Published at 25th of April 2024 07:32:06 AM

Chapter 139: The Monstrous Titan

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Chapter 139: The Monstrous Titan

POV: A Concerned Mother

A few dozen feet from a heated diatribe.

A second after a Queen heartily appealed to a Hero...

Catelyn, unbeknownst to those present, had also witnessed the whole affair.

It had been two days since the Lady of Winterfell had been keeping an eye on Dacey Mormont, the key to the North.

The woman knew she had sinned in superficiality by thinking that she had been one of the few who had deduced that Jorah's cousin was the future winning horse to tap into all the riches and power of the Barrowlands and the Bay of Ice, but she certainly did not believe that half the noble scions of Westeros and Essos would be feuding over the honour of a single dance with young Dacey...

Catelyn rejoiced when 'last night' her son Robb behaved like a true gallant gentleman by dancing first with the maiden.

During the dance, she approached Lady Maege, trying to subtly test the waters...

Lady Maege seemed honoured by the chivalry of her young future Lord Protector, but, after several chats and praises with a lady not precisely of the same temperament as the southern ladies, Catelyn tried to ask about a possible future union between Dacey and Robb, and her mother hesitated, remaining as vague as possible...

In all likelihood, someone had managed to anticipate a marriage proposal...

The mother's duty as the future Lord Protector of the North was to find out 'Who'. Therefore Catelyn tried to keep Dacey's every possible candidate well in sight.

Humfrey Hightower and the two scions of Tyrosh and Lys seemed the most palpable candidates so far...

When Bloody Snow showed up at Barrow Hall, all her worst fears came to pass...

During the wedding ceremony, the couple seemed never to take their eyes off each other.

Catelyn knew that look. The same look that Brandon returned to her eight years ago at their first meeting.

An engagement between Duncan Tallhart and Dacey Mormont would have been the undoing of House Stark. Nothing could have stopped the rise of Torrhen's Square any longer...

Starks, Boltons, Karstarks, the Clans of the Mountains, Reeds, and Manderlys would not have been enough to prevent the birth of a rebellion.

Perhaps a tiny chance to prevent the tragedy still existed... If her Arya had married Benfred Tallhart; the bloodshed could still have been avoided.

Catelyn fulfilled her duty as Lady of Winterfell by responding with kindness and honest conversational openness toward Lady Myra Tallhart and, surprisingly, found her to be a pleasant and good-hearted person.

A mother who, like her, adored her children and would not hesitate for a second to fight at the risk of her own life to protect them.

A principle of friendship that filled their respective husbands with serenity and satisfaction. Ser Helman Tallhart was also a good man, honest, fair, honourable and open to everyone.

Catelyn even went so far as to seek unexpected advice from Myra... They both lived in the company of another woman's son, but she did not dare to suppose that they might also come together by harbouring a bastard...

["I could not give you advice, milady. The day I arrived at Torrhen's Square, I noticed a child in desperate need of a mother, and I chose to shoulder that burden by giving him some love. To this day, that child has always repaid me tenfold for that bit of love he was able to provide him with...

Duncan was the brightest child I had ever known. He was always well aware that we were not united by the bond of blood, and yet, never once in nine years did I hear him utter the word 'stepmother,' let alone call Benfred and Eddara half-brother or half-sister.

... He is not my blood, but he is still my son."]

Myra's instinctive gesture of going against the Queen's wishes and the murderous fury that shone in her eyes the instant Braavosian publicly offended the family bond with Duncan Tallhart, lent credence to two certainties:

1) Myra Tallhart truly loved Bloody Snow as if he were her son.

2) Ned and Ser Helman moved strings and influences to ensure that Myra never learned of the Winterfell Incident...

Catelyn felt a sense of shame... She knew... She knew that the Braavosian had voluntarily chosen to provoke Duncan Tallhart, and she had not come forward.

Her duty as Lady of Winterfell and her honour as Tully had failed. Both are silenced by the Family's valour...

The Queen, the Braavosian, her husband, Ser Helman, Myra, and all the hundreds of onlookers...none of them knew that 'Bloody Snow,' the real demon hidden inside that Loving and honourable boy, was anything but in trouble.

Catelyn recognized that look, that confidence, that damned impassivity to the world catching fire around him.

Duncan Tallhart had the situation in hand, and very soon, he would make his move trapping all his enemies in his steel grip.

Gelledo Antaryon already had his steps counted.

Bloody Snow longed for that duel; his demonic eyes craved blood.

He was only waiting for the most opportune moment to inflict tremendous blows.

Catelyn had survived a similar experience, and every pore of her skin screamed 'Danger.'

Futile to hope that Bloody Snow would lose that duel. Cersei and the Sealord's son had no idea who they were dealing with...

A Monster... simply a Demon in human flesh.

And now that Demon would sing his devilish ballad...

"My Queen, my Lord Protector, and you, milord Gelledo Antaryon, so far I have chosen silence to try to understand all three of your points of view to the best of my ability, and I can say that I have concluded that all arguments have points of extreme value and truth...

My answer is yes, Your Grace...

For the sake of the North and the Seven Kingdoms, I will accept this challenge." The Queen seemed to glow like morning dew in the sun, Ned frowned, and Gelledo nodded with determination.

"However... Yes, this duel will have to be held here and now, but in the right way..." The Queen and Gelledo peered distrustfully at the monster.

"What do you mean by 'the right way,' milord?"

"Just a moment, Your Grace." The Demon brazenly ignored the question by turning to the duelist.

"Noble Gelledo Antaryon, I beg your pardon. I was sincere when I told you that my statements were not meant to offend the Sealord, but I admit my faults... I have offended your city, your people, and the noble history and tradition upon which the foundation of the Titan is built.

Tell me, milord, is it your intention to duel with said weapon and garb?

Will you choose to follow the noble path of the Water Dance by giving up armour?" Gelledo was taken aback for a moment by this sudden outburst of gallantry and show of respect.

"It is, Lord Duncan... A true Braavosi does not need chain mail, leather, or iron plates. A true Water Dancer proves his worth with nothing but good steel in his hand." So replied the duelist with pride and bravado.

"Well ... then, milord, as a gesture of good faith and respect for your honourable city, I too will opt to duel on the same terms. And I will wield not Red Rain but a real Water Dancer's sword." A roar of surprise and shock flooded almost the entire hill.

"Is this a trick to denigrate the Water Dancers, Bloody Snow? I warn you, you will have no hope of matching me without your Steel of Valyria and your armour!" Gelledo.

And so the first opponent, blatantly torn to pieces, exited the scene...

"So... Lord Tywin, Lord Stark, the Crown and the Protector of the North support House Tallhart's proposal?" The Queen's father tried to stem the massive breach in the ship's hull.

"The Crown supports this solution to the dispute." Tywin.

"Winterfell supports the resolution for Trial by Combat." Ned.

"What about you, noble Gelledo Antaryon?

Do you accept the traditions of Westeros?

Will you let the Old Gods and the Many-Faced Gods decide who will be right or wrong in this dispute of honour?" Hundreds of glances turned toward the Braavosian.

"Why should I grant you the chance to surrender without paying the price of blood due, milord?

Are the Heroes of the North afraid of death? Or is it by any chance the North itself that is afraid of Braavos?

The Titan has no reason to accept!" Roars of anger and dissent pervaded the arena, but Bloody Snow waved his hands to appease the tempers...and after the beginning of a massacre was averted, the Demon replied:

"You ask me Why, milord?

Well, because my Lord Protector Eddard is right; Braavos has its God, Laws, and Traditions... but this..." So Bloody Snow picked up a small handful of dirt and blades of grass and turned to her husband's bannermen.

"This is the North!" Roared the charismatic Demon, showing his fistful of earth.

"Aye!" A dozen lords and ladies replied in chorus...

Bloody Snow opened his hand, dropping the wet soil, then wielded a small dagger and slashed the same palm open, clutched the dagger tightly dripping with dirty blood and thundered proudly:

"The land inhabited by our Ancestors! Watered by the blood of the First Men!!!"

"Aye!!!" The dozen became three times more numerous...

"Here, we worship The-Our-Gods! The Old Gods!!!" The Puppeteer.

"Ayee!!!" that number increased again...

Bloody Snow clapped his bloody hand twice on his chest, covered with silver and white leather farsetto.

*Stump!*"We too have 'our' Laws!"


*Stump!* "Our Traditions!!!"

"Ayeee!!!", "Right!!!", "This is The North!!!", "Yeeess!!!"

Bolton, Tallhart, Glover, Reed, Manderly, Cerwyn, Ashwood, Bole, Hornwood, Karstark, Lake, Forrester, Umber, Flint, Ryswell, Woods, Knott, Magnar, Mormont, a variety of other major and minor lineages loyal to House Stark, and even Blackwood and Royce... the whole North and several believers in the Old Gods were answering Bloody Snow's call.

Gelledo paled at the wave of approval and support from the Hero of the North.

All the ladies and lord first witnessing and supporting the Queen's welcome guest slipped silently into the crowd to avoid a possible 'wild chase toward Braavos sympathizers.'

Duncan Tallhart raised a hand, and the clamour subsided until silence reigned ... the boy took in the air again, and as he inhaled deeply while closing his eyes, his bloody hand smoothed his white hair back.

Duncan Tallhart's snow-colored hair became stained with blood ... and ... concluded his stage ritual, 'Bloody Snow' sang the last verse of the war hymn.

"Therefore, Gelledo son of Ferredo Antaryon, if you want the North to show respect to Braavos...

Braavos, 'in turn', will have to show respect to the North!!!" The audience exploded...

"AYEEE!!!!", "UAAARGHH!!!", "RESPECT TO THE NORTH!!!", "YEESS!!!" all that was missing was the blaring of horns and the roll of drums to start the battle 400 angry Westerosi vs 1 Braavosian...

Dozens of Northmen sprinkled the sky with showers of ale and wine as they brandished cups and jugs upward as if wielding swords...

Greatjon Umber incited a chorus thundering at the top of his voice:

"Bloody Snow! Bloo-dy-Snow!!!" and hundreds, including men, women, young men and maidens, answered:

"BLOO-DY-SNOW!", "BLOO-DY-SNOW!", "BLOO-DY-SNOW!" hundreds more, including late nobles, guards, and servants of Barrowton, joined all around them until they became thousands...

"BLOO-DY-SNOW!!!", "BLOO-DY-SNOW!!!", "BLOO-DY-SNOW!!!" the wave seemed unstoppable. The walls of Barrowton were less than a thousand feet away. Torches and flashlights could be seen rising and falling to the rhythm of the anthem. And then ... the wave spread to the lively city.

Catelyn tried to sharpen her ear to hear the crescendo of thousands more voices far away from there ... tens of thousands ...

"Bloo-dy-Snow!", "Bloo-dy-SnOW!!!", "Bloo-dY-SNOW!!!", "BLOO-DY-SNOW!!!" the streets of the city were chanting the Hero of the North...

A year ago, Catelyn listened to Old Nan tell stories to Robb about the Mighty Titan of Braavos.

According to the old nanny of Winterfell, the Titan was a giant as tall as a mountain and whenever the city was in danger, he woke up with fire in his eyes, and his roar was able to awaken a thousand sleeping deities by summoning them from the heavens to come down upon all the enemies of the Braavosians.

Asking Maester Luwin if there was even a sliver of truth in Nan's story, the maester explained to her that yes, a Titan existed, but it was not a divine entity but rather a gargantuan Statue, a masterpiece of master carpenters and stonemasons.

A granite and bronze fortress in the shape of a Titan garnished with hundreds of armed men, ready to throw stone, pitch, fire and arrows toward any enemy ship attempting to enter the lagoon city of a hundred islands.

The colossal Statue-Fortress emitted a shrill roar audible for miles, not to summon the gods but to warn the Braavos Arsenal that a ship had entered the city.

To Gelledo Antaryon and the few Braavosi delegates nearby, at that moment, here in the vast and wild North, the Colossal Titan Protector must have seemed to them so distant, artificial and insignificant.

The True Titan...

The monstrosity to which Old Nan referred...

The entity capable of awakening the ardour of Cities, Men, and Gods...

It was right there.


End Chapter.


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