Published at 25th of April 2024 07:35:25 AM

Chapter 41: ' Your Name ' Part I

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Chapter 41: ' Your Name ' Part I

Hello everyone, please forgive my delay.

I'll try to make it up to you by posting two chapters.

I'd like to tell you, for those of you who want to know, that one film in particular inspired me.

An Anime masterpiece (at least in my opinion) titled precisely: 'Your Name'.

I must admit that I haven't cried so much for an anime since the first four episodes of My Hero Academia...

I highly recommend anyone who hasn't seen it yet to watch it.

P.S. A warning to all single people. The movie could be very detrimental to all of you mates.

Thank you all and I'd like to point out that for these two chapters I've attached two songs, which I think are perfect while reading...I was listening to them in Loop while writing.

Enjoy your reading.


POV: Duncan;

Torrhen's Square.

Year 285, tenth day of the sixth moon. Some seven and a half months after Leobald announced the happy news...

I, and all the Tallhart family, were waiting anxiously just after Uncle Leobald entered the room.

For me, the silence was more excruciating than for anyone else...

For the past few months, I had to get as far away as possible from every tiger-tree in the vicinity. In particular, I had to get as far away as possible from any temple dedicated to the Old Gods...




This was the fourth hour in a row that I had heard the exact same message inside my head. The closer I got to Gods Wood, the louder the voices became.

If you're wondering, 'Why? Why Duncan-Matthew were you delaying your level up?'...I had more than one argument in my favour.

1) I still wouldn't have had any benefit. My strength statistic is definitely far from [13]. I still can't use either the skill 'Lay of Hands' or 'Divine Sense' which I should already be able to use at [Lev 1]... Probably due to the fact that my charisma hasn't reached [13] either...

This is one of the reasons why, I had asked my Uncle Leobald to look for a music teacher for me....

In addition to lessons with my various masters of arms, I was trying to learn as many arts as possible, such as: writing, singing, music, eloquence and negotiation skills.

2) I had no idea what I was causing in the world with those energy beams that exploded in the sky...Was I empowering my possible future enemies? Were other unknown phenomena taking place somewhere?

3) I'll be damned if I want to go through that hell again without getting any benefit from it.

Therefore, I had convinced my father and Master Zick that I could spend a few months away from Torrhen's Square. My masters would follow me and I could both continue my training and help build the new roads.

But now...

I had returned to be at my family's side.

Today, we would have a new member.

About three minutes later...

Maester Qyburn came out of the room...

It was stained in places with traces of blood and other fluids.

"My Lords, my Ladies...I am pleased to announce that the birth went well. Both the child and Lady Berena are well. Lord Leobald, asked me to let you in...He wants you to meet someone." Announced calmly and with a slight smile on his face, Qyburn.

"Thank you Maester! Thank you! ' Said Helman going to shake Qyburn's dirty hands. My mother also joined in by warmly wrapping Helman's arm so as to try and restrain him from too impulsive actions.

"Duncan! Duncan! Does this mean we're going to have a cousin?" asked Benfred moving my arm.

"Yes Benfred, we're going to have a cousin!" I replied hugging him.

"I want a hug too!" Eddara.

I made Eddara join the fray as well.

"Now stay here for a moment. Let's go inside and check if Aunt Berena and the baby are not too tired. Stay a few minutes with Bicka. Okay?" I said nodding to my mother's nurse and assistant. Bicka went over to take the hands of the two children who nodded at my request.

About a minute later...

"A boy! I am the father of a son, brother!" Said with shining eyes, Uncle Leobald carefully and thoughtfully showing a small bundle.

"I am proud of you both! You have given me the most beautiful gift I could have received!" Helman placed a kiss on Leobald's forehead.

"What will you name him?" Myra asked with a curious smile on her face. My mother was at the side of the exhausted Aunt Berena, who was still crying from both exertion and happiness.

It was Berena who replied.

"We won't be the ones to choose the name." Both Berena and Leobald turned to me.

"Yes, nephew. That honour belongs to you. Probably both Berena and I could never have celebrated this day without your help and that of Maester Qyburn...So, choose Duncan. What will be the name of your cousin?" My uncle explained, expressing confidence in his tone of voice.

I approached the tiny bundle....

"Can I hold him, Uncle?" I asked showing my arms.

"Of course you may." Uncle Leobald handed the baby to me with the utmost care.

After taking it, I could see a little red face, with tiny eyes, mouth, nose and ears...

I sat spellbound for a few seconds waiting for the child to open his eyes even a little, but it didn't happen.

"He is a wise child... wiser and smarter than my uncle....

He's not even 10 minutes old and he already understands that he shouldn't open his eyes so early...

Because, Uncle, as a child you dreamt of being a magician..." I waited for his reaction.

"Did you tell him???!" Leobald turned to my father, who instinctively turned away, pretending not to notice... Then I continued, smiling.

"I believe that this child may one day fulfil his father's dreams....

Therefore, he will have a name worthy of a Wizard...

Then Jerry pulled himself together and stammered:

"That...that...was a witch..."

"A blessing of the seven. Your wife will be fine, my friend. Fear not." Said the Septon confidently, breaking the word 'witchcraft' from Jerry's mouth.

About two days later...

"Do you really have to go?" Jerry.

"Yes son...Other souls need me.

I must resume my journey.

Seven blessings to you and your family." The septon nodded slightly and began to walk away.

"Wait! Wait septon!

You haven't told us your name yet.

We would like to name our son after you, if you will let us." Jerry.

The septon turned one last time.

"I don't have a name, son. I gave up owning it some time ago." The septon.

"But...but then how are you going to distinguish yourself from other septons? No one is like you! There must be something to call you besides septon!" Jerry replied in frustration.

"In that case...

Someone not long ago, gave me a nickname..." The septon.

"What is it?" Jerry asked hopefully.

"High Sparrow."

End POV.


POV: Of a loan shark and gangster of Myr.

Free City of Myr.

About five weeks after a septon left a farm...

Rhaburag Za Nogui, a born bastard, illegitimate son of the Magister of Myr, was returning home after another profitable day.

When he walked the streets, especially at night, he was never alone. That evening, three of his men were escorting him to his villa.

A marble structure paid for mainly by honest and stupid city workers.

Rhaburag Za Nogui was the boss of all crime in the city.

No shady business could be done without his explicit permission...and especially without paying him the proper tribute.

About half an hour later...

...the master of the villa entered his drawing room...

He was quite a creature of habit. Usually at that time, he would down an alcoholic beverage. Not so long ago, he had a preference for Vodka. A new drink famous throughout the city of Myr, from the northern lands...

After drinking, he ended the day with a good dose of sexual release. The whore in his employ must have already been in his bed to warm him up before his arrival...

Rhaburag Za Nogui, noticed that something was wrong...

The villa was too quiet.

As he stiffened and approached one of the drawers that contained a spare weapon, the candles and torches in the room went out in unison...

"Who goes there? Who dares enter my mansion?

GUARDS!!!" As soon as he finished shouting the last word,

''The Bastard of Myr'' noticed a figure blacker than the others, approaching him.

"Who are you? What is your name?" Rhaburag.

"A man has no name."

End POV.


POV: Khal Thero;

Some 70 miles from Vaes Dothrak.

A week after a name was bestowed upon the God of a Thousand Faces....

The Khal, commanding the horde of 9,000 Dothraki, was down without an arm. The warrior with more than 30 years of combat experience managed to keep his pride from screaming from the severe wound he had just suffered.

He still couldn't quite understand...the how.

'How did he manage to stay on his feet after that wound I had inflicted on him?' Thero thought as he looked up at his opponent who was barely in his twenties....

'I had managed to take this Khalasars of 20,000 Dotraki led by Khal Bharbo by surprise...

I defeated Bharbo in a duel and now...I'm going to die.' He thought back to the last events he had just experienced.

Not wanting to die with doubts in his mind, Thero asked the young warrior in front of him (in Dothraki language) :

"How did you manage to survive that wound?"

"I am blessed by the Great Stallion." The Khalakka replied proudly, slightly showing the cut on his half-closed side, then continued:

"Your horde now belongs to me...

It is time to join the Starry Khalasars, Khal Thero." The Dotrhaki warrior reached up to the back of Thero's head to cut his long braid.

Hundreds of Dothraki warriors from both Kalasars, were watching the scene in silence.

"What is your name?" Thero asked, before losing his symbol of honour....

"Drogo, son of Bharbo."

Please report us if you find any errors so we can fix it asap!