Published at 25th of April 2024 07:35:12 AM

Chapter 44: ' Tempering the North with frost ' Part II

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Chapter 44: ' Tempering the North with frost ' Part II

POV: A Lady with a gentle voice and look;

Silk Road is about halfway between Barrowton and Torrhen's Square.

Three weeks before the start of Winter....

Lady Dustin was seated at the head of the long oak table, set up inside a sodden camp tent. Inside the tent were lit braziers, various types of furniture, and papers. Eight construction engineers, architects, and master builders were taking part in the meeting called by Lady Barbery.

"Thank you all for turning up on time, esteemed master builders.

Time is more precious than ever. We have means, gold, and personnel... but it is time that we are up against. If you agree, I say we begin." Said Barbery with a warm smile and a courteous respectful tone.

"My lady... shouldn't we wait for master builder Zibet and architect Garodh to arrive as well?" A man in his fifties asked humbly. Half the men at the table nodded.

"Oh, I beg your pardon, master lords... Zibet and Garodh are taking longer than expected. As you well know, the weather here in the North is uncertain. They've found some slowdowns... but they should be soon here... one second, please.

Yes, within a few minutes at most." Barbery Dustin replied with the same smile after one of her trusted men whispered in her ear. Some nodded, others took no notice.

Currently, the temperature outside the tent was about minus ten degrees and it was snowing lightly.


When can we start work?" Barbrey.

A spokesman for the group stood up, the architect who had moved from the western lands less than a year ago, Davys. A talented man, he had taken part in several fortress renovation projects.

"With your permission, my lady." Master Davys.

"Please, Master Architect Davys." Barbrey.

"My lady, all of us agree that it is not a good idea to undertake this work during the winter..." Davys said, in a humble but firm tone.

"I respect your opinion, Master Davys.

May I ask you, what is troubling you?" Barbrey asked in a curious but still polite tone.

The man grew quiet as he heard Lady Dustin's tone. He was prepared for female screams and scolding scenes. He took a deep breath and continued speaking.

"My Lady, building in that mountainous path, those four structures will be an arduous, time-consuming, and very expensive undertaking. The snowstorms would slow us down. We will need more men to diversify the shifts. Despite the equipment and work clothes you are providing, the workers, miners, and stonemasons will not be able to work for more than four hours because of the frost...

We would need at least another 8,000 pairs of hands to meet the schedule...

The risk of an accident will be high and since you have promised each worker's family life insurance... you could lose mountains of gold, my lady. That is why we suggest waiting for spring to arrive." He finished explaining Davys.

"I understand.. .but, my lords, the structures to be built are far more than four...Did you not get the memo?" Lady Dustin asked.

"I...We... no, my lady." Davys replied as he looked around.

Only a master builder didn't look surprised. A builder who had been in service to House Tallhart for years...

"Forgive me, let me illustrate then..." Lady Dustin pulled out a map and opened it. Then standing up she explained to everyone:

"We will also have to build two fortresses, masters. One here on this mountainous path and another here about six miles away...

They will have to work on a par with the Bloody Gate of the Valley.

We shall also build eight villas here, to begin with..." Seven of the eight men were shocked, surprised, and confused.

"My Lady...why..." Davys was interrupted as the curtain opened. Four men entered and carried in two frozen naked bodies.

They were the bodies of Zibet and Garodh...

The corpses, besides being naked and bluish, were in a stiff bent position; they fit perfectly on the empty chairs at the table.

"Well masters, now that we are all here, we can formally begin the meeting." Said Barbrey while maintaining the same face and tone.

Davys and the other six masters were astonished, frightened, and confused...some, especially those sitting next to the corpses, were visibly trembling.

Everyone from that moment on was terrified of Lady Dustin.

To them, that woman was no longer a sweet young Lady Widow...she was a predator and among the most dangerous.

"The tardiness of Master Zibet and Master Garodh can only be attributed to my House, master craftsmen...As Lady Protector of Barrowton I apologize to you, my lords.

Unfortunately, we underestimated Master Garodh's physical prowess.

It took him more than three hours to freeze to death...

He kept moving and tried until the last minute to beg for his life. That's quite an achievement.

The reason we should alter plans slightly, Masters, is that both Master Zibet and Master Garodh tried to pass information to House Lannister and the Iron Bank...

Unfortunately, we were unable to intercept the latter's relay. But Garodh did us the favor of dictating every word of that message...

It seems that from now on, the Titan of Braavos is informed that House Tallhart and House Dustin are collaborating to build four enormous structures.

Fear not, masters. Luckily for us, Garodh was only aware of the names of these structures...but as a precaution, Lord Helman and I agreed that it would be best to increase the defenses before work began...

We certainly don't want any more tragedies to occur.

Am I right masters?" Lady Dustin asked, with a sweet smile and a murderous look.

All the men at the table nodded readily at the question. Some could not hold back the shivers in their bodies.

"As for the eight villas...they are a gift.

A gift for you masters.

Since, as of today, you will be the only ones aware of the specifications that the four structures will need, namely: Never Winter, Gauntelgrym, Tower of Babylon, and Tower of the Philosopher's Stone, all of you, until the completion of those structures, will dwell here in the 'Silk Road'...

Your families have already been notified.

AH!...what a fool! I almost forgot.

My lords, we will also have to set up facilities for...5,000.... plus those needed for the fortresses...yes, for 14,500 workers...

They won't be able to leave this area either.

So masters...

How do we act so that all of you can return to your homes as soon as possible?"

End POV.


Division Commander + 40% (5,757 Pennies per week);

V. General + 45% (8,347 Pennies per week);

Each family of a Legion member who died in the service of House Tallhart would receive a reward and allowance proportional to the rank of the Legionnaire.

From now on, 1,500 units (Legion), would train for 6 months in a row in new war tactics, coordination, training in the use of new weapons, military strategy, and physical training.

Each day, six days a week, the program would include:

Two hours of physical training;

Four hours of military training;

Two hours of theory classes.

All of this was done on a strict diet.

The instructors were previously trained members of the secret Frost Blades unit.

Every six months, there would be a shift change between legions.

Currently, one legion (1,000) was garrisoning Torrhen's Square. Another patrolled the borders and villages of the Tallhart lands and the last was in training at the camp.

"Leobald, how is it going with the selection of the last 500 recruits?" Helman asked as he observed the training in progress.

"It is not yet completed, brother...

My nephew's selection criteria are not easy to meet. It will take a few more months to round up five hundred boys, between the ages of 13 and 17, in excellent physical condition and who can pass the psychological test.

Luckily for us, Master Zick has informed us that Duncan will be busy and unwell for at least the first six months of initial training... I don't know if I should be worried, honestly. When I think about the kind of training the Frost Blades went through with Ramas...

No. I'd rather not think about it at all." Then Leobald looked at Captain Peter.

"Peter, I also called you here to inform you that your brother Brywen (fourteen years old) passed the test. Congratulations...o

sorry. Either way, the boy was elated at his achievement." Leobald announced with a small smile.

"I am proud of him, my Lord. Ronan, too, would be proud and so would our father..." Said Peter showing a small wistful smile as he mentioned his father Tom.

"Has Duncan decided on the name of that future elite unit he wants to train?" Helman asked his brother after placing a hand on Peter's shoulder as a congratulatory gesture.


I don't know where you come up with all those names.

The elite unit will be called:

[ Winter Guardians ]


When I asked him why that name, he said:

[ Because, when the people of the North suffer and cry out for help against the 'Evils of Winter'...

The Guardians will answer...] "

Fine POV.


POV: An attendant in the service of House Tallhart;

Less than a mile from the village of Snow Mill.

About three months after a Northern boy agreed to make a journey...

Young Robert, son of Chief Steward Paul, was in charge of the wagon train that supplied 'Bloody Camp' monthly.

This was his third expedition.

The caravan was escorted by a Chief Lieutenant in command of 50 Torrhen's Square soldiers.

Robert was afraid.

Despite the escort, despite being transported in a merchant carriage built to protect the cargo and staff inside from the freezing winter winds, Robert was trembling...

He no longer wanted to be the one in charge of transporting supplies to that cursed place.

Robert, like every other member of the caravan, had not been told 'who' or 'what' lived in this godforsaken place.

There was a rumor in the castle of Torrhen's Square...

No one knew what happened to the prisoners captured and locked in the cells of Torrhen's Square...

Bandits and criminals, disappearing into the wind...

They were all in the hands of that person, 'THE MASTER'... which must have been the nickname of the chief torturer in the service of the Tallharts...

Now Robert knew where they were. He was convinced...

The prisoners had all been secretly escorted to Bloody Camp to be tortured.

His theory was supported by three factors: the name of place 'Bloody Camp', the countless medical supplies the caravan was carrying...and the screams.

Those screams of pain haunted Robert's dreams...

Every morning he promised himself that under no circumstances would he betray the Tallhart family or go into hiding...

Death was a destiny a hundred times better than the fate of the dastardly fools who had chosen those last two...

''No...we're not even 300 feet from the village and I can already hear those screams...'' Robert thought as he put his hands on his face.

About a hundred people began to hear screams in the distance...






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