Orange, perplexed. “I don’t get it.”


The monk shrugs. “Let me know when you find out,” she says.


Orange, having too many loose thoughts now, decides she needs an answer and gets up, flying off to the roost without another word. Isaiah will know for sure; it’s smart.



~ [Red] ~
Uthra, Female, Worker {6}
Location: The Tower, Kitchen


“Red, feed my slaves,” says Red, cutting a carrot and sliding it into a pot. “Red, wash my useless lackeys,” mutters the uthra beneath her breath, grabbing a sizable block of butter and simply chucking the entire thing into the pot as is. She rolls her eyes. “Red, preen my feathers and call me a pretty birdy.”


“Are you okay?” asks a voice from the side. “I’m pretty sure Isaiah never asked you to do any of those things, Red,” says Crystal. Red shoots a glare his way. “You might just be living out your victim complex again.”


Red grabs the sack of tubers from the forest. “You know, Crystal,” begins Red. “One day, you’re going to get what’s coming to you,” says the uthra.


Crystal shrugs. “What’s that?”


“You’ll see,” she replies, chopping the tubers up into large cubes and then tossing them into the pot too.


“Isn’t that, uh… isn’t that a lot of butter?” asks Crystal, looking over at the pot where a whole block of butter is melting. “Are you actually trying to kill everyone?”


Red points her knife at him. “Are you really just going to sit here and be a pain in my ass while I’m trying to work, Crystal?” she asks. “Because if you are, I can throw you in the pot too,” says the uthra, nodding her head to the pot. “Doubt anyone would miss you.”


Crystal rolls his eyes. “You’re such a jerk, Red,” says the uthra, sitting back down at the table. “Are you ever going to grow out of that?”


“I dunno, are you ever going to get off my back and leave me alone?” asks Red, returning to her work.


It’s quiet for a while.


“I really do think that’s way too much butter, though,” says Crystal. “You’re going to make all of the humans sick.”


“Get a grip. They love my food,” replies Red. “- The animals.”


“Yeah, because of all the butter,” remarks Crystal. “It’s not good for them.”


Red sighs, setting down the knife and looking at him. “Will you mind your own damn business?!” she asks. “You take care of your work, and I’ll take care of mine.” She points at herself and then at him. “This, this thing here? It doesn’t need to be happening right now.”


Crystal frowns, looking at her. “It does if you’re hurting the tower by making the humans sick. You know that Isaiah likes them.”


“I’m not hurting them, asshole,” says Red, tapping her head and glaring at him. “If I wanted to hurt them, I would have done it already using my hands!”


“Then why the butter?” asks Crystal. “I bet you’re using it to hurt them in a way you’re ‘allowed’ to, since Isaiah would get mad at you for anything more direct.” Crystal looks at her. “This lets you get away with it by playing innocent.”


“What?!” Red plants her hands on her hips, leaning in. “I use it because it tastes good, dumbass!”


“As if you care if their food tastes good,” replies Crystal, getting up from the table. Red opens her mouth, but then stops herself from saying whatever she wanted to say. She simply lowers her hand and continues to stare her anger into his soul. “We should ask Isaiah about this,” says Crystal, flying away.


“What? Leave Isaiah out of this, dick!” barks Red.


Crystal flies off. Red lets out an angry, muffled scream, kicking the oven as hard as she can with the sole of her boot, and then flies off after him.



~ [Isaiah] ~


Isaiah stands on the roost, in a conversation with the dryad Seide about the forest. She had come to speak to it about her goblin-tribe here, which she is tasked with looking after in her role as the tribe matriarch, a wood-mother. Isaiah, in turn, tells her of the many goblin incursions during the start of its new life as a dungeon-core.


“It seems that we were once troubled neighbors,” remarks Isaiah, looking at her. “Perhaps there is a way forward from here, though?”


Seide nods, smiling. She holds a hand clutched to her chest and then looks out over the landscape. “In truth, I need to go back to them,” says Seide. “They are lost without my guidance.”


Isaiah nods. “I understand,” it replies. “But?”


It’s quiet for a while as Seide stands there, the wind playing with her long, forest-green hair as she stares off. “I’m… I don’t think I’m ready yet,” she replies, looking back at Isaiah. “To leave, to… to go back in to the forest.”


The two of them stare at each other for a while, each contemplating the other’s existence.


— A buzzing of wings and a chiming of voices fills the air as a great swarm rises up the body of the tower, flying towards the roost.


“Ah…” says Isaiah. “I believe it is time for me to return to my duties,” it remarks, looking over its shoulder towards the rainbow swarm that rises up and over the edge of the tower. “I enjoy our talks, Seide. They are very insightful.”


“— ISAIAH! ISAIAH!” calls Beige, flying in, barely able to stop herself. She frantically speaks. “I was working in the catacombs and Magenta w-“


“- Isaiah!” says Gray, tugging on Isaiah’s arm. “There’s a problem. Do you have a minute? It’s about Wh-“


“Chirp! Chirp! Chirp!” chirps Orange, flying in and wrapping herself sideways around Isaiah’s back, looking up at it from below. “Hey! Hey! Can fish fly? I was thinking about bats and I -”


“Chief!” barks Red, getting there before Crystal. She pushes Crystal away, holding him at bay with one arm while she tugs on Isaiah’s other arm. “Tell Crystal to go die in a hole and to leave me alone! I’m so si-”


Voices chirp all around it, squeaking and squawking about this and that.


Isaiah looks between the lot of them, its gaze wandering over their many faces of many colors and expression, each of them having a different desire, want and need, but also attitude and development. It is a hard, difficult task to manage so many expectations, hopes, and souls — to foster and guide them.


But it is one that is most fulfilling.


It’s nice to be wanted, after all.




See, it's like 'a slice of life', but butter x)

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