King of Mercenaries - Chapter 178

Published at 14th of June 2023 05:22:42 AM

Chapter 178: Failed solicitation

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Marin left Huffman's estate this time to return to Texel, and his family was not with him. Because spring ploughing has begun, both the old Huffmans and Adlers have to go to the ground to supervise and even help.

As for the three little ones, they were happy to follow Texel, but the old Huffman was not allowed. Because, Simon and Albert are both old enough to practice martial arts and equestrian. If these two little ghosts ran to Denborg, Marin would be busy again and would have no time to manage them. Therefore, the old Huffman was worried that they were playing mad and could not contact Wu Yi. Moreover, even when studying, Marin didn't have time to teach them. At home, Mrs. Mary can teach them to read when she has time. Annie is the same. Although girls do not need to practice martial arts and equestrian, they also need to learn from Mrs. Mary.

So Marin could only take Angela back to Den Burg ...

However, halfway through, Marin suddenly remembered that he had a serious shortage of talent. So he decided to recruit some talents ...

Where are the talents? University, of course!

However, in this era there were not many universities throughout Europe. In the German region, the four most famous are the four universities-Prague Charles University, WYN University, Cologne University, and Heidelberg University.

As for the famous universities such as Göttingen University, it has not yet been established. Moreover, these universities, for now, are liberal arts schools. Not only that, theology majors are the first and most important disciplines of these universities. Then came the disciplines of law, humanities, and medicine. Of course, not every university has medicine. Because, in this era, medicine has not received much attention.

Marin now controls five big islands and needs at least two dozen administrative personnel. However, at present he only has 5 educated management talents, which is not enough. Moreover, of these 5 people, only Heidel Lehmann is a college student, and the others have read books for several years. They are not really talents, they just make sense.

Moreover, for such a long time, no university student took the initiative to rely on him. Even college students of civilian origin did not turn to him. The only university student official in the archipelago, Haider, was left by Marin when Heder traveled by this side.

Thinking that he would need to have his own civil servants in order to win a country in the future, Marin was even more eager to obtain talents who were loyal to himself.

If you do not have a group of educated talents, you have to cooperate with the local aristocracy even if you occupy the East Frisian Land. Because, in general, only children of nobles are generally educated. The majority of civilians are illiterate.

It is precisely because of the monopoly on culture and education that the aristocracy has always been prosperous. In Europe, it was not until the powers of the 19th century began to implement universal compulsory education that the aristocratic monopoly on knowledge was broken. Then, Britain and other countries began to study Huaxia and conduct civil service examinations. Since then, the status of the aristocracy has fallen sharply and can no longer be played.

The Huaxia in the East and Europe have always been very different. Because of the emergence of Confucius, we have promoted "no teaching but no class". Therefore, many of China ’s richer civilians also have the opportunity to receive education. After the imperial examinations were introduced in the Sui and Tang Dynasties, the monopoly of the aristocracy on official positions was suddenly broken. Then, the nobility became an awkward existence in the feudal dynasty of China.

With the same title, treatment is different in Europe and China. For example, during the Tang Dynasty, although a state official could seal up to 10,000 households, there were actually a maximum of 1,000 households. And the so-called "ten thousand households" are just false seals, and the honor is higher than the actual.

In Europe, except for those who are not favored, a duke has hundreds of thousands of people. Tensions and tens of thousands of vassal people are normal. Even a baron, like Marin, now has a population of 16,000 and thousands of families, which is more affordable than the Duke of China. Because, the Duke of Huaxia has sealed up to 1,000 households. Moreover, even if there are thousands of households, they only have the right to collect taxes and no management rights.

It can be said that during the same period, the Chinese Grand Duke of China did not necessarily have the same benefits as the powerful and bared barons of Europe during the same period. Of course, this cannot be said. Because of the gap in agricultural productivity between China and Europe, even if the number of acres is similar, the output of China's acres is much greater than the European income in the same period ...

The reason for this phenomenon is that because of the large number of Chinese scholars and the advent of the imperial examination system, the importance of nobility was greatly reduced.

However, the ancient Chinese monarch could conditionally select talents from civilians, while Europe was unlikely. Because, education in Europe is basically controlled by nobles and churches. The vast majority of educated people are either nobles or priests.

The priests are members of the church, and Marin cannot recruit them. As for those nobles, let alone. Perhaps, those dukes, counts, etc., are more likely to solicit cultural nobles. But a baron in Marin district wanted to recruit talented noble children-it was a dream ...

However, according to Heidel, although most of the University of Cologne he graduated from were noble children and priests, they also had a small number of civilian children. These civilian children usually come from the families of merchants or the families of rich landowners in the countryside.

Moreover, in this era, many children of nobles went to college, not necessarily because of their ability to enter the university, but because of family relationships. But those ordinary children are basically admitted to the university by their ability. Therefore, the civilian children who can go to college are basically talented people.

To this end, Marin moved his mind, turned a corner in the halfway, went to Cologne, prepared to kidnap a few civilian college students to work for himself ...

After coming to Cologne, Marin first visited the business partner Wright, and then, through Wright's relationship, sent someone to enter the University of Cologne to understand the situation.

Later, at noon on Sundays (Sunday morning, college students also go to church to pray), Marin took out a huge wooden board with the words "Recruitment" and erected it at the entrance of the civilian dormitory area of ​​the Cologne Law School and moved Come to a table and start preparing to recruit ...

Unexpectedly, Marin's move was too advanced to be accepted by the times. Therefore, at noon, many college students came to watch, but they didn't come up to apply for jobs ...

After waiting for two or three hours in a row, I did n’t have any college student come to apply for it, not even consulting ...

The cold sweat on Marin's head dripped ...

"Nima, why are you so sad?" Marin was sweating inside.

However, Marin has no experience. In fact, in this era, college students are very rare species, comparable to giant pandas.

College students are so scarce that they certainly don't worry about work. Generally, these college students were recruited by many nobles before they graduated. Even civilian college students have no worries that there is no way out after graduation.

Putting up a sign in college is like recruiting people. Marin really thinks about it. Beginning in the new century, colleges and universities have expanded their enrollment every year, making college students as dogs as possible, making it difficult to find a job after graduation. Therefore, at that time, a vertical sign in the university can attract college students.

What is special is this is the Middle Ages, there are fewer college students than pandas, and Marin can recruit people to the vertical sign, it is just a brain kicked by a donkey ...

In this era, a small aristocrat like Marin wanted to recruit a college student, or he just happened to meet like Heidel, and then boarded the ship. Or, like Liu Bei's three visits to Maolu, he had to come to the door many times to draw in order to invite college students. After seeing the college students of Jinghua in the early 1980s, Jun basically went directly to the state ministries and commissions, and went to the place even if they were poorly mixed ...

Marin seemed to remember the actual situation of this era, so he changed his strategy and began to visit the civilian college students. However, it is also very difficult.

The reason is very simple. They think the Marin title is too low ...

Yes, the title is too low ...

University students at the University of Cologne believe that ~ ~ Marin, a small baron, can provide a few important positions? When Marin stated that they were hired to manage the villages and towns on the island, these arrogant college students turned their backs on them ...

Because these medieval arrogants think that at least letting them manage city-level areas is considered their identity. For example, the post of Mayor of Denmark, where Marin is located, may attract these pride. However, Marin's territory can only be regarded as a city, and it is only Dengbao. The current mayor, Haider, himself graduated from the University of Cologne. Therefore, Marin cannot provide more good positions.

Therefore, Marin's come to the University of Cologne to recruit talents is a complete failure ...

Of course, if Marin wins the East Frisian State, he will be able to provide a lot of high-level positions. However, he can't always say this to students at the University of Cologne. If you say it, it will definitely spread, and then it will cause the vigilance of East Friesland, maybe it will be preemptive ...

Therefore, the depressed Marin can only cancel this solicitation. After winning the East Frisian Land and becoming the Earl, there will be enough confidence to recruit these medieval arrogants ...

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