Published at 25th of April 2024 07:36:43 AM

Chapter 2: 'Dungeons & Documents'

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Chapter 2: 'Dungeons & Documents'

I stood there motionless, my eyelids refusing to close.

"Indescribable" was the only word I could utter.

They had fought without interruption or pause for six days, then finally a bell rang and the two angels shook hands as if nothing had happened.

I could be sure of one thing, if the best 100 choreographers and special effects specialists on earth had worked together with unlimited funds to reproduce such a fight scene...they would have failed.

I had watched every second, mesmerised and unable to look away.

'The coolest FUCKING fight ever!!!!!'

If one of them died during the fight, a few moments later he would come back to life and continue fighting.

I was able to keep track: Seraphinus had been defeated 576 times and Metatron 53. It had to be said, though, that every single time Seraphinus was resurrected he returned to the fight with exactly the same ardour and intensity.

Metatron had been unflappable during his first 10 defeats but gradually I could sense his frustration more and more, after his 40th defeat he lost most of his calm and lucidity. Seraphinus was gaining ground inch by inch.

During this week I had noticed that I did not suffer from thirst, hunger or sleep. However, if I craved any snack, food or drink it would appear.

Salted caramel candied popcorn + extra fizzy Cherry Coke + cloud chair with soft massage mode + best show ever = PARADISE ladies and gentlemen.

Seraphinus arrived shortly afterwards with a distressed look on his face and a document in his hand.

"Is this what you angels mean by 'negotiations'?" I asked instinctively. "Yes an idea of Big Brother Gabriel when he discovered that angels could communicate through the intent of blows." Said a dejected Seraphinus.

"Mr Matthew...I have failed you. I promised you that I would get the best and I was sincerely confident that I could achieve more...yet Big Brother Metatron was almost unreasonable, as if he took it personally. Towards the end of the fight in a fit of rage he verbatim shouted 'Why didn't I accept the shift change with Raffaele?! Whyyyyyyyy?!?!'. I honestly don't understand what he meant, why he was so unrational and rigid for an 'DDI' trial, yet he has dealt with countless more complex cases*." Seraphinus.

*Author's note: Seraphinus does not know that he is nicknamed 'The Scourge of Heaven'. All the angels and souls who know him try to avoid him as much as possible. The Great Father (God) has proclaimed a taboo on the subject with strict punishments, for despite being the No. 1 troublemaker in heaven he is also among the purest, most loyal and kind-hearted.

"Don't say that Seraphinus, I know for a fact that you gave your all. The fight was a unique and legendary event that will forever remain engraved in my heart. I am happy and proud to have been served by an angel like you!" I replied still excited about the scenes of the fight.

"And above all, don't jump to conclusions, let's see the conditions first."

"Ah sure, I almost forgot." He handed me the scroll and I began to read its contents.

--- Soul Compensation Conditions No. 2,331,870,463,575,483---

- The soul will be reborn in the world of "A song of Ice and Fire":

- Westeros; Northern Kingdom; Torrhen's Square

- Year of birth 278 AC

- Tallhart family; Natural son of Lady Varra Tallhart (Free Folk, a living descendant of the legendary king beyond the wall Joramun) and unknown father. Legitimate son of Helman Tallhart Master of Torrhen's Square.

- Name: Duncan Tallhart

- Appearance: Strong resemblance to Actor Charlie Hunnam, 'steel white' hair and green/silver eyes. nove(l)bi(n.)com

- The soul will be able to retain memories of their previous life, their time in paradise and additional knowledge such as:

- Civil and Naval Engineering (level: Master)

- Agricultural, Forestry and Botanical Science (level: Master)

- Geological Sciences (liv: Advanced)

- Architectural Sciences (liv: Intermediate)

- Special: 'Knowledge of the ancient art of Damascus steelmaking'.

The only exceptions to exceed this limit are: Divine Blessings, Magical Rituals, Scientific Experiments and Natural Genetic Pool Errors (Aberrations-Mutants).

- The soul will get one magic item (very rare class) to start with and the chance to get a second one (Legendary class) if the requirements are met. These items will always refer to the Forgottem Realms world adapted to the 'A.S.o.I.a.F.' world such as:

Very rare class item:

- Bag of Holding (Created by the Archdruid Ancient King of the Children of the Forest).

- Properties:

-The bag has a magical dimensional space of 3 cubic meters. It can carry a maximum capacity of 4 tons, but the actual weight of the bag does not exceed 1.5 kg.

-Any object larger than the bag itself can be momentarily resized to one third of its original size during the insertion and extraction interval.

-Each inserted object will magically position itself in the safest and most optimal position and can be recalled simply by placing your hand inside and thinking about the specific object.

-Time in the bag is different, if you insert an item, organic or not, it will keep longer. The ratio is 1/365.

outer space. Living organisms cannot be placed inside.

-The bag cannot be damaged by non-magical means.

-If the bag is turned upside down, its contents come out, unharmed, but the bag must be put back in place before it can be used again.

Legendary Class Item: Unknown

Properties: unknown

- IMPORTANT: According to Archangel Micheal's decree no. 345.765: Any interference from any kind of power foreign to a type of world will be balanced in order to maintain balance.

In summary: "The more your power grows, the more the power of the forces that oppose you will grow."

As soon as the soul signs the document, it will accept all the above conditions and begin transmigration.



I reread the document three times to make sure I understood the contents correctly. My whole body was trembling with excitement!

"Serap...Seraphinus this is..." I said staring at the angel, unable to find the correct words.

"Yeah I know a total piece of crap! And I couldn't even get it before 6 days. I...I don't feel like asking you to pay my fee in full...we can renegotiate the payment if you agree." Seraphinus kept his head bowed towards the ground in apology.

"AMAZING!!!!! You're just amazing!!!!!!! I ADORE YOU SERAPHINUS!!! You got an amazing contract! HAHAHAH I'm so excited! I can't wait to start!!!" I shouted happily... and it was a moment later that something inside me clicked.

A sixth sense had been activated, time slowed down. I could hear the sound of my own heartbeat.

A second later I felt it. I felt every cell in my being screaming 'DANGER! DANGER! DANGER!', and in that moment I realised.

Why did Seraphinus until now speak in such a normal, concise manner? FU** the answer is because he was sad and depressed!!! But now I've just handed him on a silver platter an incentive to cheer up!!!!'. I was anxiously watching for any possible change on his person.


An angel in front of me was raising his head....

He had a surprised, happy look on his face and was bursting with energy from every pore...

He inhaled to recharge the air in his lungs and his chest looked more and more like a balloon ready to burst...

...'Oh no!'

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