Published at 25th of April 2024 07:34:13 AM

Chapter 77: ' Never Enrage the Quiet Wolf ' Part II

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Chapter 77: ' Never Enrage the Quiet Wolf ' Part II

POV: The Quite Wolf.

In an abandoned temple about two miles from Riverrunn.

Right after Lord Stark's request-order...

"I believe at least six Targaryens were aware of the threat from Oldtown...

Aegon I [the Conqueror].

Jaehaerys I [The Wise Conciliator].

Baelor [the Blessed].

Daeron II [The Good].

Aegon V [The Unlikely].

And... Rhaegar Targaryen.

There's no evidence for this, but the Valyria disaster wasn't such a natural disaster either. Not as history would have us believe at least...

There were 14 primordial fires of Valyria sealed with powerful spells. Spells of a similar if not higher level than The Wall.

Carcosa suspects that one of them had been compromised...

And the Free City of Braavos, acquired many Valyrian artifacts a decade before the catastrophe came...

As well as being very quick to fill that power vacuum in Essos of course.

I suspect there was a close collaboration between Braavos and Oldtown at the time. I hope I'm wrong, because if I am... Oldtown four hundred years ago had the means to compromise a 9th-10th ancient spell...

When Aegon arrived with Balerion and his army, he had already come back from two major fights.

The field of fire and Harrenhall...

You should know, Lord Stark, that the walls of Harrenhall Castle were also enchanted. Not Oldtown or Carcosa, but they had defenses.

When Aegon reached Oldtown he waited seven days before the town surrendered and opened the gates without a fight...

Both forces were weighing the pros and cons of conflict. Neither Aegon nor House Hightower was confident of prevailing... In my opinion, House Hightower was more afraid of taking enough damage to allow Carcosa to make a move.

Harrenhall Castle was more of a test for them than a show of power. The fire of Balerion, an Ancient Dragon at the height of his rank, was capable of damaging the city walls and the three main towers of Oldtown.

The story of the High Septon who prayed for seven days and seven nights is just a good song to cover their war meetings.

There too, House Hightower bowed the knee swearing allegiance.

They don't like to get directly involved and expose their true nature to the world. At the time, maesters were already in use in most of the seven kingdoms.

Hundreds of years of work would have been thrown to the wind.

Aegon accepted their surrender, and it was there, in that city that the year 1 After the Conquest in the history of Westeros officially began.

House Hightower has only once been directly involved... Do you know what period I am referring to, Lord Stark?" The boy asked.

"The Dance of the Dragons," Ned answered promptly.

"Exactly... The greatest civil war Westeros has ever known...

House Targaryen was very powerful before that conflict... Too powerful according to some.

The reign of Viserys I, thanks to the great hard work of his granfather Jaehaerys I, was the heyday of House Targaryen. But the king, on the strong advice of his Hand, Ser Otto Hightower. The rest is history, but even here mathematics helps us read details that many people miss...

At that time House Targaryen had control over 20 dragons. By the end of the Dance, only four remained. And each lived in captivity under the close supervision and care of 'loyal' citadel maesters... Dragons began to be born with deformities, and it was around this time that the story spread that magic was leaving the world entirely...

The fact remains, those weapons of mass destruction were Oldtown's greatest threat. Once those dragons were gone, only others remained... less dangerous and vulnerable to fire: The Targaryens.

I strongly suspect that Baelor wasn't as mad and devout as everyone would have us believe. He tried to wrest the power of faith from the hands of Oldtown.

This, however, is only my unfounded assumption.

The Targaryen kingdom has always been poised between stability and chaos. After a just and competent king appeared, another with crazy ideas immediately followed...

Dragon's sickness, they call it. When a Targaryen is born, a coin is tossed and the world holds its breath.

The fact remains that a worthy and loyal Maester is always there to look after his King, Lord Stark.

And Grand maester Pycelle was no different...

The reign of Daeron II also was very prosperous for the kingdom, despite the first Blackfire rebellion. The only king who managed to annex Dorne into the Seven Kingdoms without spilling a single drop of blood.

Sadly... a great plague-infested the Seven Kingdoms. A plague that could be cured. Wiped out a third of Westeros' population... Oldtown weathered it well thanks to the thousands of Maesters who stayed sealed up there.

Maester Qyburn found documents in his youth that confirmed his hypothesis. The citadel had the means to prevent that disaster, but they did not act...

The Targaryen bloodline was decimated.

So much so, that the fourth son of a king who was himself the fourth son of a king, King Aegon V, the younger brother of Maester Aemon Targaryen, took the throne.

The reign of Aegon V, the famous and celebrated King-Shield who traveled the seven kingdoms with Ser Duncan The Tall during his childhood.

I'll have to ask Maester Aemon to confirm this sooner rather than later, but I suspect that 'Egg' had smelled a grave threat to his lineage and the kingdom... After all, his brother had studied there.

Many did not want Aegon to become king. He'd grown up among the commoners for over ten years, traveling all over Westeros. He had too many revolutionary ideas.

One of them was making sure that the common people learned to read and write.

It was thanks to the sacrifice of Maester Aemon, who joined the Maester order renouncing all rights to the throne, that yet another civil war over the succession did not occur.

In any case, Aegon understood that the power of House Targaryen was not strong. Many lords were threatening the crown with signs of rebellion.

The king became obsessed with the quest to awaken the dragon eggs. He was convinced that the Dragons were the key to stability and change.

A serious incident narrates the death of Aegon V to this day...

The Summerhall Incident. A fire in which 'Warlocks' and 'Maester' were present...

Two great men perished that day, King Aegon and the most heroic royal guard the world has ever seen, Ser Duncan The Tall.

But hope was not yet lost...

Out of that fire, a child was born. Born amidst the flames, the smoke, and the salt, Aerys II's eldest son, Rhaegar Targaryen.

From here, we move on to the reign of Aerys II, where for the first few years he was prosperous and at peace. His childhood friend Lord Tywin Lannister was doing a great job restoring stability to the kingdom. An even too good a job...

Aerys first began to develop mild jealousy and suspicion of Lord Tywin... The wise Grand Maester was always at his side, and he, who had been taught by the man since childhood, had great trust and esteem for the man...

The Grand Maester had been poisoning Aerys' already unstable mind for years, Ned... I have proof of that.

"Manticore sighs. An extract made mostly from herbs and manticore saliva.

One drop every week to alter and numb the victims' minds.

Mostly used by torturers to extract information from their victims. An odorless, tasteless veil.

King Aerys began to scoff at his childhood friend, Tywin. He touched his Hand where it hurt most.

His wife Joanna Lannister, the only person capable of bringing a smile to the man's face, was one of those spots.

Aerys began to pay to harass attention to the woman. So much so that he had to force Tywin to send her safely back to Casterly Rock.

The final straw was the addition of his eldest son Ser Jaime to the Kingsguard...

Relations with loyal House Lannister broke down and the Mad King acted like a madman.

And here you need to know a key piece of information, My Lord...

As long as the peace treaty remains in force, Oldtown cannot take direct action against the Rhoynar people, the First Men, the Valyrians and the descendants of the hero, Podrick Lann.

Of course... it would be great for Oldtown if those people were the ones killing each other.

Nothing would please Oldtown more than to know that House Lannister and House Stark would one day go to war with each other.

It was a close call, if I'm not mistaken, that House Martell and House Lannister might have a fair amount of conflict...

Ah, there's nothing more peaceful than knowing your enemies are killing each other." The boy took a pause.

Duncan broke the silence by asking:

"Do you recognise them?

Are those your sister's words?"

"They are Lyanna's words..." Ned.

The man's gaze was painted with extreme pain, sadness, and suffering.

Ned grasped the lighthouse-shaped miniature with his ungloved right hand. and clenched his fist...

Small sounds of friction and broken wood could be heard. Blood dripped from his hand... But the face remained unchanged The eyes were still moist with no sign of anger. Only deep sadness.

"My Lord... You want me to cure you..." The boy managed to finish his sentence.

"No... The pain helps keep me sane." Then Ned continued.

"How long have you known?... Did you know before my father and brother died?"

"Yes, Ned... I knew it before." The boy answered truthfully.

"... You could have prevented this... They'd... They would still be alive.


You could have saved them, Duncan." Ned.

"Aye, I could have saved them... but how many lives would I have sacrificed if I had?

Who would have believed me?

I would have exposed those I loved to far greater danger.

Jon wouldn't have been safe either.

Don't think you're the only one who has suffered, Ned.

The lives of your father, your brother, your sister, Lord William Dustin, Ethan Glover, Martyn Cassel, Theo Wull, Ser Mark Ryswell, Ser Gerold Hightower, Ser Oswell Went, Ser Arthur Dayne, my friend and mentor Tom, hundreds of men in service to House Tallhart, thousands in the North, tens of thousands in Westeros... all of them a burden I must bear.

A price to pay so that hundreds of thousands around the world might live.

Do you think a child of five could shoulder that responsibility? To go against forces much greater than himself without wreaking havoc on the world?!

Do you blame me for all the evil, Lord Eddard Stark?

If you truly believe I am responsible for the tragedies that have befallen your family. You will find no resistance from me.

If you believe it is the right thing to do, then do it.

DO IT, NED!" Ned remained still, the grip on his right hand growing stronger.

The force in his hand could easily have crumbled an apple.

Ned closed his eyes and wept silently. The pain really helped him to keep his wits about him and prevent him from doing things he would regret for the rest of his life.

After another minute, Ned recovered. He dropped the three bloody pieces of wood, which had once depicted Oldtown, on the ground.

Then Ned stood up and turned to leave the building... but before he did he said:

"Tomorrow night you'll tell me about the remaining four topics." Ned.

"Are you sure, Ned? This could be a very long and tiring conversation." Duncan.

Ned continued to have his back to the boy as he answered:

"You won't have to convince'll just have to explain them.

Are you my sword, Duncan of House Tallhart?" Ned asked.

"I am, Lord Stark." Duncan.

"Now and forever?" Ned.

"Now and forever." Duncan.

"Then do whatever needs to be done to protect my family and our people." Ned.

"I will, my lord.

Tomorrow I will explain the remaining three points... but if it is all right with you, I would need at least five or six days for the last one....

I would like you to come with me to make a little diversions to Harrenhall." Duncan.

"... I'll come. Do as you think best. Good night, Lord Duncan." Ned.

"Lord Stark! Before you go...

I would have you tell me.

My actions over the next few days will lead to future events that cannot be changed.

Actions that could even cause wars... "He warned the boy.

Ned stopped his pace... and then turned slowly in search of the look to which the voice belonged.

The man's eyes... were pure ice. A murderous aura ready to explode at any moment flashed across the room.

Only that boy could see that a numerical change was taking place at that very moment...

A number [8] was slowly changing into a [9].

A man more apt to wield a sword than to try to convince others not to draw theirs was awakening from a long sleep...

The owner of those murderous eyes replied... He answered calmly and clearly.

"If the 'World' wants the Quiet Wolf to go to war...

so be it, Bloody Snow."

End POV.


POV: Helman Tallhart.

Tent of the leader of the Tallhart forces, less than a mile from Riverrun.

About an hour and a half after two people finished a conversation...

"Has he accepted then?... He... Lord Stark, how did he take the news?" A father asked a son.

"Badly, father. He took it as any man who loves his loved ones would have done...

With deep sadness, grief, and anger...

Lord Stark agreed to all seven points of our program if that was the question." The son.

"I see... As for the last one?

Are we going to make it in time? I thought it would take at least another ten days to arrange." The father.

"... We will make it in time. I have already sent the emissaries.

Within five days they should all arrive.

Tomorrow I will go and speak to Lord Umber myself." The son.

"Are you sure you don't want me to go? Lord Umber-" The father.

"I'm sure, father... If you had asked me a couple of hours ago, I might have agreed." The son.

"What do you mean? What happened in this short time?" The father asked.

"Well... let me put it this way. Let's always remember a valuable guideline from here on..." The son took a few moments to find the right words.

"Which is?" The father.

"Never enrage the Quiet Wolf."

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