Published at 15th of May 2024 05:28:50 AM

Chapter 40: Let’s Be Real, You Have To Be Understanding Of This. (4)

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Chapter 40: Let’s Be Real, You Have To Be Understanding Of This. (4)

Lets Be Real, You Have To Be Understanding Of This. (4)

The actions Qing enjoyed were as follows.

Murder, pulverization, torture, execution. Being covered in blood.

It was nice to do it with her own hands, but just watching was also fine.

All of these were phenomena that occurred during fights.

However, Qing didnt actually like the act of fighting in itself.

A fight where she couldnt enjoy her hobbies was nothing more than just labor.

It was annoying, exhausting, and difficult.

This was why Qing, when facing the Demonic Cannibal, could never truly enjoy the battle.

But now, she was asked to spar? Spaaaaaaar?

Why do that when there were so many great life-or-death battles to be had?

There had to be some enjoyment in cutting flesh and watching bones lay bare to justify the effort of straining her body.

Furthermore, before becoming the disciple of Ximen Surin, Qing had no experience with sparring.

After becoming a disciple, sparring was just an excuse for XImen Surins harsh punishment, thus Qing merely rolled around in agony.

As such, QIng was utterly sick of sparring.

On top of that, her mentality was in a very poor state at the moment.

Moreover, the young man wasnt an elder like Nugok.

There was no particular reason for her to show respect to him.

Qing wasnt an evil person, so she couldnt entertain herself with this lamb that walked straight into a wolfs den, but that didnt mean there was any reason for her to hide how pissed off she was.

Whats with this fucker. Just get lost.

The young mans expression turned dumbfounded.

After all, it was an insult he had only heard from close friends or relatives.

Uh, thatIs that something you are saying to me?

Why? Is there anyone else here besides you?

How can you say such intemperate language upon our first meeti

Why? What about it? Oh, are you just bursting with etiquette and politeness by asking for a spar upon our first meeting? Do I look that easy to you? Because Im a female brat wandering alone?

After saying as such, a sudden surge of sadness welled up.

Do you think I wanted to turn out like this?

In spite of herself, she spoke out.

So, is it no problem for a young master dressed in such fine clothes to ask for a spar upon first meeting someone? And because Im a bitch of unknown, shitty origins, you think its fine for you to just come at me like that?

Qing fired off a barrage of words.

It was the very definition of sudden, unexpected anger.

The young man was certainly rude.

But more than that, the timing was extremely bad.

Qings irritation was about to explode at any moment, like an active volcano bubbling.

So, obviously, if an earthquake shook it carelessly, it would spill out.

Young Lady, it seems there has been a misunderstanding. I never had such intentions or thoughts.

At such words, Qing suddenly fixed her posture.

She straightened her slouch, stood tall with hands gently clasped together, and wore a soft and gentle expression, albeit with a slight frown.

As soon as her mouth opened, a beautiful voice mixed with a gentle flirtatious tone flowed out.

Young Master. Thank you for offering to advise such an ignorant girl. The wild flowers of the mountains and fields are there but merely for the visual enjoyment of the guests. Do you really wish to pick them, only to have them wilt in sorrow?

It wasnt that Qing couldnt be feminine.

She could if she had to.

The nuclear noogie truly was a great step forward in advancing the educational system of the Central Plains.

No, no, it is truly not that kind of rude trick

I truly do go through all sorts of beggarly, pitiful situations. Just how much of a sin is it for a girl to just want to drink her fill and lie down quietly? What did she do so wrong that she has to be approached and made a fuss over by everyone and their mothers?

In reality, the young man had a habit of immediately challenging unique swordsmen he encountered.

While staying briefly at the Taiping Sword Sect, he heard of a mysterious, unidentifiable female Master that had appeared, so he had come to watch.

Then, upon seeing the sword leaning against the table, he impulsively made a sparring request.

It was not because he looked down on Qing for being a woman.

However, Qing did have a point.

The requests for spars from a noble young master from a powerful clan had never been problematic before.

Who in the world could refuse a spar request from the Young Lord of the Namgung Clan?

Uh, thatYoung Lady? Please calm down a bit and

But in games, collecting jump items to sell was the absolute basics..

Qing pushed aside the memories.

She sat quietly and reflected on yesterdays events.

Honestly, it had turned into a bitttt of a violent rampage.

But, lets be real here. You have to be understanding of this.

Unless you lot experienced it yourself, you really cant say shit. Like seriously. This level of fuckery really, truly is the real fucking deal.

Qing finished psyching herself up and left the room.

She intended to fill her empty stomach first.

So, she headed to the first floor.

And there she met the person waiting for Qing.

Ah, Young Lady. Is your body feeling better?


After that fiasco, Qing stayed in her room for three days.

During that time, the rumors spread quickly through Anqing.

It was said that Namgung Shinjae, the Young Sword King, had challenged a woman who was menstruating to a spar, causing her great embarrassment.

No matter the lack of sparring partners, how could he propose such a thing to a woman experiencing her period? was what they said.

Rumors, by nature, tended to gain momentum and be added onto over time.

There were whispers that Namgung Shinjae had deliberately sought to humiliate the woman, causing her to flee in tears.

Fortunately, since Anqing was close to Hefei and it was something that happened within Anhui Province, the rumors stopped spreading at a certain point.

Speaking ill of the Namgung Clan in Anhui Province could lead to ones head flying into the air even in broad daylight.

At any rate, Namgung Shinjae had to take responsibility for the rumors.

Truth be told, Namgung Shinjae felt a bit wronged.

Had he known, he would not have requested the spar.

But then again, it didnt mean he could exactly ask her about her state. After all, it was not the kind of question one could rightfully ask a woman.

Ultimately, a man should gauge a womans situation with subtlety, but how could he have known at first sight?

Nevertheless, thinking it was wrong to have immediately asked for a spar without formal introductions, he sought the help of an elder from the Beggars Union.

WIth the information-gathering capabilities of the Beggars Union, they managed to find the inn where the unnamed lady was staying.

A single woman who he didnt even know the name of.

Even Nugok didnt hear Qings name and only knew some personal information about her.

Basically, it was an utter shitfest. Finding her, in itself, was difficult as well.

Young Lady, I sincerely apologize for the other day. Had I known your condition, I would never have been so rude.

WellWhatever. Lets just forget it happened, then

Qing, who was not feeling all that proud herself, nodded.

Then, allow me to formally introduce myself. I am from Shinjae of Hefeis Namgung, the Greatest Sword Clan Under the Heavens.


Qing exclaimed in admiration.

The Greatest Sword Clan Under the Heavens? Wow, look at them go.

Noticing Namgung Shinjaes expression, who seemed to question whether he had just heard correctly, Qing quickled added.

I am Ximen Qing.

Qing spoke briefly since she didnt have much to say.

Also, she felt awkward due to the chaos she caused the day before.

To her surprise, Namgung Shinjae then acted quite friendly.

I have heard from Elder Nugok that you have reached the Late-Stage Peak Realm, Young Lady.

While Nugok kept secrets incredibly well, Qing had never specified that her realm was to be kept confidential when telling him.

Of course, Nugok wasnt playing some kind of trick or keeping up a pretense.

He had simply inferred she wasnt hiding her realm; if anything, Qing should be bragging about it, after all.

What about it?

It is a bit embarrassing, but I am still at the beginning stages. Therefore

Namgung Shinjaes eyes sparkled as he continued.

Young Lady, let us have a sparring match. No, I must ask this of you, on behalf of Namgung. Please.

Qing looked at Namgung Shinjae, her eyes half-opened.

Wait a fat fucking minute. Look at this fucker go. Seriously? Again???


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