Published at 21st of October 2019 03:30:04 AM

Chapter 735: 735

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After he mentioned then she realized that something hard was poking her stomach. Her heart race and she couldn't help but blush. Find authorized novels in Webnovel,faster updates, better experience,Please click for visiting.

She coyly said, "Since hubby is in pain, I have to serve you well."

What a nerve!

Mu Liang's eyes darkened. He flipped her over and pushed her down. Her hair became disheveled and scattered everywhere in the pillow. He moved the hair that was covering her face. Her eyes were still a bit sleepy and her face had a tinge of red. Her mouth was open in surprise.  

He rubbed her pink lips with his thumb and after that he leaned down to taste them. Soon, their breathing became irregular.

After that, there were sounds of tearing clothes, heaving sighs and sweet moans. The slapping sound of the bodies was more indecent to hear. They called each other's name urgently and became close to each other without keeping any gap. Their misty eyes were locked as their bodies moved against each other.

They woke up at five in the morning, an @@

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