Published at 25th of April 2024 07:31:47 AM

Chapter 149: A Debt to Repay (III)

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Chapter 149: A Debt to Repay (III)

POV: A Vice-General

Torrhen's Square.

The morning after a king rang for two northern youths

Peter finished analysing the scouts' report delivered immediately after their arrival at Torrhen's Square. Now that the final preparations that required his attention were complete, he prepared to leave the tower to join his unit.

The Vice-General urged the three Division Commanders of the Third Legion to assemble and have their squadrons ready to mobilise at any time.

The state of alertness was at an all-time high. Even the entire elite unit of Winter Guardians gathered at Torrhen's Square.

In less than four years, House Tallhart tripled the defences of the family manor:

Restoring and augmenting the towers

Relentlessly training the garrison

Equipping the fortress with scorpions and catapults

Reinforcing the gates

Expanding granaries and iceboxes for provisions

Building a defensive trading port

Digging two huge moats (connected to a water recirculation system at Torrhen's Lake)

The imposing seat of House Tallhart now looked more like a floating fortress than a castle.

The original city walls were raised from thirty to sixty feet high and reinforced with fifteen feet of additional thickness. A second city wall (almost a mile long) that incorporated most of the new structures (house complexes, small markets, workshops, new stables, training camps and research facilities) was nearing completion.

What was once just a pile of emergency housing for the former refugees of the Snow Mill village was increasingly turning into a small town...

Over five thousand people chose to live in the six hundred-foot radius that divided the two new walls of Torrhen's Square, and that number continued to increase moon after moon.

A fixed garrison of five hundred men was always defending the castle, who, together with the remaining one thousand guarding the small citadel that had been formed, constituted an entire legion on constant watch to safeguard the main seat of House Tallhart.

Torrhen's Square could easily withstand a two-year siege or repel, if not quietly annihilate, armies ten times as large. But, of course, always provided that those 15,000 enemies were composed mainly of the ordinary poorly trained and poorly armed commoners that the lords of Westeros are common to enlist in times of war...

With only 1,500 defenders, Torrhen's Square could still have succumbed to an enemy with preparation and resources equal to or greater than the Golden Company.

But in any case, Three Legions, 4,500 hardened soldiers armed to the teeth, were ready to take the field at any time necessity demanded, and a Fourth Legion was already in the process of being formed...

Among the more than four hundred thousand commoners and citizens under the protection of the Tallharts, about 1 in 20 (man or woman between the ages of 16-40) were obliged to undergo introductory military training sessions, lasting ten days each, six times a year, and to answer their lord's call at any time...

This, plus the three thousand police officers, men and women trained but armed only by truncheon, dagger and one-handed crossbow (not considered under Crown laws as armed forces), and the two hundred secret Frost Blades scattered throughout the Tallhart family's domains, constituted at least ten times more war power than ten years ago.

Peter had no idea what diabolical threat could force the Tallhart family back into Torrhen's Square...

The entire 1st Legion and the 3rd, the most powerful unit of the three, led by General Duncan, had been assembled.

As soon as the man stepped outside the keep, he heard:

"Vice-General Peter." A more than recognisable voice, mixed with iron strength and sweet feminine sensuality, drew the man's attention, causing him to stiffen like a log.

"Commander Syggha." The Goddess of War stood before him with amber skin and toned musculature perfectly sculpted and adorned in armour sets.

Peter inwardly thanked the Old Gods for giving him the foresight to wash and put on his best set of clothes and armour before this fortuitous encounter.

Syggha, the new Division Commander and her second in command, Vice-Commander Josua, were in charge of the elite 'Shield Maidens' unit, which would make up a third of the forces of the future new Fourth Legion.

From the very first moment his eyes laid on his young lord's dangerous, ferocious and ruthless master-at-arms, Peter was totally infatuated with her...

It was his father Tom who first sang of Syggha's unrivalled qualities. Peter remembered it as if it had been yesterday...

["That Girl-in-Armour, as you call her, is capable of throwing me and every other man-at-arms in Torrhen's Square out on her ass, boy.

Take care to pay due respect to Lady Syggha at all times, and unless you want to join your mother in the worst way, never dare disrespect her master.

Do we understand each other, Peter?"

"Gulp... Y-yes, Sir."]

But, alas... several years ago, before Peter began training with Master Cohollo and Galladon Sand, any possible pitiful attempts at flirtation approaches were nipped in the bud by the dark and tragic stories of all the Lady-Warrior's crazy ex-wannabe suitors and a remarkably, ["What the fuck do you keep staring at me for?!"] roared in front of half of Torrhen's Square by Syggha herself...

Not even the encouraging words of Master Zick, the only existing individual aware of Peter's hidden feelings, were able to spur the perhaps most awkward and inept 25-year-old in the North regarding women.

By now, almost every officer in the Tallhart army had won the love of a worthy female companion.

"All Generals require your immediate presence in the Godswood. Follow us." Ordered the most beautiful and skilled Warrior in the North in a clear and concise tone.

"Yes, Sir!" The only way not to stutter and sputter like an idiot and act like a man in her presence was to picture her in his mind as a 'male' comrade-in-arms.


Two minutes later...

Peter didn't understand what the heck was going on. At least a thousand Torrhen's Square souls were neatly arranged in every available corner or space of the Godswood. The source of this content nov(el)bi((n))

A First Man, with his gaze bent towards the moss and red foliage, felt the light weight of the flat blade touch his shoulders to the sound of:

"In the name of Bronze, I command you to stand against Iron.

In the name of Fire, I command you to extinguish Frost.

In the name of Light, I command you to dispel Darkness.

In the name of Life, I command you to resist Death.

It is your oath, Knight..." the Knight anointed the blade with red sap offered to him by Oak Green Welk.

"So that you may always remember it."

The second Northman automatically offered the open palm of his dominant hand, immediately feeling a minor burn on it.

"Do you swear by your blood and the blood of the Old Gods that from now on, for the rest of your days, you will defend the Beauty of this world from Iron, Cold, Darkness and Death?"

Peter had repeated those words for an entire night, imagining in his fantasy that he was in that boy's place.

"I swear by the Old Gods.

I swear it on my blood and on the blood of my ancestors.

I swear by Bronze and Iron,

Fire and Ice,

Light and Darkness,

Life and Death.

I swear by Love, and I swear by Magic.

I will defend the Beauty of this World. Now and forever." Not a word was missing from the roll call to his deep relief and pride...

The second Knight of Beauty could not open his eyes nor move a muscle as the Priest of the Old Gods anointed his forehead.

But all the accumulated energy exploded in his legs as soon as his ears heard:

"Arise, Ser Peter Atreides.

Protector of the First Men, Servant of the Old Gods, and Defender of Beauty!

A Green Knight of the Seven Kingdoms!

Master of Heroes' Summit, Shield of Lake Torrhen 'And'..." The Supreme General, Ser Helman Tallhart, had managed to move in behind him without Peter noticing.

But what caught Peter's attention the most was his second younger brother...

This time it was Brywen who stepped forward, her eyes reddened and moist, and traces of snot on her nose. Brywen carried a longsword still unsheathed and knelt at his feet, diagonally holding the fine leather scabbard to make it easier to draw.

Peter didn't even have time to process all the privileges and honours he had just acquired... A Second Noble name, the birth of his own Household for him and his family, his name etched in the history books as the second Green Knight of the Seven Kingdoms and now the sword... As Vice-General in command, Peter and the other five Vice Generals wielded Damascus Steel swords custom forged by Torrhen's Square's master blacksmith, Will.

But that sword... That was Grandmaster Mott's masterpiece. Didn't even need to look at the mark on the pommel to know it...

Peter's fingers slid slowly over the hilt, instinctively drawn to the sword itself, as if she were calling him...

The Vice General scrutinised General Duncan's gaze for a moment, to confirm what had become his and what was to be done. The First Green Knight nodded with a reassuring look full of confidence...

Peter slowly unsheathed the blade, savouring every tactile, auditory and visual sensation.

The blade was a masterpiece of forging. An instrument not only born to take Life but a symbol of art designed to be admired and coveted by all aspiring swordsmen.

Carried away by the intense moment, the new Knight did not notice what was happening around him... Peter only perceived gentle hands on his busy shoulders, pulling off the decorative pins of the shoulder straps.

The Vice-General's body was stripped of its cape and invested with another almost identical to that of the officers in Chief-Tallharts...

The mind returned to the here and now, and time began to turn normally again... At that moment, Peter realised that Duncan Tallhart had not yet finished the oration...

It was only when Lord Leobald had finished staring correctly at the platinum pin that the boy pointed Red Rain at him and roared:

"General of the Fourth Legion!" All the officers and non-commissioned officers of the Third Legion roared in chorus, "LORD GENERAL! LORD GENERAL ATREIDES!!!

"General Atreides!!!" Thundered Leobald Tallhart, positioning himself at his corner of the triangle, pointing his own sword of Damascus at Peter in turn. And the Second Legion responded to their General's call with:


Then it was the turn of Supreme General Helman, who pointed his own sword towards Peter, who roared louder than anyone else:

"Honour to Ser Peter! Honour to the New General!!! Honour to House Atreides!!!... ATREIDES!!!" And thousands of voices and swords in the Godswood and throughout Torrhen's Square responded in ovation:



End Chapter.


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