Published at 24th of February 2022 07:55:42 PM

Chapter 208

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Kiara immediately wanted to tell me something secretly, but I stopped her.

I told her to let me know about it later after Kriemhild’s group arrives.


We don’t want to endanger the group that is going to settle here with this trick.

We must not do anything that might cause them to distrust us.

If you are going to carry out a strange scheme or trick, you must be on solid ground or you will be hurt.



It’s called being a schemer and falling for a trick.


I’m not a genius like that, so I’ll stick to the basics.


Other than that, I’m proceeding with my decisions solemnly.

The human POWs are obediently engaged in agricultural work such as cultivating the land.

They have strong principles, and if they are pushed too far, they may starve to death to carry them out.

To make sure that they don’t have to, we haven’t asked them to do anything unreasonable.

The reason for this is that they are working for reasons that make sense to them to some extent.

And only humans are allowed to interact with the POWs.


We need them to be their labor force, so we’re not provoking them unnecessarily.

Not only that, but there is even the possibility that the beastmen on watch could be harmed if they became desperate due to humiliation.


At the end of the day, while Mil and I were relaxing in our room, Kiara came in.

Whenever Mil really wanted to occupy me, Kiara would sense it and not come to the room.

It seems to be a signal for the two of them…

Well, I don’t mind as long as they don’t fight.


As the three of us were chatting about something trivial, the topic turned to the labor of the prisoners.

Mil’s face was either shocked or impressed.


“Al is really good at putting people in bad situations if they don’t move.”


That’s a terrible thing to say.


“I don’t know if I’m good at it or not, but… there’s no point in pushing them into a corner unnecessarily. It’s not about revenge. If I can get them to do what I want with little tricks, then I don’t have to spare any effort.”


“Since you’ve allowed yourself to be so disconnected from the beastmen, you don’t think they’re going to join you in the future, do you?”


I couldn’t help but chuckle.


“I don’t think so, their ideology is too extreme.”


“What are you going to do then?”


I raised my hands in a pose of surrender.


“Honestly, there’s nothing I can do. The worst that can happen is that they’ll be wiped out. I hope we don’t have to…”


Mil looked a little sad.


“Coexistence is impossible with such claims…”


“They have been discriminating against them based on custom, but they don’t have a clear sense of discrimination against them. It’s only when it’s a matter of life and death that they start to think twice. That would be ideal. “


Kiara looked at me and sighed.


“You don’t think that will happen, do you, brother?”


I shrugged my shoulders with a look of helplessness.


“People who live in a world where violence is the norm are afraid of violence when they are weak. People who have lived with the common sense of discrimination are afraid of it when they are in a weak position. In fact, it’s more satisfying for them to be discriminated against.”


Mil and Kiara looked at each other.


Mill looked at me as if to say, “Explain it properly”.

I can’t help it, it’s the world of the human mind, you know.

I open my mouth with a little wry smile.


“The values of those who discriminate are created based on discrimination. They can understand and adapt to who discriminates against whom. Equality is a weird thing for them to understand.”


Mil looked as if she understood.


“It’s kind of a sad value system.”


Actually, it’s not so sad.

I shook my head.


“It’s natural to them. To them, we’re just a bunch of pathetic people who can’t decide who’s up and down and who they can’t get along.”



Mil’s face turned puzzled.


“So we’re not on the same page…”


“They can understand you, though… but we’re still not on the same page.”


“Maybe… we’ve been lucky so far?”


I gave her an indescribable look.


“It’s rare to see such pure human supremacy. That’s exactly what the apostles would crush if they caught sight of them.”


Mil’s face turned surprising.


“Why would they do that?”


I guess they were too impressed by the Fifth to think so.


“The Apostles like to use words like equality and righteousness, they want to be thought of well by others. Just think of them as little kids ruling the world.”


Mil and Kiara seemed to agree with my point of view.

The conversation drifted to the apostles.

They both have a history with them, so when they talk about it, I can’t help but get emotionally dragged into it.

We need to get back on topic…


“Back to the topic, maybe they’ll change their mind and become more realistic, but it’s hard to get our hopes up. We can’t put everyone at risk by hoping for those low odds.”


Kiara seemed to be concerned about the future.


“What do you think Dorius will do?”


“We don’t know much yet… but there are several possibilities. The best case scenario is that he loses control of the beastmen and runs away. In most cases, the beastmen will be forced into a corner and will not have enough time to attack. The worst case is…”


Kiara’s face turned grim as I stopped speaking.


“Is the worst-case scenario is something difficult to say?”


It’s not like it’s hard to say, but… it’s a tough story to tell.

But I’ll tell her.

I opened my mouth in an unenthusiastic manner.


“They’ll work with the demons. They’ll have them attack us in the name of avenging the death of their commander in the previous battle.”


Kiara didn’t seem to understand what was stopping me from saying that.


“I can understand that, but… what is your brother worried about?”


“Just after the Kriemhild’s tribesmen arrived.”


Kiara seemed to have realized something.


“Ahhhh… I’m sorry for being such a bad sister.”


I chuckled and waved my hand.

You’re overreacting.


“No, there’s no need to apologize. Aside from Kriemhild, an attack from the enemy demon tribe right after the migration would cause dissatisfaction and anxiety in the tribe, which would lead to social instability. We would have to fight the instability inside and the attacks from outside at the same time. It would be troublesome if the demon tribes that migrated here felt victimized by us. If that happens, mutual distrust will accelerate. In addition, we don’t know the strength of the enemy demons, but it will be troublesome for us too. It’s a battle where I don’t have any information about our opponent.”


Mil looked up above.


“Is there anything we can do to prevent this from turning into a worst-case scenario? “


“If we don’t do anything, it could happen. That’s why we need to do something. It has to do with the thing we’re going to tell them in secret.”


A question seemed to appear in Mil and Kiara’s heads.


I yawned without tension.


“I’ll tell you about it when the Kriemhild gets here. Don’t worry too much about the worst-case scenario. We haven’t pushed them to the point where they lose their reason.”

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