Published at 25th of April 2024 07:35:47 AM

Chapter 29: ' Silence...'

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Chapter 29: ' Silence...'

POV: Eddard Stark.


Year 284, 13th day, of the twelfth moon.

The Lord of Winterfell was exhausted. His eyes burned and were red. He had worked late into the evening on dozens of documents. Now it was finally time to go to bed.

His wife, his Cat, was already waiting for him in their rooms.

Ned came in after saying goodnight to his guards.

He had tried to close the door carefully by being quiet.

"Gnnniigh!" The wooden door creaked....

"...mmu...Ned is that you?" Catelyn asked, half asleep in her furs.

"Yes, Cat...I'm sorry, I didn't mean to wake you." Ned.

"...Never mind e to bed and hold me in your arms" Cat.

"I'll change my clothes and be right with you, my wife." Ned.

About an hour later...

The Lord Protector of the North stared into the flames of the still-burning brazier by the bed. He was undressed and sweating, holding his young Lady between his arm and chest. Ned continued to think, and as he did so he stroked his bride Tully's beautiful red hair...

"Ned, what's the matter? You're restless tonight..." Catelyn asked, seeking the gaze of her young husband.

"It's nothing Cat...a raven came from Castle Black this morning. Lord Helman Tallhart and his son Duncan, will be visiting us in about three weeks...They will want to invite us to that tournament...I'm not much in the mood for tournaments but we'll have to attend anyway." Said Ned, in an exhausted tone.

Catelyn broke free from her husband's loving embrace. She straightened to find stability in the bed.

"You are the Lord Protector of the North. You do not have to do anything. The Tallharts are your bannermen, if you do not wish to participate then just refuse." Said Catelyn trying to motivate her husband.

"...You don't understand Cat...Do you know why they are arriving here in three weeks instead of ten days? Because they are crossing the mountain clan strait. They will invite the Clan of: Wull, Burleys, Harclays, Liddles and Knott....all the North will be at that tournament and the Starks won't be outdone. "Ned. This chapter is updated by nov(e)(l)

"I told you so, Ned. You shouldn't have given them the Sea Dragon Point lands!" Catelyn snapped.

"Those lands were nearly uninhabited, Cat. Unattended for decades, given over to plunder by bandits, wildlings, and iron men. It was the right choice." Ned replied defensively.

"What happened to the Harrenhall tournament? It was Rheagar who financed the tournament, who wanted to gather all the nobles to oust Aerys II. And now the same thing is happening..." Ned pretended he hadn't heard those words...he was reaching his limit.

"The Tallharts are growing too big! I told you they'd become a threat...and now look...Look what they're doing...they're seeking the favor of every House in the North and then..." Catelyn was interrupted.

"And then what, Cat? What do you think they're going to do?...Listen to me carefully Cat, this is the last time I'm going to tell you. The 'Tallharts' have helped the North in its time of need since last Winter...The 'Tallharts' have spilled a great deal of blood to follow me to the South...The 'Tallharts' are providing food for the entire North...The 'Tallharts' are enriching half the North...The 'Tallharts' are increasing our tax revenues like never before...but most of all, The 'Tallharts' have been loyal to House Starks for hundreds of years!..." Said Ned in a polite but serious tone. Catelyn remained silent, not knowing how to respond...

"You are from the South, cannot understand. Here in the North, we don't turn our backs on each other for political intrigue, we are more united than any other Kingdom, we suffer together and celebrate feast together. We are loyal and sincere, we don't have the luxury of being bored and gossiping about someone else. The North is united." Ned.

"When Lord Helman comes to the castle, you must behave like a true Lady of Winterfell AND....I don't want to hear you say those words will not address Helman's son by that epithet. Yes, I know how you feel about that child. He's only seven years old Cat...I expect you to be as welcoming and hospitable as a true Northern Lady."

Catelyn, got out of bed looking for her night robe.

"Where are you going?" Ned asked.

"I have fulfilled my duty as my Lord husband's wife, now with your permission, my lord. I would like to go and sleep in our son's chambers...forgive me my lord for marrying a dirty, gossipy, double-crossing southerner."

End POV.


POV Duncan;

About three days' march from Winterfell.

About twenty days later...

I entered the armoured carriage. We were about to resume our journey after last night's stop. My father was inside. He liked to ride mostly on horseback, but since he wanted to keep me company, he also joined in the noble comforts.

"Father, it seems that the gifts for the Starks have arrived tonight. Now we can march at a brisk pace without delay." I said.

"Excellent, I wouldn't want to give the Starks cause for insult....tell me son...are you really sure you want to do this? Is this really necessary?" Helman asked for the fifteenth time in the last three days. The closer we got the more he thought about it.

"Trust me's a lost cause...Lady Catelyn, she already detests me. I must strike while the iron is hot. At least I could direct that hatred towards myself instead of that poor child...I don't think she's a bad person...but she's certainly prejudiced." I replied to my father trying to justify my actions.

"Alright, but try not to exaggerate...your Uncle explained to me well 'what you are capable of doing'..." Helman.

"Trust me, father. I will be gentle and invisible as a pin...our hands will stay clean." I answered confidently.

"I wonder how much she would pay, Lady Dustin, to be able to watch the show. Ahahahah!" I couldn't help but imagine Lady Dustin snickering around a corner.

"Let's go over the scenario one more time father. You'll have to be perfect too."

"Phew...May the 'Ancients' save us from your plots..."

End POV.


POV: Catelyn Stark;


Year 285, fifth day of the first moon.

It was Autumn and this was the first snowfall in the North for Catelyn Stark, Lady of Winterfell. Large, distinct flakes fell softly everywhere. The castle walls were damp and wet. The hot baths that warmed all of Winterfell helped their residents weather the frigid North.

It was morning, she, her husband Ned, her son....and Jon Snow were in the square waiting for their 'esteemed guests'.

Ned had decided that his bastard son Jon would also attend.

The almost two-year-old boy was standing next to his father and holding his hand. Robb was at his side holding his own.

"Robb, Jon, so what do we tell our guests when they arrive?" Said Ned slowly, punctuating his words well.

"Welcome Tallharts!", "Winterfell!"... "Ahahah!....yes...sort of. Come on let's try repeating it again...we'll say, 'Winterfell welcomes you Tallhart family.'" I'll try Ned again.


"Winterfell welco....welcome you...emm.." Robb.

"Ahahah! Yeah great." Ned laughed in delight at the scene. He knew they were both too small for the label. Especially Robb, he was at least four months younger than Jon.

Catelyn was slightly annoyed by Jon's presence. The fact that he was better than her son, in this little performance, bumped her even more...but she would let it slide, she was happy to see Ned smiling again. They hadn't been on good terms in the last while since that night. They'd grown closer of course...but it still lacked the level of spontaneity and lightness that a couple should have.

A horn sounded and the gates opened. A brown stallion and a black pony rode in at the head of a group.

Catelyn Stark had already met Helman Tallhart at her wedding, but this was the first time she had seen his son, 'Bloody Snow'.

The two individuals, dismounted from their respective mounts, a pair of castle attendants took the reins.

"Thank you." Said the boy politely to the horse master's son, Harwin, giving a warm smile.

"What is your name?" He continued.

"Ah....Har... Harwin, milord!" Replied the thirteen-year-old surprised by the question.

"So. Thank you Harwin!" The child.

"Yo...Your welcome, my lord!" Harwin quickly walked away after a bow, embarrassed by the embarrassment he had just made.

"Father, may I do the honours?" Duncan.

"Of course, my son. The stage is yours! Ahah." Helman.

Duncan, rose from his chair with celerity. He made his way to the crate brought to the centre of the room. The two servants opened it. Duncan picked up a small chest and walked over to the large table.

"My Lord. This is a small gift made especially for you. A sharpening kit designed by our House. We believe it may help you in the future to keep the edge of your sword in use and the legendary 'Ice'." Duncan, showed the contents. Inside were: flasks of oils, a pair of leather gloves studded with small metal plates, and a buckskin cloth embroidered with the Metal Wolf of the Starks.

Eddard was very pleased with the gift.

"Thank you, my Lords. A most welcome gift." Ned.

"That is not all, my Lords....A Legendary sword, deserves a case worthy of the metal it holds." Duncan let a pair of servants pass and they set down a wooden case at least five feet long...they opened it.

Inside was a scabbard of the finest wolfskin leather, soft to the touch but not too soft, it had a silver dye, metal wolf heads made of platinum adorned several places in the case...and not only that....glittering snowflakes assembled from what looked like small diamonds...'Stunning'....there were no other words to describe it.

"Stunning my lords... I truly have no words to express my gratitude..." Said Eddard, he was slightly uncomfortable with the gift he had received...he was beginning to feel like a fool, for not having prepared something to give in return.

"We are glad it pleases you, my Lord." Helman said, giving a slight bow.

"For Lady Catelyn... here, my lady, please..." Duncan placed a small open casket on the table.

"Inside this little bottle, my a new fragrance that we would like to market...specifically we would like to try and sell it in the was designed specifically for their Ladies." Duncan.

Catelyn took the bottle and opened it...she sniffed the contents...the fragrance wasn't bad...but it wasn't great either. After she had gotten used to the Tyrells' new scents....this one could only be classified as 'mediocre'....after a second sniff...Catelyn picked up a faint scent of what seemed to be...mud...and fish...roast fish!

"Charmed... Thank you, my Lords..." Catelyn said, trying to feign as much gratitude as she could.

"What do you think, my Lady? Might the Ladies of your father's lands like it?" The child asked with a look full of expectation.

"....Without a doubt, young lord. Thank you for the welcome gift." Catelyn.

"You are welcome my Lady. It is not finished here. Here for you, my lady, made by our jewelers themselves." Duncan opened a small box...inside was a necklace made from a gold chain with a pendant charm....a circle with two symbols inside...A Metal Wolf and a Fish...

Catelyn took the necklace...and looked for the nitpick...and found it...the Stark Metal Wolf was made of enameled platinum...the Fish of common silver...also, with a closer eye, it could be seen that the Stark symbol was more defined than the Tully was a blatant insult to mark the inferiority of her native House!!!!

'You'll pay for this Bastard!...No House Tallhart will pay for this!' She swore to herself.

'What's the matter my lady? Do you by any chance not like it? We could always look for something else...or maybe..." Duncan was interrupted by Lord Stark.

"Catelyn?!" Lord Stark said in a higher tone of voice, to wake his wife from her thoughts, and he succeeded.

Catelyn recovered a second later.

"No! No! It's beautiful! I like it very much. Thank you, Lord Helman....Thank you, Lord Duncan..." Said Catelyn.

"Phew...thank goodness, my Lady, I was scared for a moment there. Well, it's the children's turn. Presents for Jon and Robb." Said the boy running towards the trunk.

Catelyn didn't miss that 'JON' before 'ROBB'...

"Who wants presents?" Duncan asked hiding items behind his back.

"ME! ME! GIFTS!" Robb.


"As you wish...Ser! Ahah! Here they are, made especially for two fearless warrior-leaders!" Duncan shows two small toy swords.

"Yeaahh!!! Sword! Sword!" Jon.

"My sword!!!" Robb.

"Don't worry, my Lord and my Lady. They're made of leather and wood padding...they've been tested to be accident proof. They won't be able to hurt themselves with those things, guaranteed." Said Helman immediately.

"A wonderful gift, my Lords. Robb, Jon...what do you say when someone gives us a gift?" Eddard.

"Thank you!" They both replied in unison.

"Would you like to try them on by any chance?" Duncan.

"Yeeaa!!!", "Yesss!!", "Ahahah!" both Eddard, Helman and Duncan laughed in unison at the enthusiasm shown by the children. Catelyn didn't laugh...she held her son tighter in her arms....she didn't want to let him go.

"Catelyn, let Robb go." Ned.

"But....Yes Ned....Robb stay where he can see you." Catelyn.

"Yes, Mommy!" Robb looked ready to spring to join Jon at any moment. He let his son go...

"Don't worry, my Lord and my Lady...I'll keep an eye on the children. Carry on with your discussions." Duncan said, making a deep, slavish bow.

"Thank you, young lord." Ned smiled as he heard those words.

Catelyn remained silent.

The children chased each other and began to swat at each other laughing and playing.

Some of the men began to cheer as they watched the children play at sword fighting.

Catelyn's eyes were on Duncan, she couldn't even blink.

Then the real show began...Duncan started cheering the children on...saying:


"NOT BAD ROBB!" to Robb.

"INCREDIBLE JON! You're a born leader!" to Jon.

"NICE MOVE ROBB!" to Robb.

"A MASTERSTROKE JON! It's in your blood!" to Jon.




To Catelyn Stark...those were the most annoying noises she could ever hear...she would rather have heard the cries of an infant for hours than a single second of that agony....

'HE'S BELITTLING ROBB IN FRONT OF EVERYONE! HOW DARE HE! DAMN YOU! YOU'RE GOING TO PAY DAMN YOU!!!' Catelyn clenched her fists as hard as she could...she even began to tremble.

It got worse when she heard from other Starks men as well:

'FORCE JON! AHAHAH! YES GOOD!" A Stark soldier.

"HOLD ON YOUNG LORD!" Another soldier.

So many others joined in the encouragement.

'STOP! STOP! STOP IT ALL! STOP IT!' Catelyn kept shouting in her head... meanwhile Ned and Helman were in the middle of the discussion, distracted by events...

Duncan delivered the final blow...a smile...a single evil toothy grin, aimed at Lady Catelyn...who noticed him...

"SILENCE!!! STOP!!! EVERYONE STOP! SHUT UP! SHUT UP!!!!!" Shouted Catelyn as she stood up.



Silence spread throughout the hall...

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