Published at 26th of April 2023 05:41:49 AM

Chapter 79: First of all, I'm discouraged.

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How did this happen, I muttered to myself.

The other day, I made contact with the Purple Demon Lord and decided to gather information to gain his trust.

The other party was the Demon Lord who had left the biggest mark in the world, and if I provoked him too much, there was a possibility that this Taze would turn into a battlefield.

Ilias, who had made up his mind to protect us, was left feeling uneasy, and we also lost our main weapon to fight with.

It's not that I'm taking this on half-heartedly, but...

What's wrong with you? Do I have something on my face?

No, you're beautiful.

Well, I'm flattered, aren't I?

I'm currently having lunch with the Purple Demon King.

It was the morning of the day after the strategy meeting, a merchant from Quama, through Mr. Van, visited the Kuro Wolf village and asked for permission to open a store in Taze to sell local products.

At present, Mr. Ban's trading house is in charge of all trade with the Kuro Wolf Tribe, but it does not have a monopoly on all of it.

Even if Mr. Ban's place is sufficient for Taze's trading house, this kind of opportunity will be beneficial for the Kuro Wolves when it comes to trading Quama products.

From the perspective of the Tarzan nation, the Kuro Wolves are citizens of their territory, and they want to give them a certain amount of freedom as long as they don't cause excessive losses to domestic commerce.

Therefore, the country is willing to accept the proposal, and will contact the Kuro Wolves' village at an early stage to set up an appointment.

Incidentally, this is the person who was chosen to be the bridge between the two, a person from another world.

The plan was to get acquainted with the merchant first in order to make contact with the Purple Demon King, and then take him out with us when we went to the Kuro Wolf Forest.

However, the Purple Demon Lord unexpectedly accompanied me. I was surprised.

The one who was surprised was me. There was a good chance that he would show up at the business meeting, but I thought he would wait until the negotiations didn't go well or until we could come up with something more concrete, but I was wrong.  

Incidentally, the merchant's name was Tolt, and he was a friend of the Purple Demon King.

He didn't look like a puppet at first glance, he looked like a man who was eager to do business.

But there was something odd about him. He started off politely, but then the Purple Demon King suddenly interrupted him.

'Hey Tolt? It's a good idea to have a good idea of what you're looking for.

It's a good idea to have a good idea of what's going on in your life.

He left the purple demon lord alone, saying he would immediately go to the inn to gather the information.

He seemed to be a simple, light-hearted merchant, but to us, he seemed to be doing as he was told, which was quite frightening.

In the end, I had hoped to create a seat for us, our guards, and the Purple Demon King, but that was completed on the first day.

The remaining Purple Demon King seemed to be strangely interested in us for some reason, and invited us to lunch.

And now, although he's a bit shadowy, Ecdysium is standing right beside me.

"By the way, the woman who was by your side the other day, I thought she was also your guard, but she's not today, is she?

"Yes, I usually ask this E.C.D. to guard me. She's more skilled with a sword, but there are only so many places you can go when you're not with a man.

Eckdruk bows lightly, not letting on any hostility or caution, which is a really good sign.

It's a very good thing that you don't have to be hostile or cautious. You can call him by his nickname, "Edo", just to be safe.

I've already contacted Mr. Ban, Wolfe and the others to have them call me that.

I can't hide my name, so I'm using it properly.

From the information I got from Ecdysium, Rahite didn't know my name, and I have a countermeasure, so I think it's safe.

If I were to ask him to call me by my nickname out of the blue, he would notice, and if I were to use the alias I've just thought of, it would be fatal if he were to be able to see through my lies like a Yugoslavian priest.

I thought you two were close, since you both smelled of alcohol at the time.

I would say close, because I recognize you as a reliable bodyguard. 

By the way, are you married, ......?

"No, I'm not married. I don't have a girlfriend.

Oh, you're a nice guy, aren't you?

They ask me a lot of questions, but only about my personal interests and position.

He doesn't seem to be trying to figure out if I'm from Earth, and so far he hasn't called me by name.

The Purple Demon Lord's power of cajoling requires that you call out the person's name in front of them, so I've told Exoik to be on the lookout for any such signs, whether he succeeds or not.

I wonder if she's making a habit of not using her power carelessly, just as I usually avoid using the first person.

The only name she calls out is Torto's, and when she refers to Ban, she uses the phrase 'the master of the mansion' even though she should know his name.

"Would you like to join our escort?

"No, thank you. Just act like I'm not here.

"Really? It's kind of bad for the guards, isn't it?

It's my job.

I'm not sure if this is a good idea, but I'm sure it's a good idea.

In the event that you have any questions regarding where and how to use the internet, you can call us at the web site.

When our eyes meet, he smiles at me with a very gentle face.

It's quite destructive, and unlike the gold demon king who looks like a child, she looks genuinely mature and s*xy.

Is he free after this? If you don't mind, I'd like you to show me around the city.

Yes, of course. But is Mr. Torto all right?

No, he's my friend. He's married. There's nothing wrong between you and me, okay?

Hmm, that's still a favor, isn't it?

Even though I was nice to him the day before, I wonder if he likes me this much?

I'm usually very good at gauging the distance between me and others, but this time it's going to throw me off kilter.

If I had a sensitivity of about 10 when I met him, I feel about 90 now, but I had almost no information about him.

I wonder if his sensitivity has risen since then, or if it's too high.

We should assume that he's up to something, that he's already gathered enough information to find out who we are from the Iliad?

I'm starting to have a mild distrust of people.

I'm sure you'll be happy to know that I've got a spare pair of shoes for you, but you can choose your own if you like.

"Well, if you're going to be in Tarz for a while, you'll probably be doing a lot of shopping, so I'll show you around.

And then we walked together through the city, but for some reason he was holding me by the arm, his gaze was on me.

"Um, Yukari?

What's wrong?

No, it's just that ...... you're so close.

Is that so?

This is a great way to make sure you are getting the most out of your time and money.

That's not possible. I don't have that kind of skinship with Tolt-san or Exdoik.

If you don't mind, Yukari, that's fine.

Yes, it's fine. It would be preferable, wouldn't it?

I'm not sure what to make of this, but I think it's a good idea.


I'm not sure if I'm already being manipulated.

Your friend is very popular. He seems to be confused, so I'm sure he's fine.

I'm sure you're right. If you're being manipulated, there's no reason to resist. ...... No, I'm not.

In the event you're not sure what to do, there are a few things you can do.

You'll be amazed at how well they get along, the only time I've ever seen them walk so close is when they're dealing with a drunk Lakra.

He's walking with me while his arms are crossed, a little awkwardly, but he doesn't seem to mind.

He is currently being followed by Mixu-sama, who has cast an invisibility spell and a presence-blocking spell on him to keep him unnoticed.

He carries a sword of the same size as his usual one, which is light and a bit unreliable, since it has a magic seal embedded in it.

I'm sure you'll be pleased to know that I'm not the only one who has a problem with this.

I'm not sure if that's a face that will be accepted by ...... demon lords.

In the event that you have any questions concerning where and how to use the internet, you can call us at the web site.

He is usually unsympathetic and sometimes shows anger towards me and Lakra, while his expression doesn't change much with Wolfe, except for a ...... gentler tone.

I think his expression was a little softer when he was talking to Kara and the merchant van.

Oh, the other day when he was talking about the cat in the original world, his expression was very gentle.

If he had that look on his face on a regular basis, he would have been a more likeable young man.

Your friend's refreshing smile was quite powerful, but he hasn't shown any signs of it yet.

What's that? I've seen him smile a lot, but all of his smiles look like he's got a bad temper. .......

I can think of a few instances where he's smiling normally, but I've never seen anything like that.

I'm curious, but ...... now is not the time for that.

It's a good idea to be aware of your surroundings, look in the shadows, gaps in buildings, windows, etc. to make sure no one is watching you.

According to Ecdysius, some subordinate demons do not have an ego, but are always at the side of their ruler as part of their role.

It is no wonder that the Purple Demon King, who can control all the demons in the Mejis demon world, has one or two demons lurking nearby.

I don't see anything unusual so far, except for him and the Purple Demon King.

I'm sure you're right, but you never know when you'll be alone with him. Let's keep our heads up.

The two of them went to a shoe store.

They picked out a pair of shoes together, and she bought a pair for him to choose from.

Then they went to a clothing store, an ornament store, a general store, and so on.

Incidentally, there is also an Ex-Doik, but he is in the background.

It's like a rendezvous.

I'm sure the purple demon king is in a very good mood.

I think he's losing a lot of tension, and he seems to be interacting naturally.

It's a good idea to have a good idea of what you're looking for.

I'd like to spend a holiday like this with my friend. We can talk about your brother for hours.

I don't think he can take it, but let's not mention that.

Maybe I should invite him to go to the weapon shop next time, just the two of us.

After showing him around the stores, he walked around the market and looked at the stalls.

It's hard for me to navigate through the crowds because I have invisibility spell on me. .......

I have to be aware of the pedestrians around me at all times or I'll bump into them, and Mixu and I are busy moving left and right.

It's a good idea to keep your distance from him, even in a crowded place. ......

I have a feeling he's using some sort of dispel magic around the three of them.

Are they not aware of that?

I'm sure they're aware of it, but it's on a small scale and I think they're trying to make it easier to walk through the crowd.

It's a convenient spell, and if it's simply a convenience as an escort, you have to realize that Exoik is one step ahead of you.

It's a good thing that he told me that I'm better than him in terms of ability, but I must be diligent and not complacent.

When I looked at him, his eyes would occasionally meet mine, and then he would put his hands over his ears.

What does that mean? ...... Oh, yes.

I immediately took out a piece of Equidike's chain.

He gave it to me to call him if I needed anything, but I had no idea how to use it, so I kept it in my pocket for now.

I wonder if I should put it to my ear.

"What are you doing in the crowd, move over the building.

Exoik's voice sinks into my bones through my chains, and since my mouth isn't moving, I'm sure he's sending me thoughts, which is handy.

"Sir Ratzel, is that from Lord Ecduke?

Yes, he wants us to move over a building with a good vantage point.

It's better that way. If anything goes wrong, we'll be on our feet.

We won't stand out, will we? - We're invisible, aren't we?

I'm not sure what to make of this, but I'm going to listen to the instructions from Exoik.

I'm not sure what to make of that.

In the event that you're looking for the best way to get the most out of your business, you're going to want to make sure that you're getting the most out of your business.

I'm using an exorcism spell to avoid instinctively and to make it more difficult to recognize consciously. I'm using it after confirming that with both of you, so that I can walk easily in this crowd. I don't want to be ripped off if I run into someone I know. If you follow them consciously, there is no problem, but if you take your eyes off them for too long, you might lose them, so keep an eye on them.

I'm sure you're aware of that.

I'm not sure if I'm going to be able to do that.

"I'm heading to the north square for a break.

It looks like they've started moving.


I found myself doing a fair amount of shopping.

It's fortunate that he can hold it in one hand, whether he's being careful or doesn't want to have his arms blocked.

The purple demon king sits down on the couch and takes a breath.

I'm sorry, aren't you? You must be tired from being dragged around.

"It's not so much the walking as the strain of being with you.

Oh, did you not like being with me?

"It's just been a while since I've treated a woman as a woman.

The Iliad and the Iliad are mainly friends, and they don't tend to think of each other as members of the opposite s*x.

Of course, they are careful about things like bathing and changing clothes at home, but that is for their own protection.

The only people who are conscious of me as a man are Lakra, Mixu, and the Golden Demon King.

Mixu seems to be boyish, and the Golden Demon King seems to be a bit of a chatterbox.

Lakra is the most feminine of them all, but it's hard to be aware of her because she's stuck in a bad friendship.

It's hard to find someone who is conscious of being a man and also conscious of being a woman.

When I was thinking about this, the Purple Demon King leaned over and leaned on my shoulder.

I'm not sure if you ...... are hiding anything from me.

I'm not sure what you mean.

I can feel that your feelings are fluctuating just as I feel for you. I can feel that your feelings are fluctuating in the same way that I feel for you, but I get the feeling that you're thinking about something else, and that's what's bothering you, isn't it?

This ...... seems a bit tasteless.

It's true that I've been thinking too much. I should have been genuinely thrilled, but I've been constantly wondering if there's something else going on behind the scenes.

I'm sure you'll notice if you've been reacting that way all day. .......

I usually have a habit of thinking about things, you know, trivial things.

So ...... are you the one who lies to me?

Yes, if I have to. Don't you like lies?

I'm willing to be fooled by your lies.

It's hard to feel the distance, it's very hard to feel.

But he likes me, even if it's just for show, so I think it's okay to be a little more approachable.

I'd like to ask you, what is the reason why you are so open to me, Yukari?

"Oh, you want to know such a trivial thing?

I've never been liked so much by a person without compensation.

Isn't it enough that you helped me in my time of need and didn't ask for my name ......?

It feels like a minute to me.

I've done everything I've ever wanted or needed through other people. ...... No one refuses my requests, so there are very few people who can give me something regardless of my will. You know?

I'm sure you're referring to the power of cajoling, which is quite an in-depth subject.

It's true that the Purple Demon Lord, who can control everyone, will always have his will, and that's the way it's always been.

If she calls out to someone, he will help her as she wishes.

If you think on this premise, is it indeed rare for someone to offer salvation from outside of her own will?

If so, it means that she has never had a proper relationship with others.

Yes, you don't have to change your mind to see the resemblance.

"It's--it's like life is fading away.

"Yes, it's very lonely. I can't get enough of it, can I?

She must be another person who is fed up with life.

Normal people, when they get the power to manipulate others freely, are happy to use it a lot, to fulfill their endless desires.

She knows how difficult it is to build relationships with others, and how much work it takes to be able to manipulate them freely.

But she doesn't have that awareness, she doesn't have much of an emotional connection with people.

So that's why she even seeks discomfort from the "curse of hierarchy".

If there is no excessive stimulation, it won't touch her heart, her world has faded to that extent.

If you take into account her life before she became a Demon Lord, she probably lived a secluded life with no opportunity to interact with others.

After becoming a Demon Lord, she is in an overwhelmingly easy mode, and the only people who can influence her are the same Demon Lord and Seiya Yukura.

This is the reason why he continued to seek something and get what he could, and the result is that he created the world's largest demon world.

...... Let's cut off our thoughts once and for all, any longer and we'll get into our positions.

How was your day?

"Well, ...... I could see you clearly. I hope you enjoyed it. Can I ask you again?

"Yes, of course, and I'll arrange for you to go with me to the Kuro Wolf Village. I'm sure the liaison who went to the village will be back today or tomorrow.

Yes, I'm looking forward to that too.

That's how I left Yukari today.

The first place we went to was one of the rooms in the castle, the place Marito had told us to come to when we were done today.

We were going to be inspected to make sure that we and Exduk were not under the influence of the power of the Caged.

The inspection lasted for over an hour, and they would check our inner magic and ask us various questions.

As she underwent this rigorous examination, the realization that she was one of the most terrifying demon lords in the world came back to me.

She is a heretic to this world. I felt very sad about that.


I leave him and return to the inn.

Tolt was immersed in his work as instructed, and I gave him detailed instructions about resting, since I didn't want him to collapse from insomnia.

I sank into the bathtub and thought about the day.

I didn't expect to see him again so soon.

I could hear his name, and I could be with him all day.

He said that life would seem to fade away.

The words fit so well, most of the scenes I recall from the past don't seem to have any color.

The only scenes I can remember vividly are the ones that made me taste pain.

My memories of the time before I became a demon lord are like an old book soaked in water.

From a single word that he suddenly spoke, I think he had a rough idea of my background.

"Hmm, I wonder how much he understands me?

I'm slightly convinced that he's hiding something.

This is not the power of a demon lord, but perhaps a natural instinct from his human life that he hasn't used in a long time.

Perhaps if I ponder it now, it will be easier to come to a conclusion.

No, you don't have to do that, you can just use the power of cajoling and get it done with a single command.

But it would be a shame to do that.

If he ends up being your loyal puppet, that's it.

You'll have the satisfaction of having him in your hands, and you might even be able to love him afterwards.

But the feeling I was enjoying now, the feeling of wanting him, would end.

Normally, the moment I heard his name, I would not hesitate to use him as a puppet, but this time, I held back.

It's frustrating, it's stubborn, but it's good.

I also appreciate his lackadaisical reaction, everything is fun.

But then I wondered how long this relationship would last.

He is the one who was introduced to the country as a bridge for Tolt to go to the village of the Kuro Wolves.

In other words, once the negotiations with the Kuro Wolves are done, the contact with him will fade away, won't it?

You may still be able to see him after that, but he may not come to see you anymore.

That's ...... disgusting.

The shadows around you stir at the same time as the Purple Demon King lets out a voice filled with emotion.

It's a good idea to have a good idea of what you're looking for.

The Purple Demon King cannot and will not understand this.

The purple demon lord can not and will not understand this, because he is only a being that does exactly what he is ordered to do.

I'm sure you'll be able to find something that works for you. I'll give you permission to go wild and use your powers to your fullest.

The shadows stirred again, then returned to their original form.

In the silence where the demons disappeared and there was not even a hint of them, the Purple Demon King continued to stare at the ceiling with a blank face.

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