Published at 15th of May 2024 05:28:42 AM

Chapter 43: Journey To Mount Hua (3)

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Chapter 43: Journey To Mount Hua (3)

Journey To Mount Hua (3)

The Central Plains, too, had societal phenomena similar to the modern era, making it difficult for a dragon to rise from a shallow stream1A way to say: self-made millionaire, rise-from-humble-beginnings, rags-to-riches.

The term Rising Stars referred to the young Masters who would become the main figures of the next generation.

However, all these young Masters came from prestigious backgrounds or were descendants of great clans.

Of course, it was largely due to the growth system of focused investment where ones meridians were refined through Marrow Cleansing from birth, fed elixirs in the form of baby food, and taught to wield weapons as soon as they could walk.

However, the biggest obstacle was that it was not easy for young Masters who were not from prestigious backgrounds to be properly recognized.

If rumors spread that a new Master named Qing had slaughtered the Demonic Cannibal, people would not believe it at first.

He wouldnt have fought alone, right?

There are Masters in the Forts of the Yangtze River Waterway as well, so they wouldnt have let him fight alone.

It was probably a lucky finish after a joint attack, wasnt it?

Isnt it likely that the Demonic Cannibal wasnt in peak condition?

He mastered the Flame Demonic Arts, didnt he? That cursed and venomous Demonic Arts could have messed with his brain, preventing him from making sound judgements.

What? A woman? A female brat, you say?

She must have offered her body to the Masters of the Waterway Forts in exchange for some fame. Kekeke.

That would be the general sentiment.

Of course, rumors about Qing did not actually spread.

Bok Haun, the Waterway Fort Commander, was an old senior of Jianghu and was well aware of these characteristics in Murim.

For the sake of his benefactor, it was best that rumors did not spread.

Thus, it was all thanks to him erasing traces and controlling the mouths of his people.

Of course, it did spread quietly, but those reliable in the Waterway Forts remained silent, treating them as mere rumors.

But what if a rumor spread about a son from a prestigious family defeating the Demonic Cannibal?

For instance, if rumors circulated that Namgung Shinjae had defeated the Demonic Cannibal, people would react as follows.

As expected of the Namgung Clan! I have always believed in you!

This is the power of history and tradition!

We should send a congratulatory bottle of liquor to Lord Namgung!

The future of the Orthodox Faction is indeed bright!

I knew that Sword Lunatic would cause that kind of trouble!

This showed just how difficult and daunting it was for a young, unknown Master to make a name for themselves, even if they were a dragon that had risen from a shallow stream.

Of course, this basic trend wasnt really the main problem.

It was because across all times and places, those in power had always tried to kick away the ladder to the top in order to maintain their tower.

It was for the sake of perpetuating a world of Murim dominated by major sects and great clans.

In such a situation, the only peers the Rising Stars had were themselves.

Moreover, these Rising Stars were showered with all sorts of love in their own yards, thus growing up while doing whatever they wished.

In the end, the young Masters were always affirmed in their lives as Murims upper class.

It was the perfect environment for the birth of a strange bastard whose only positive trait was that he was kindhearted.

And in fact, that had indeed happened.

Little Brother, Little Brother Peng. About that young lady over there.

The Drunken Sword, Changbin.

This title was given to him after he, in a drunken state, single-handedly wiped out a band of thieves attacking a civilian home.

He was the most anticipated talent of the Mount Hua Sect, as well as the most Senior Brother of the current generation, thus named Chang.

No, Little Brother, I am telling you to look at that young lady, you see?

Haaa. What now?

Peng Daesan replied with a voice filled with annoyance.

Regardless, Changbin whispered subtly.

Look at that lady wearing the shockingly red palace dress. The third one from the left. Is she not exceptionally beautiful?

If you like her that much, why dont you go talk to her?

Ah, alas, there is a sun that such flowers specifically came to view, so how could a bee like me possibly be heard if I spoke?n0ve(l)bi(n.)co/m

Why were all the Rising Stars like this?

Peng Daesan showed his disdain clearly.

I am not interested. Nor is it my problem.

Ah, is our relationship only worth that much? Dont be like this. Its lonely drinking alone, you see. I only said that because Im feeling lonely. Lonely, you hear me?

So am I not a person to you? Am I some statue?

Haha, am I expected to consider a man a person?

Peng Daesan sighed deeply again.

To think that a bastard like him was the Eldest Brother of the Hidden Dragon Assembly.

The future of the Orthodox Faction was looking quite bleak.

For reference, the Hidden Dragon Assembly was the name of a gathering of Rising Stars from the Orthodox Faction.

It was also a venerable social club passed down through generations.

Big Brother Changbin. Why dont you just keep chugging the alcohol you were drinking and stay quiet?

Ah! Oh my! My arms about to fall off because there is no one to refill my glass. Look here, Little Brother. Alcohol, by nature, should be enjoyed with beautiful women. That is what deepens its flavor and makes it all the more enjoyable.

Are you spouting that bullshit again?

The girl greeted them with a coquettish voice.

Her face was only passable, but her voice was absolute in its refreshing clarity.

As soon as Peng Daesan met her eyes, she immediately fluttered her eyelashes flirtatiously. When seeing the smile in her eyes, one could practically imagine a tail wagging behind her.

Peng Daesan instantly lost all interest upon seeing the overwhelming affection in her actions.

I am Peng Daesan.

Peng Daesan stated his name bluntly.

It meant that he didnt wish to engage in conversation any further with her.

I am Changbin of Mount Hua.

Surprisingly, Changbin, too, responded with just a short answer.

Ah. I see! You are the Jade Qilin, Peng Daesan!

The sight of the beaming smile that followed was despicable.

Peng Daesans voice dropped an octave.

What about it? Are you saying you came without knowing, then?

Peng Daesan retorted sharply.

The girl immediately made a crestfallen expression.

Ah Did this young girl do something wrong.

Young Lady Ximen. Do not take it to heart. Younger Brother Peng is usually not one to be warm-hearted. It is not just you. He would be the same even if the Five Flowers of Murim were in front of him.

Namgung Shinjae consoled his sullen sword brother.

But even while he did so, his words were rather ridiculous.

Peng Daesan would act the same even if prettier women than her approached him? What kind of consolation was that even supposed to be?

Namgung Shinjaes words were basically implying that with her looks, she had no shot whatsoever.

It was a statement that would make any woman feel like shit upon hearing it.

Despite saying such dogshit, Namgung Shinjae was actually quite shocked inwardly.

It seems that even Sword Brother is ultimately a woman.

It was intriguing to see her become so demure in front of the Jade Qilin, but when considering her usual demeanor, it also sent chills running down his spine.

Moreover, this fool uses the dao. An exceptional swordsman like Young Lady Ximen should not bother with him. Just consider him nonexistent.

It looked like Peng Daesan would have to continue frowning for the entirety of today.

Making such statements right in front of peoples faces was exactly why Namgung Shinjae was known as the Sword Lunatic.

But well, it wasnt all that polite to so heartlessly kick away a woman brought by a big brother he knew.

It would be better if she just lost interest in him by her own choice.

However, it seemed she had no intention of doing so.

I have heard that Great Expert Peng has an exceptional eye for beauty.

I possess no such thing.

Dont be like that. What do you think of me? If you were to score me, how would this young girl fare?

Haaa. Look, Young Lady

Peng Daesan sighed and quietly tried his best to speak nicely.

I do not like you. If you need someone to talk to, please speak with Dao Master Changbin over there.

At this, Changbin, who was quietly drinking beside them, jumped up in surprise.

No, wait. Thats not Do not mind his Younger Brother Namgung, pour me a drink.

Ah. Right. Here, have a drink, Big Brother.

Changbin was a man who did not lie.

And he had always said that the presence of women made liquor taste even better.

So, the moment a woman joined a drinking session, he focused solely on the alcohol.

According to him, he acted like that because it tasted way too good.

He was an extraordinary figure indeed; one who enjoyed the elevated taste of liquor so much that he couldnt even speak, merely chugging away in silence.

And now that a woman was present, it seemed any role that Changbin had in the conversation had come to a close.

Meanwhile, the girl continued to pester Peng Daesan.

So, Great Expert Peng? What do you think of me? If I may ask?

Stop. Enough. Pay me no mind. I am only tolerating this for the sake of Big Brother Namgung. I would rather not say harsh words to you, Young Lady.

Peng Daesans voice lowered even further.

It was clear that he was on the verge of exploding in anger.

That was when the young girl spoke.

Vi voud vwather nvot sway hvarsh vords tvu yvu.

Peng Daesan looked at her in utter surprise.

Look at you always lowering your voice when you talk. Well, to be fair, what else would I expect from you?

Suddenly, the girl placed her elbow on the table and rested her chin on her hand, slouching her whole body in a twisted manner.

Hey, San! You havent changed at all, huh! But still, Im kinda sad, you know? I cant believe youve forgotten my face, just because we havent seen each other for a bit over half a year. It feels like just yesterday that our Sanie was getting all teary-eyed about saying goodbye. No, wait. Or maybe you actually did cry a bit?

.No way.

Why? Can you not recognize me just because my face changed a bit?

Peng Daesan was astonished.

Only then did Qing smile with satisfaction.


A way to say: self-made millionaire, rise-from-humble-beginnings, rags-to-riches


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